Saturday, February 16, 2019

Is it actually a cheat day?

So my weight loss plan is eating in caloric deficit and that means 1200kcal/day since I'm a shorter gal and it has been working for me pretty okay I think.

I've been trying to lose weight for way to long so I got quite a lot habits out of it and lifestyle changes but the fear of messing up still remains. Today I decided that I want to "treat" myself with a cheat day kind of:

Pizza (770kcal) for lunch and tuna salad (max. 300kcal) for dinner. I still stay in my caloric deficit. Plus something sweet if there will be any calories left 😌.

So is it still a cheat day than? What are the consequences on my weight loss with this? Also I read that cheat days rise up your leptin levels and that helps with losing weight? How?


submitted by /u/anonimnadekla
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Help/Tips for someone who really wants to change but has no idea where to even start?

First of all, thank you for taking the time to read this. A quick little backstory about my journey with my weight:

I fell ill with an extremely rare and very painful autoimmune disease at the age of 16. Before then I was always active, fit, energetic, and just generally way happier. I was put on bed rest at age 16 when i first fell ill for 11 months. My family doctor just didn't know what else to do to help me. During this time i gained about 70 pounds and was(still am) in chronic pain. As the years progressed my autoimmune symptoms get worse and eventually i have changed my life style into one of little movement and bad, but quick, foods. I have gained a total of 130 pounds in 4 years.

Nothing much has changed except the reality of my unhealthy lifestyle. I realise that I need to change, pain or not, and that if I don't I risk harming my future self even more. I am especially scared of heart disease and diabetes since both sides of my family are rampant with them.

The problem is I have no idea where to even start. I have been living a life of depression and pain for 4 (almost 5) years and have completely lost my way. Gyms are very expensive in my city as well and I live in Northern Canada so we have cold weather & snow from Oct-April.

So, dear redditors, what are your suggestions for diet and exercise? What apps are good for helping keep on track? What can I do to start and what are some tips? What things have worked for you?

Also, any tips on loose skin during weight loss and best way to help it would be really appreciated.

I am currently 5'11 (180cm) and 285 pounds. I don't have a weight goal as it always makes me feel like I wont be able to reach it.. If i were to make one Id like to hit 200 pounds and then go from there.

Thank you again and sorry for such a long read.

submitted by /u/princessconundrum
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing weight - the right way! (But how do I start?)


Current Problem

Over the past year I've been in a slump (stopped exercising. started living in PJs, eating nothing but carbs, sugar, fried stuff). Also, I got depressed, started an SSRI, and also started stress-eating because of exams.

But it's time to CHANGE! I've gained 8kg over the past year! I no longer fit into most of my old outfits - and I can't really afford to get new clothes at the moment.

Also, I've moved up several Judo weight classes (which I used to do years ago). I'd like to lose weight and move back down before I one day get back into it.

But most importantly, I'd just like to start eating better and exercise for my own mental health, and energy levels.


Weight Loss Plan (Tentative)

Exercise: Moderate intensity running 30 min 3x/week, light walking 2 hours/day at work

*Calorie intake: 1400 daily (Breakfast 300, Lunch 450, Dinner 450, Snacking 200)

Height 153cm Weight 51kg



Kind Redditors of r/loseit , could you review my weight loss plan? Do you have any advice?

I'm basically looking for food suggestions which are filling and will keep energy levels up throughout the day.

I don't really want to be tired and get brain fog/hangry just for the sake of weight loss.

*Based on what I used to eat 2 years ago

submitted by /u/foxesandpumpkins
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is it normal for weight to fly off after a delayed period of minimal weight loss?

Hi everybody, I'm new here. I started calorie tracking fairly religiously at first, but have recently been a little lax on the information that I plug into MFP. I try to do my best estimating where I need to, but I've included pictures of my food log from MFP (can't export without premium).

The first week or so of tracking, I had a plateau on my weight loss, but this past week has been so ridiculous that I'm concerned my scale is broken due to the rate of loss. I was just wondering if this is normal.

(Food items in MFP labeled "filler" were none eaten, because MFP won't accept a diary fewer than 1200kcal intake.)

30M 6'6, SW:300lbs, CW:275lbs(if the scale is to be trusted), GW: 210lbs

Thank you for your input

submitted by /u/NewOrleansBrass
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Honestly how am I not fatter?

Ignore my flair, I'm currently 5'0", 149 lbs. I recently gained back 12 lbs since just over a year ago when I was at my lowest. I tell myself every day I will track in MFP and eat 1200 calories. I know exactly how weight loss works.

Then my day goes just like yesterday. I plan a healthy dinner, I avoid sweets at work, eat my packed lunch and after dinner I'm at my calorie goal. Yay I did it!

But then I decide that I must eat 2 poptarts, then some wheat thins with two different kinds of cheeses in triple what the portion size should be, and then TWO MORE POPTARTS. I do shit like this almost daily, if I'm being honest, and I probably would have eaten more if my SO wasn't home.

I think this is binge eating. I don't know why I self sabotage. Sometimes I think I use the excuse that I'm not that fat so whatever, keep chowing. I have a bday in the near future and I've fantasized about what I might binge on. I need to stop this. My only saving grace is, as the title states, I eat so much so often it's amazing that I haven't gained even more.

Idk what I'm looking for here. Kinda venting, kinda wallowing. Happy Saturday everyone.

submitted by /u/obxt
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Questions for those losing weight but have IBS-A or IBS-C

28 F / 156 lbs / 5’ 4”

Hey all! I’ve been lurking here for a while after leaving r/xxfitness and everyone seems so nice and supportive! I’m excited to finally start getting involved!

However I have a question to which I totally apologize if it’s TMI, but I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome Type A (alternating). This week I realized I had been plateauing for three weeks despite tracking my calories as well as measuring and weighing my food. I finally realized that within those three weeks I had been having a spell of constipation (the opposite is usually my problem).

So I was wondering how those with IBS regulate it while on a weight loss journey since it can effect the scale as well as measurements because of bloating. Any help/advice would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/tuxedolux
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

BMI under 30 for the first time :)

Hi there

I have been a lurker here for a few months, since I started my own weight loss journey. I don't really have anyone to talk to about this IRL so I'd just like to share a few milestones that I have really and honestly cherished so far.

August 2018 - I finally decided I needed to make changes. My BMI had recently passed 35 and I just felt so down about everything.

November - I got my first "have you lost weight?" from a coworker. It literally made my week ^.^

Christmas period - I struggled, gaining 3kg/6lb back. Refocusing was hard, but I managed it, somehow.

February 2019 - Noticed that a lot of my clothes are now too baggy. Unfortunately I had to spend money on some new ones lol, but was so excited to be down 1-2 sizes on everything.

Today - First time I've weighed myself and my BMI is below 30, so I am officially not obese anymore :D Just overweight lol.

So far it's been by counting calories and making better choices, but I'm moving cities soon and definitely plan to join a gym once I get there! I have never set foot in a gym in my life, so I'm still kind of intimidated thinking about it to be honest. Does anyone have good tips/resources for people completely new to a gym?

24/Male 198cm/6'6

SW: 138kg/304lb CW: 115kg/253lb GW: 90kg/198lb

submitted by /u/xNicklaus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat