Wednesday, June 7, 2023

30lbs down; feeling like a bad ass πŸ’…πŸ½

Holy shit. I am beyond words. I really did not believe in myself to be able to get this far and I kept convincing myself that it was just water weight. Last time I weighed this weight was in March 2022. It hasn't been super easy for me but it hasn't been extremely hard either.

I'm most excited for my second incentive which is an Aquarium day. I love touching jelly fish and sharks and sting rays and getting rewarded for weight loss just keeps me motivated.

On the downside I still have to change my workout playlist from 'plz be hot by 26' to 'plz be hot by 27' since I'm not where I want to be yet. I have a long road ahead of me but I'm excited for the adventure (hobbit ass bitch).

To my body: I love you, thank you for allowing me to move the way I want to and waking me up every day. I'm losing weight for you babe 🀍🫢🏽

I really hope I'm at the word count

submitted by /u/grgshbo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

I thought I'd lost a meaningful amount of weight, but the people around me disagree

I have lost a lot of weight, or at least I think I did. Two specialists I see post-COVID are telling me to lose more, and I was under the impression I did so pretty quickly? But since no one has acknowledged it but my SO and childhood best friend, I'm starting to think they're right. This isn't me fishing for compliments, either, though I know it will sound like it is. It's not just that they're not noticing, it's that it wasn't good enough while struggling with long COVID at the same time, like the loss was important and only weight loss. I also still can't exercise. It's a whole debate I don't wanna get into. I do not want to argue if PEM is legit.

Relevant to mention I had a recent stroke - due to low oxygen and not regular hypertension which I never had even while obese before - which makes communicating so much harder. If I communicated this badly, I'm sure that you're right. When they communicate, I can't tell the tone or intention anymore. I can't tell when someone is being sarcastic, gaslighty, or are entirely correct (and I am not).

I threw up an imgur thread from where I started trying. The stroke was in September.

submitted by /u/sunshineparadox_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 24 kg (55 lbs) as of today! I am not that happy because I still have to lose around 20 kg more and been battling with some health issues lately, but this seems like something!

I am a 26+ woman with hypothyroidism and PCOS, so weight has always been troublesome for me. At a point I gave up on myself and didn’t even see a doctor anymore. Then, last year I finally managed to see a doctor and found out that I weighed 104 kg (230 lbs). I couldn’t imagine that I have passed the threshold of 100 kg, but it was obvious as I already started having issues like sleep apnea and drooling while sleeping. My gynaecologist put me on metformin+inositol and asked me to lose weight asap.

I initially started the journey with keto as I have had success with it during my early 20s, but soon felt that I couldn’t eat my traditional foods and that sucked. So, I changed to a moderate carb (80-100g) diet with focus on protein. And, I subscribed to LoseIt to track my calories. I thought I would stop seeing weight loss after changing my diet, but the calories in/calories out thing did work for me.

As of now, I eat a moderate protein, moderate carb diet, sometimes I have a bit more carbs, all thanks to being diagnosed with gastritis in April. I have also found out that I have a fatty liver and a kidney cyst, weight loss is unavoidable at this point.

To date, I have lost weight through diet alone, but now it’s time to make my body work. So, from next week I have decided to join a gym, as it’s too hot to walk outside right now in my city. No progress pictures as I am still insecure about my body, and I like the anonymity.

Hoping to lose 15 more kgs (33 lbs) by the end of this year.

submitted by /u/Affectionate_Ad5955
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My clothes are too big! But it’s kinda a problem? NSV?!

I (24F) 5”9/176cm SW: 89kg CW: 78kg GW: 70kg have lost a fair bit of weight over the past 4 months and I am really happy with my progress. I’ve lost 11kg with my goal of losing 8kg more. I’ve been doing CICO (1700 per day) and I also exercise a lot (because I like it) such as running/swimming/biking to work/sport. I don’t eat the calories back from exercise (unless I’m super duper hungry).

I have lost 7kg with CICO/exercise specifically since March, and the other 4kg naturally after changing my diet and quitting sugar last October.

My problem is actually not with shirts… all this exercise has beefed up my shoulders… but my pants, especially my work pants, are all MASSIVE on me now and they look really silly.

Since I still have 8kg to go, I have no idea what to do since getting them tailored would be pointless. I also don’t really want to buy new clothes because they will end up not fitting me too.

What have you guys been doing on your weight loss journey for clothes that don’t fit you anymore, but you still need / like?

submitted by /u/Stelljanin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I am a recovering addict who would really appreciate some advice on where to start in weight loss

Hello I'm sorry if this is the wrong place for this post I will take it down if that is the case!

I am a 23 year old female, 5'7 and currently 196 pounds. I was addicted to opiates as a teenager and other narcotics (I don't know if it is appropriate to specify) as I began my twenties. I have been clean from opiates for about 4 years now but the rest I only have a year sober.

After getting clean I started using food and alcohol as a comfort which of course resulted in me gaining a lot of weight. I was always around 120-130 pounds as an addict which was also unhealthy and I have no delusions about being able to be that weight again. But my body is starting to hurt, my esteem is in the gutter and I want to do something about it.

I have stopped drinking as I know this is a hindrance and am on 7 days of no alcohol. I have also stopped going out for fast food and deleted my delivery apps. I used to run cross country as a kid and so I tried to start running again but it is hard and hurts my knees. I am also trying to calorie count without letting my bad habits of yesteryear (disordered eating) reenter my life. I would so appreciate any advice on how to begin this journey safely and healthily. I want to feel good in my body and mind without using substance or food as a coping mechanism. If anyone has any YouTubers with at home fitness routines they recommend or books or anything I would really really appreciate it. I would also greatly appreciate any advice if anyone has gone through something similar. Thank you very much in advance.

submitted by /u/MerricatBlackwood6
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lose It App

I have just started my weight loss journey. I have always worked out, but even with increased intensity and time spent at the gym, my scale hasn't moved. My friends suggested an app called “Lose It.” (Full disclosure: it’s $19.99/year, but there may be other similar apps that are free.) It has really opened my eyes to my caloric intake (who knew daily vitamins had calories?) Anyway, I’ve lost 1.8 pounds this week already! I just wanted to suggest this app for anyone whose scale doesn’t seem to be moving!

submitted by /u/SoulTired1982
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I don't believe weight loss is possible for me (long history of weight struggles)

This is the story. I have battled my weight my entire life. Since the age of 4 I was already 66 pounds and ''gaining easily''. The family doctor I had at the time told my Mother to out me on a diet. My weight was doing okay as I was only very mildly chubby but in sports (soccer) between the ages of 9 to 14. But seemingly overnight my weight ballooned to 180 pounds by 15. I ate junk food at this time but so did the majority of my friends and they had no issue with their weight.

To attempt to stop further gain I resorted to unhealthy means and began starving myself, vomiting, taking diet pills and using laxatives... this reduced by weight to 150 pounds by 19. At 5'7 that was a normal weight. Not a glamorous weight but I was no longer in double sizes and felt like everyone else. This lasted for about two years until I ended up in the ER for heart palpitations from the body abuse to maintain that weight. The doctor became concerned and told me I had to change my lifestyle. I did and began to eat healthy food exercise and stopped the dietary abuse. But... by the end of the year of ''healthy living'' I had put on 7 pounds. I thought no big deal.

But sadly the 7-10 pounds weight gained continued every year despite the embrace of health. By 26 I was 180 pounds again and by 30 I was 200!

I am now 33 and 215 pounds. I've been stuck at this exact weight for months. I exercise frequently, I eat low carb, I only have 1,400 calories. The majority of what I eat is plant based. But sadly for me the scale is not moving. It's been 7 months of being 215 pounds now. I tried ozempic last year but it didn't work. Doctors don't really know how to help. I do have a rarer manifestation of PCOS but I know several people who have PCOS who lost weight with ozempic.

I'm thinking I have some genetic based issues as well that cause easy fat storage. I don't believe weight loss is possible.

submitted by /u/softpitta
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from loseit - Lose the Fat