Tuesday, February 19, 2019

What do you think of this open-access food diary concept?

I am a medical student who performs mobile health research on weight loss and diabetes. I noticed that many people who tracked their food intake were unsure if they were inputting the accurate calorie amounts for the food they ate at restaurants. I built an open access food diary for a smart city competition that hopefully chips away at this issue by letting restaurants tell you exactly what you ordered. Here's the concept video to understand it better. Restaurants would be able to write in your food diary for you after you make your purchase. I have integrated with several PoS systems on iPhone, Android, and the Apple Watch, just curious on your thoughts. The plan is to sync data with the health app on your smart phone to be another source of food/exercise data similar to how FitBit can sync data with MyFitnessPal, so you would still use all your other devices/apps.

submitted by /u/Colden_Haulfield
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2E6XZwf

the last ‘Day 1’

I’ve started and fell off multiple times with this weight loss journey. Gaining motivation and then losing it, blaming it on my work schedule, stress eating, not going to the gym because I didn’t pay the bill, feeling lazy in general and not being able to shake it, you name it, I’ve went through it.

But I am so over this.

So today I’m starting fresh, for the last time. I’m going back on my 100% plant based lifestyle. I’m committing to 5 days minimum in the gym. No more ordering out, ordering in, I deleted the ubereats and gopuff apps off my phone. I’m going to change my relationship with food and find something else to use as a comfort other than whatever I’m craving @ the moment && stop eating out of boredom.

I can and will do this. I have to.

SW: 245 GW: 145

this is more than possible.

submitted by /u/minagotdajuice
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Ir6DLa

Looks like I achieved ALL of my weight loss goals! :D

I have this giant excel workbook with a tabs on calorie intake, run logs, swim logs, insults, SVs, NSVs, charts, comments, encouragement, motivation, measurements and of course GOALS! I had a list of goals that I kept track of as I was losing the weight, to see how far I had come in terms of what I wanted! :D

Here is my goal list! All done. <3

Weight Loss Goal Status
Hit 70 kg Achieved in 2 months
Hit 65 kg Achieved in 5 months
Have a normal BMI Achieved in 2 months
Have a normal ASIAN BMI Achieved in 6 months
Have a normal ASIAN BMI if I were an inch shorter Achieved!
Be the lowest weight of my adult life Achieved! Saw 58.8kg/129.6lbs on the scale
Run the 10k again this year Achieved! 10 min lower than last year at 80min
Have a healthy waist circumference Achieved! 74cm/29inches
Fit into the polka dot top Achieved
Fit into black top#1 and zip it up Achieved
Fit into black top#2 and button it up Achieved, boobs still too big
Fit into all my saree blouses Achieved + Fitting into skinny people's blouses now :O
See crotch sucking in tummy Achieved! in 8 months
Question mark side profile Achieved!! :D
Lie down and have concave tummy in the mirror Somewhat, loose skin, lets be realistic <3
Have a healthy Waist to Hip Ratio Achieved at 0.76!
Want to have a waist I didn't really think so until now. Hubby has exclaimed so many times about my awesome new waist. I believe it now.

Here is a brief summary of my stats.

Stats Starting Current Lost
Weight 168 lb 129 lb 39 lb!!
BMI 27 20.7 6.3 points
Time May Feb 9 months
submitted by /u/CurlyMope
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2T2t25O

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2V9XVTb

I think I can actually do this!

I've struggled with my weight my whole life. I was that stereotypical fat girl that was bullied all the time in school for being fat. My family was constantly pushing me to lose weight even though all of them were just as overweight as I was or more so and they would bribe me to do things with food as the reward. How could a child/teenager be expected to lose weight and change their eating habits when they knew nothing about living a healthy lifestyle and their parents only bought processed junk and takeout for every meal?

As the years rolled by and I got older, the weight slowly kept piling on. I hated myself more and more every time I looked in the mirror. Even as an adult, I couldn't quite get a hold of my eating habits. I thought that being fat and not taking care of myself was the only way after struggling to lose weight time and time again only to never make any progress.

Here I am now though. I'm 20 years old and finally on the road to leading a better and healthier lifestyle. In early January, I finally stepped on the scale to see how bad things had gotten. At 5'8 I weighed 322.3 lbs. I was so disappointed in myself. I had always told myself, "Well, at least I'm not 300 lbs". But there I was. I had surpassed the threshold of what i thought i would never be.

I stepped off the scale and learned as much as I could about weight loss. I finally settled on focusing on CICO and exercise. I vaguely remembered that CICO had worked for a short while when I was a child but that I just hadn't stuck to it. I decided that this would be my final attempt at losing the weight. I had to succeed this time. I dropped my calorie intake to 1500 calories a day and exercised almost every day.

The good news now is that I've dropped 21.3 lbs since January 24th of this year. I never thought weight loss like this could ever be achievable for me. Every prior attempt got me nowhere. I just wasn't in the right headspace to push through. I'm now 301 lbs. I'm almost under 300 again. It doesnt even seem real.

The bad news of course is that I still have so far to go. Even looking at the progress I've made I still feel like there's so much potential to crash and burn along the way. I don't want to fall off and give up completly on myself.

Any tips and pointers are welcome. I would love to understand more about what I can do to be a healthier person and I would absolutely love feedback on if I'm losing weight in a good way or not and what I can do to improve.

submitted by /u/interstellar12121
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2BHm0t2

Looking for motivation today by looking into the past

April of 2017 I was sitting at a game and felt bad for the man next to me. I was fat enough that my hips touched the inside of the armrests and if I wasn't paying attention, I would bump the bottom of his drink with my thigh while it sat in the cup holder. To be fair he didn't seem to notice or care, but I did. I didn't want to be the person people dreaded being sat next to. I was at an all time high of 208 lbs(94.3 kg). I set out to lose weight during the off-season.

I was still learning how to balance my diagnoses with normal life and didn't manage to shave off much. I did start to fit in the seats better and was even able to finally buy a women's shirt in the team store for the first time during the next season. It was a size 2x, but at least it wasn't a men's size. Over the course of that season, I ended up at 188 lbs (85.3 kg) in April of 2018. Still not happy, but at least making a little progress.

Side note : I thought about waiting until April to write this up, but I have been having a really hard time lately and hope this might help. I'm looking for motivation by looking at my past and figured now is as good a time as any.

This past off-season I kicked into high gear. I realized I weighed approximately the same as the male athletes I watch and felt ridiculous. I rely on my intake for my weight loss because my activity level is often nonexistent so I logged every calorie like my life depended on it. If I was at my limit but hungry? Too bad, do better at balancing things tomorrow. I knew I was starting a very long and difficult path since I'm short and not active, but it's been harder than I thought.

I'll be going to a game tonight wearing a size large women's t-shirt. People will be able to slide past me to their seats with no trouble anymore. I fit completely within the armrests of those same seats now. I know I will hear all of the comments about the seats being too small in the arena but I now recognize them as absurd. I'm still about 8 lbs overweight but feel tiny when listening to the complaints that always happen. It feels good. Finally.

I still don't know if I have what it takes to get to my goal, but I think I might have enough oomph to make it to a normal weight. I generally avoid all pics of myself but I dug up a few for that added motivation. For reference, I'm now 38 and still 5'3" or 160cm. Highest weight was 208, starting to truly try weight was 188, and today I am at basically 149(67.5 kg).

Thank you to the people who suggested I take photos again, I didn't really see the changes until now. I felt different, I just didn't see it.

submitted by /u/__queenofdenial__
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2X9Jnok

In struggling to find a diet plan

Well diet is a strong word I mostly just want healthier foods to eat to really get my weight loss on track. I'm terrible at coming up with healthy meals and tend to hate meal prep. My issue with meal prep is that I am renting a room from a family and their kitchen is always messy/unusable their fridge is packed full of random stuff and it's hard to store anything/ find a time when I can actually walk into the kitchen and not have to clean huge areas just for counter space. So is there any kind of healthier foods that are low maintenance? I am even considering buying premade salads from the grocery store.

Cost is not really an issue only storage and prep time.

And I'm not trying to jump into the best super foods right now I'm just getting started.

I'm 250# male 30yo

submitted by /u/fordr015
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2Sdo9Ca