Friday, November 29, 2019

I want to do it the right way

I've been overweight since I can remember, but since the beginning of 2019, my mindset with my health and well-being changed. I lost about 40 lbs this year, going from the 180s to 140s in a span of few months through healthier eating, counting calories, working out, and fasting. I've tried to lose weight in the past, but this year was when I actually took it seriously. And I felt great! My self esteem and confidence has never been higher in my entire life in the beginning.

However, I slipped into disordered eating and body dysmorphia. I became obsessed with counting calories and restricting less than 1000 calories everyday while also working out 3-4 times a week. Losing weight and the feeling of control was I all I could think about everyday. I attempted purging several times. I felt like I had so much control over my life. I ended up in the ED Instagram community and subreddits. I felt miserable, but I also had so much control and power over my life.

My low restriction eventually backfired when I started binge eating in June. It wasn't that bad in summer, but since leaving for college, it got worse. I've been binge eating 3000+ calories 3-4 days a week, and I stopped going to the gym mid-September. There is a gym on campus, but I always felt humiliated working out there. I gained back about 6 pounds (I think?) and I don't want it to get any worse. I have perfectionist tendencies, so I either restrict or binge, which caused me to go through a binge-restrict cycle.

Anyways, I want to lose weight the right way. Thanksgiving just passed, and I just wanted to enjoy it. I definitely overate, but I'm okay with it. I ended up binging on leftovers today though, and I just wanted to type this to distract myself and maybe remind myself to keep a positive mindset with my weight loss journey. I also recently deleted my ED instagram account because it always put me in a toxic negative mindset.

I appreciate any tips and suggestions. Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/cuttlefishdude
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Been trying to diet since I was 11... afraid of failing again

I was a heavy weight kid, always tried to diet and always failed. Last school year, I naturally lost like 20 when I got my first job. Was fine with that, was happy with my weight. (Probably 160, 5’2”) but randomly got a kick this summer and lost another 20. I’m 142 now, and have been for 3 months. Problem is, my goal weight is 115-120. I’ve been stagnant for months and am afraid I’ll stay this way. I was okay with my body until I started intentionally dieting, but since that I’ve been insecure again and am afraid I’ll never loose it and remain insecure. I’ve been going to the gym every morning, but my eating has been bad. Today I brought turkey to work, and decided I’m doing this. My coworkers knows I’m trying to loose weight, as well as my family. I’m just afraid I’ll fail once again. I really hope I don’t, and I’m really gonna try to stay on track like I did to loose the 20 pounds I did a few months ago. Anyone relate to this? I just wanna be done with this weight issue, done with just being “okay” with my body. I wanna do this once and for all but am afraid of failure. Just gotta never give up I guess, that’s what I tell myself. Just don’t give up. It’s not the ideal time frame, taking three months off and all, but I didn’t gain back! I usually do! So that helps ease my mind. The universe in on my side in a way.

TLDR; I’m scared of failing at weight loss again. Anyone can relate?

submitted by /u/b-puff
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV Don't underestimate how weight loss can help your PARTNER sleep better!

Hi everyone,

My girlfriend who I live with and I were watching a show last night and snoring came up and I jokingly said to her I don't snore right. We laughed and then a few moments later she then kinda made a cute guilty face and said "Actually you snore much noticeably less than you did a couple of months ago". This was pretty unexpected because I only thought of my own pros and cons with weight loss but it made me feel pretty good about it, as helping my partner sleep better is a great victory for me (I always fall asleep first!).

For reference I've lost about 35 pounds - 18 kgs over the last 3 months or so. I've achieved this mainly by IF - 2 days of under 600 calories a week and 5 normal days. As of a few weeks ago however I started calorie counting a most of non fasting days as I had started to develop a habit of overeating on those days and it was creating a plateau, I try to keep those days to 1800 calories or less, which for me is still according to MFP gonna lose 0.75 kgs a week if I did every day. I do however have a cheat day every Sunday for takeaway... Nachos tomorrow can't wait!

Anyway the moral of my story is you should all go and ask your partners if you snore less than before because it could make your day.

submitted by /u/molozon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I have to admit to something, and I need your help [TRIGGER WARNING]

Hello guys.

I just found out today I've lost 40lbs. I started at 227 pounds and I'm now 190. My goal weight is 168 and it's only about 20lbs off. This is obviously fantastic and I am really happy about it, but there is one issue.

I'm bulimic.

I've struggled with it a little bit at times in the past but the past few weeks it's become a daily thing, several times a day. I'm starting to become addicted to it, and I have to admit it's become a problem that I'm having trouble stopping. I know this because I keep telling myself I will and then I do it again. I'm addicted to the weight loss but I'm also somewhat addicted to the routine of it all.

It didn't start out like this, and I'm pissed at myself it has ended up like this. But everyone is so proud of me for losing all this weight and they congratulate me all the time and I feel like I'm doing something productive for the most part. Even though this is bad, it's still better than the depression that came with being the size I was (to me.) I want to get better from this, but I don't want to go back there.

I've come to you guys because I'm really scared. I really need support from people who understand that I want to get better but also understand that losing weight is important to me.

I took a break from restricting today and had some halloumi and garlic bread. I'm sitting here now determined not to purge it and actually let my body have a break, a sort of way of me apologising to it for what I've put it through I guess. But I'm not going to lie I am absolutely freaking about about it and I'm really panicking about putting on weight again.

I'm really sorry, I have been active on pro ana forums thinking that I would feel less alone- but I don't belong there. I want to be here with you guys actually making good progress towards a positive self.

submitted by /u/makeyouultranumb
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Zucchini Pizza Bites with Garlic Basil Yogurt Dip

When you think of a healthy snack – do you picture pizza? Because you can. These Zucchini Pizza Bites with Garlic Basil Yogurt Dip combine the delicious flavors of pizza with wholesome ingredients, like California dairy. The result is a veggie packed pizza snack! You can make these two recipes together or enjoy them on […]

The post Zucchini Pizza Bites with Garlic Basil Yogurt Dip appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

My weight loss journey, trying to figure out my best course of action to lose the weight

So I had some serious medical issues that caused me to gain weight over the years and then a solid 20 lbs in the few months that I was near death. I'm finally in a place where I can start to work on losing all the weight I need to. I've been slowly working up my endurance by exercising and living normally, this made me lose 0 weight which was surprising to me. When I gained the weight I was eating like probably 3000 calories a day, i thought exercising a bit and eating my normal 1500 calories would help me lose some weight, but it really did nothing. After about 2 months of that I tried intermittent fasting and it worked but very slowly i lost about 4 or 5 pounds from that after a month but it really messed me up emotionally and my period so i decided to not continue down that path, especially after everyone in my family and my boyfriend telling me not to do that anymore. So since I had that outburst I've been eating fairly regularly and healthy about 1200 calories a day with a few cheat days but i know i put back the weight i lost.... i also started my first job in over a year which is a fast food job where I'm moving and walking my entire shift (i won't be eating the food there). I want to continue my weight loss journey, but working this job really hurts my body, I'm so sore after my shifts... I feel like I need to take some time to get used to this job then I can start focusing on my weight loss more again. I'm 5'2 21 years old and around 180-185 lbs (have been scared to weigh myself) I started at 188 lbs. I hope to get down to around 125-135 lbs within a year or 2, I really hate being overweight and hope to persue a career in music which looks are important in. My appearance is extremely important to me and I am willing to do almost anything to lose the weight, I was always extremely athletic and in incredible shape before I developed extreme health issues. I won't develop an eating disorder which I've had bulimia and probably body dysmorphia in my early teens. I guess I'm saying this to say that I have no problem working out or being miserable to get to where I want to be, I know that you have to suffer to see results, beauty is pain or whatever. What do you think I should do??? Maybe some of you have been in a similar spot and know some ways to deal with my issues lol! I mean I know some of this can sound bad but I guess you have to just trust me that I'll go about this in a healthy way, I have only purged like a couple times over about 7 years so I won't go the unhealthy route but I would not be opposed to going an extreme route in a healthy way. I have a very strong will when I have a goal and will work hard to reach my goals.

submitted by /u/anonhotty36
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Looking to get restarted on my weight loss.

A couple of years ago, I started to lose weight and was really happy about it and the way things in my life were going.... Then it all went south. I ended up in the hospital for a medical issue and was there for a month. Once out of there, I spent another 4 or 5 months on leave from work and now have some physical disability when it comes to walking and balance. Just a couple of weeks after getting the ok to return to work, my wife ended up informing me that she wanted a divorce (she never really gave me a reason as to why, at least not one that made sense.) Anyways, over the last 2 years, I haven't been able to keep myself motivated and focused on my weight loss goals with all of this on my mind. At the time, my biggest reason for wanting to lose weight was to be able to be a father and be active with children that we were hoping to have one day. That hope is now gone and with being in my 40's now, I don't really see that in my future anymore so the weight loss had lost importance to me for a long time.

I am now more and more wanting to get back to the weight loss but I keep trying and then go off my path. I am looking for tips of ways to keep focused on my goals, because it is still very hard for me to look at weight loss and a longer life as being something good. What might you be able to suggest to help me keep my focus?

submitted by /u/Mymindisgone217
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from loseit - Lose the Fat