Thursday, June 8, 2023

Back to starting weight two years later

I started my weight loss journey in (well forever ago) June of 2021 after hitting my highest weight of 358.8 and feeling miserable after photos of a very memorable day.

I started to lose weight gradually and then in December of 2021 I started phentermine and topiramate, to help me lose weight. I was 341 pounds at that point.

My lowest weight I have recorded was 300.8 on August 2nd 2022. The last other recorded weight I have is 309 in the end of September 2022.

I since have been off the topiramate and phentermine, and have gone back up to my today reading of 348.6 pounds.

I feel absolutely miserable in my skin. Everything is worse than it was before, I have stomach fat that hangs down much lower than before. My arms are jigglier and harder to get into sleeves.

I guess overall I'm just wanting to vent but I really need to find a way to lose the weight again. Anyone who's still here reading, have you gone through this? Do I just need to start the meds again? Im afraid to go to the doctor again after gaining it all back.

submitted by /u/Hatchwagon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

People who underwent significant weight loss transformations, how did people react?

If you are someone who underwent a lot of weight loss, to the point where you transformed your whole appearance - how did people react and did they start treating you differently?

Was the weight loss so gradual that people didn't really notice you had lost a ton of weight? Or was there a random say where it just clicked in people's mind that "omg you look so different!"

How did people start you treating you? Was it any different to how you were treated when you were fat? Did you get more romantic interests? Better career/work impressions? Do you feel people like you a lot better now than before?

submitted by /u/prelimjourney23
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does alcohol on its own really hinder weight loss? Is there any okay amount?

My question is pretty simple: if I factor in a white claw or two and remain within my calorie count for the day, will it still slow down my weight loss?

I'm a newbie to weight loss/fitness, but getting serious about trying to get in shape and lose 10 pounds. I've cut down on my alcohol intake tremendously, which I definitely think has helped. I'm basically wondering if it will hurt my progress if I have 1-2 nights a week where I have a drink but stay within my calorie goal. I have a pretty good handle on self control, so I'm not worried about accidentally overeating or having more than one or two drinks on those days. Just wondering if I should treat alcohol like a dessert that I can have every now and then, or if it is something I need to avoid entirely.

I understand that every person is different, so I am curious to hear from people's varied experiences and not necessarily seeking a definitive answer.

submitted by /u/jneu97
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

This has been my Chrome home button for years and I've only just noticed.

So, I was obviously well aware of this subreddit or else I'd have never set it as my home button. Infact, I even made a weight loss post here 3 years ago. At some point several years ago during one of my many weight loss cycles, I set this sub as my homepage for motivation, and then completely forgot about it after I'd lost the weight, and it's returned to me now in my biggest moment of need.

I'm someone who's very obsessive as an individual, especially when it comes to food. This does make dieting easier once I get my head in check, but then comes close to ruining my life when I start eating, because I can't escape the endless cycle of binging. After moving in with my fiancée(last July), I've completely let myself go, and been quite literally unable to lose any weight. It's just been upwards on the scale. And when I say upwards, I mean an Everest made of lbs. The weight has gone from 200 to 340 in the space of a year. The motivation, however obvious it may be(such as health problems etc), just hasn't been there.

That is until today, when I go to click on the address bar and accidentally knock my mouse, which hits the home button(that honestly I didn't even know was there, it's such a small button and while it may be next to refresh, I hit F5 to refresh). I discovered this sub again. I've spent since Monday dieting which is 4 days more dieting than I've done since last year, but my biggest concern was being unable to stick to it and keeping my head screwed on.

The re-discovery of this sub might just be the push I need to keep it screwed on this time and let me lose the weight again, and most importantly, not put it back on this time. This will be the 4th time(hopefully) that I've put a load of weight on and lost it, and now I'm at the ripe age of 28, eventually I think my body just won't 'snap back' as well as it used to. This has to be the end point.

I've rambled completely on this, but basically, the tl;dr of it is, thanks for existing and hopefully we can all reach our goals.

submitted by /u/Howsonnn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hello! New to this sub. I just completed my first month of my weight loss journey.

I’m very happy with my progress so far. Basically CICO. I having been weighing everything that I eat and have found weighing in grams is the most accurate measurement. My average intake in 1150, I know that’s low but it works for me.

I’ve also been waking a lot (hard to do when you have a desk job!) average 14,500 steps per day.

The hardest part so far is making dinner for my family. I’m adding more sides for them but protein is the same. Any recommendations to stay on track and not gobble up bread and butter?

Starting weight 197, current weight 183, goal weight 128. 14 pounds lost this month.

I’m also F , 5’5 in height.

submitted by /u/chewy_pnt
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It's really frustrating to lose all progress just like this

I started my weight loss journey about 45 days ago. I was 205lbs and had reduced to 197lbs by the end of first month. I did it with prolonged intermittent fasting for 5 days/week. However, this week I had a marriage ceremony to attend to. I was involved in an eating frenzy since Friday till Wednesday(6 days) with absolutely no restrictions at all. I weighed in yesterday and discovered myself to be back to 203lbs. My body feels just like a sponge...soaking up everything in my foods and storing as fat.

I just can't believe that I lost all my progress in just 6 days. I am feeling largely demotivated. Why did it so happen? Whats wrong with my body? Is there anyone out there who gained back weight at such a fast rate

submitted by /u/EtsyNewb
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Am I being realistic?

So, I am a 35 year old, 5'1" female that weights 260 pounds. One motivation for my weight loss journey (at least when it's comes to a timeline) is my wedding date. I'm getting married on September 09, 2024, so about 15 months from now. My goal is to weigh between 115-125 pounds. I eat about 1300 calories a day to stay at a 1,000 calorie deficit. When I am no longer at that 1,000 calorie deficit, I will add in cardio and strength training to offset the difference, or at least as much as realistically possible. Is this goal doable, or am I being too idealistic? I just don't want to have unrealistic expectations and set myself up for failure.

submitted by /u/Jess_in_Neverland
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from loseit - Lose the Fat