Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Are my scales broke?

I weighed myself three days ago and I weighed 60.9kg, I weighed myself today and I weighed 59.5kg. I don't see how it's possible to lose weight that fast since I don't gain weight that fast and I haven't been doing anything differently.

Still on the same caloric deficit and still doing the same workout split, the only thing different is I've been eating less protein because I've not had an oven or a stove to use these few days, so I'm possibly losing muscle but I'm still eating around 60-80g which is a lot less but still good enough for my weight, I think.

My body still looks the same, I've took several photos throughout my weight loss journey but I can't see a difference compared to now and three days ago but to be honest I can't really see a difference in general, the only photo which shows me I've lost weight is the photo I took when I was 65kg.

submitted by /u/Fit-Huckleberry3787
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Drastic weight loss in first few days?

I (6'0, 24M) started my weight loss journey around 5 days back at 96.7kg(213lbs) and now I'm down to 94.6kg(208lbs) without any visible weight loss. Can someone please explain this? Also, this is the first time I'm dedicated towards losing weight. I've been limiting myself to around 1200-1300 Calories with a good intake of chicken, fish, eggs and pulses for protein. I've started going on walks/jogs for about 2 miles and then around 15-20 mins of high intensity body weight exercises everyday. I'm planning to slowly increase my distance/increase pace/reduce time of my jogs and increase duration and intensity of body weight workouts. Any tips for a beginner?

submitted by /u/Kingshrekthethird
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

What do you guys eat to lose weight?

I am a 22(F), I am 5’2 , and I am currently weighing 217lbs , I used to weigh 150 before I got pregnant with my first( now 3 years old). Then I had another baby now (17 months). They are both 18 months apart. I look at my old pictures and I just miss my old body. I hate looking at myself and looking at the mirror. I’ve spoken to my doctor about this as well and I am currently taking 300mg Wellbutrin , for postpartum depression and to help alittle with weight loss . I am also taking 2,000mg metformin hcl to help my metabolism . I’ve only lost 5lbs so far. I did lose 10ths but I gained 5 back. I really do try to limit what I eat but I feel like when I stress out I just eat. I’d like to know what you guys eat to help with weight loss to get ideas and create a healthy diet. I am also starting to exercise again but it can be hard chasing two toddlers around all day.

submitted by /u/Ok-Independent7770
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I dont look like I thought I would. Any one else feel this way?

In the beginning of your weight loss journey you have a vision of what you will look like and what you will feel like when you get to your goal! It motivates you, keeps you going. You go to the beach and think about how next summer you will look better and you keep pushing. But then the time comes and you are at your goal but you don’t look like you thought, and this is my struggle.

I’m 4’11 and 35. Starting weight was 245, current weight 145. Now don’t get me wrong I have confidence now that the weight is off. I get compliments more than ever and i can actually play outside with my kids. But when I’m alone right before I take a selfie or before I go to the beach. I stand and look in the mirror at everything that is wrong with my body, the person in the mirror is not the vision of me that was in my head. My stomach was suppose to be flat. I wasn’t suppose to have rolls still or stretch marks that take up my whole stomach. I wasn’t suppose to have love handles, I wasn’t suppose to have large flappy arms still or the thighs of someone who looks like the lost a lot of weight. And in that moment it’s hard to believe all the compliments I have received. It’s hard to be proud of myself and confident. And then usually after a few tears and some hopeful wishing, I get to the point I tell myself to shut the f*** up, stuff that thought in the back of my mind, hold my head high and rock the day like the boss lady I am!

submitted by /u/somewhatmagical03
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Muscle loss fat gain

So I'm pretty active, working in the Heat 8 hours a day, and try to make it to the gym, but end up getting relegated to once a week. I'm admittedly on a pretty heavy diet, planning to drop 2lbs a week, or -900 calories. It's been relatively easy to keep though. I don't feel like I'm really starving myself. Biggest issue is to not eat when bored or taste. I do drink a bit of my calories, as I'm just naturally inclined to want to drink something with flavor. But the crux of my issue is fat gain and muscle loss, with overall weight loss. I'm trying to figure out if it's a starvation or the lack of exercise. Your thoughts?

submitted by /u/TLunchFTW
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Looking for a weight loss buddy

Hi! I’m 22f, 171 cm and my weight is 76 kg (5’7’’; 167.5 lbs).

My main intention is to lose weight and strengthen my body because I feel like I’m physically weak. I want to do it only in a healthy way to maintain my results, so working out at home or gym, walking and healthy eating are my go-to methods.

Some random facts about me: - I lead a sedentary lifestyle since I work and study from home - I’ve attended fitness classes for 9 months but stopped because of some health issues - I’ve been trying to lose weight for as long as I can remember and I’m still struggling with it

If you also need someone who can support and motivate you, let me know

submitted by /u/anowwl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

So very close..

I've been on a weight loss journey for the better part of 4 years. I've had some ups and downs but 350 to 170. 30 lbs away from my goal. For this last pesky 30 lbs, I'm starting a second job. Heavy lifting in the heat. To do consistent exercise, i have to get paid lol and my main job is an office job. I'm hoping six months of manual labor will help me get this last bit off, thenn skin surgery! Because of healthcare being what it is, I will most likely go to Mexico to get it done. Does anyone have any experience with skin surgery abroad? I'm rooting for you all! If you fall off the wagon, no matter how long, get back on. I fell off for 18 months and got back heavily into my b.e.d. I lost all the regain plus 30 lbs.! I won't say there is "one right eating plan." I will say the closer you eat to nature and the lower the sugar, the better. I personally went low carb, making cravings and binging easier to maintain. Have had a relapse on b.e.d. since September last year. Constant workouts have always been a problem for me. When I lost the regain, I was working waffle house on my feet 10 hours overnight. I am really hoping the manual labor job I applied for will help get these last pesky lbs off, and I can finally say. I'm in maintenance mode, and I can say I did it. I can say I lost over 200 lbs in a home with a husband that hoards junk food in vast amounts while contending with b.e.d. Now, this has all been in conjunction with therapy. I would not have made it this far after getting back to good habits without starting therapy. Finally addressing everything that led to my b.e.d. in the first place. Night everyone!

submitted by /u/Low-Importance6743
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from loseit - Lose the Fat