Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Requesting winter advice, please.

I'm new here and hoping someone could help me out.

Quick stats: - 30F - 5'2" (157 cm) - SW 175.4 lbs (79.5 kgs) - CW 129 lbs (58.5 kgs) - GW 115.4 lbs (52 kgs)

I have always been thirty to seventy pounds (13.5 to almost 32 kgs) overweight. My current weight loss is the slow and steady result of the past twelve months.

Everything is going great except I no longer seem to be able to retain heat. I live in the PNW so winter is a very real season for me. When I was overweight, I didn't often need to wear more than a sweater and I was always too warm. Now though, I can sit directly in front of my small personal heater at work and still not feel my fingers. As someone who writes a lot, this is a problem! And anytime I wear my jeans like I've always done, my legs now lose feeling if I'm out in the cold weather for more than half an hour. Feeling my skin tingle uncomfortably for up to an hour afterwards and seeing it looked a mottled red and white color is slightly disturbing imho. And wearing thick socks with expensive, high-quality snow boots still leaves my toes without feeling if I'm outside too long. I've taken to wearing three to five layers of clothes and sometimes it's still not enough!

Has anyone else experienced this problem and, if so, how did you resolve it? Will I eventually get used to this insufferable cold? Is there something I should be doing to help mitigate these feelings (or lack thereof)? I've been trying to tough it out but it's been a miserable season for me this year and I don't have health insurance to ask a professional.

submitted by /u/ghost_garden
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2TvVUTT

17 down, 70 to go

I’m 5’3, 19 and recently started my weight loss journey, my highest weight being 212.2 lbs. I’ve tried so many times to start the journey and it was always “starting tomorrow, we do this”. But one day I woke up and decided that no, it starts RIGHT NOW. I’m so tired of hating myself and my body. It’s caused me to miss out on so many normal teenage experiences. I am so out of shape and it’s embarrassing. Not to mention that I will be in my 20s by the end of this year, and I am determined to go into them feeling the best I possibly can!

I know 17 lbs isn’t a lot, but I never even believed I could get this far! I can’t see any physical difference yet, but some of my pants are noticeably looser and I’ll need to buy a new belt soon.

Right now I’m 195 lbs. and my goal weight is 125. I will get there, I know I can do it now! There’s so much to look forward to.

submitted by /u/apartwegrow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2FPdsCn

There seems to be such a fine line between “too many” calories (meaning a gain) and “too few” (meaning a loss) - Has anyone else experienced this?

I’m a very logical person, and I know CICO is SOLID methodology for weight loss, and I’m trying to see what I can learn about my body as I begin my 2020 journey so I can be as successful as possible.

And I’m compiling data that’s blowing my mind.

For reference -

(1) I’m 29F 5’11” 260lbs. So like a well-proportioned refrigerator with boobs.

(2) My lifestyle is currently very sedentary - office job. I do walk at lunch 3 - 5 times / wk and 2-3 times /week moderate cardio at the gym. Nothing crazy.

(3) My goal for my 30th bday year (2020) is to be “regular overweight” rather than obese. :)


It’s been interesting as I’ve started compiling data. (I like to see cause and effect and suss out factors. Numbers tell it all.)

Here’s my dilemma —

Currently (last 2 weeks) I’m losing EXTREMELY SLOWLY / maintaining at an avg 1950-ish cal / day - gross calories. (Exercise not factored.)

However, MFP (that’s the app I’m using) says that is enough to lose 1 lb / wk.

Other times, my weight has dropped by pounds at a time suddenly. And my gross caloric intake hasn’t been much different than current avg.

Has anyone else had this? Have you noticed a fine line for yourself?

submitted by /u/Michigangster917
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2QUEcYs

When I tell people I'm not "doing keto"

OK first of all I have to say that I don't think there's anything wrong with eating low-carb. If it works for you, do it. Disclaimer's out of the way!

Seriously, what the heck is going on? A bit of backstory...I'm a 6'0" 31 year old guy and I've been overweight pretty much my whole life. I was around 230 in college until I lost down to 205ish, then slowly crept up to 265 at the start of September this year. I finally put two and two together and realized that while I have tried to lose weight in the past, I always wanted to do it with some kind of "gimmick." So I decided to do it the old fashioned way and just pay attention to what I'm eating. If it's healthy, I'll eat it, no artificial restrictions. Simple, consistent, effective. This has gotten me down to 225 as of this week.

So I'm at the point where even the people who see me every day have noticed how much weight I've lost. As many of you have experienced, a lot of people ask me what I've been doing, but they really don't seem to like my answer. At least half of the people who ask me about it are taken aback when I tell them that yes, I still eat carbs, and yes, I still eat spaghetti, yes, I do eat bread.

More than one person has even told me that "it's not possible to lose weight when you eat a lot of carbs, it's science." Like there's some kind of trick to weight loss that only makes it possible to do if you're peeing ketones.

The point of this silly little anecdote isn't to bash on low-carb diets, but to highlight what I saw as the major roadblock to me losing any weight and getting healthier. I'd find one new diet or eating pattern, convince myself that that was the one that was going to work, and that I'd do it and go HARD at it until I ran out of steam. I'd cut out all carbs from my diet, do crazy IF regimens, whatever you can think of. I'm convinced at this point that they're all just different ways to arrive at the same thing:

Be healthy, don't eat too much, and move your body. Thanks for listening.

submitted by /u/The_Muffintime
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3acJ8zi

Day 1

Today I’ve decided to start my weight loss journey. I’m 16 and I am 5’4 and 183lbs. I’m so sick of being this big. I used to be fairly active as I played softball competitively but since I quit and started working I haven’t been thinking about the activity and exercise I am not getting. I always get motivated to lose weight in the winter but I never follow through and come summer I am self conscious and sad about the way I look. I guess what is different this time is that it’s starting to affect my life and relationships. I am currently in a relationship and I have been with my boyfriend for a year and a half. He’s super in shape (6’4 and 170lbs) and he always has been so it’s hard for him to understand why I struggle and binge eat. I think because I’m bigger I also question why someone loves me and I doubt my self worth. At work I’ve also started wearing my apron really high to cover my stomach and I wear baggy shirts and sweatshirts outside of work. I’ve started to rip through my jeans and I don’t want to buy bigger ones because I’m in denial and don’t want to accept that I’m bigger now. I’m sick of feeling bad about the way I look all the time. I’ve always been a little bit on the bigger side but not like this. Right before I met my boyfriend I was 145lbs. I would like to get to 120lbs by the summer. I’m scared though because I always jump into things too fast and too extreme and then by the third day I give up. Any advice on how to begin or stay consistent with eating healthy and working out?

TLDR: Starting weight loss journey to improve my health and my relationships.

submitted by /u/avery200314
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3a9s0dU

Finally starting this for real, need some encouragement and guidance please. CW:170~ GW:130

Photos of me at my current weight

I’ve always been the “chunky” girl, and I’m tired of it. I want to feel good with my clothes on and with my clothes off. I’ve always had a mental block about losing weight, telling myself I just can’t do it. I have really bad anxiety and I hate going to the gym, so I’m hoping to get some ideas for home/not in public routines.

I’ve dieted and worked out before, and weight loss is always really fast at first and stops at about 150 even with counting calories and working out a ton. It’s discouraging and I don’t know why it happens. I recently moved and spent a ton of time moving boxes, packing, etc (so hours and hours of moving every day) and I wasn’t eating much, just enough to make sure I wasn’t hungry, and I gained weight. I was very frustrated. But I also realized that I need to be intentional with weight loss.

I come from a big Italian family where food is always the main attraction. I’ve grown up seeing food as love, and I need to learn to shift my perspective. I’m a strict vegan for moral reasons so I’m looking to include more veggies in my diet and less fake cheese.

I’ve found that I feel my best when I do intermittent fasting so I’m going to start that. I packed lunch today for work instead of ordering food. I brought air fried curry+chili tofu and cauliflower. For snacks I have freeze dried mangoes and strawberries.

I thankfully don’t drink alcohol and I drink coffee black, and drink a ton of water. So I’m on the right path there I guess!

So I guess I’m asking for help with IF schedules, workouts, and getting rid of my “fat girl” brain. Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/inconsideratexme
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2FSGKzG


Morning all!

I was looking for the daily victories post but couldn't seem to find it so I'm making a standalone post. I hope that's okay.

I am a person who enjoys positive reinforcement and encouragement when working on a task. I give a ton of it too. If I have a colleague or a friend who is trying to get better at something or is just taking on some kind of challenge I love being their own personal cheerleader. I believe everyone needs someone in their corner.

I started CICO/keto back in November and since then have lost just over 10kg (23 pounds). I work out of town 95% of the time, usually on a remote site with the same people. I guess because I see these people every day, and a lot of them are men, I don't really have anyone "in my corner" regarding my weight loss, and I am far to awkward to talk about it with them. Plus my friend (who has recently become my boss - eek!) has been very unsupportive of my journey. I did post a rant about that the other day.

Well due to server weather, our site had to be shut down. I flew home and for the first time in a few months had to go in to the office, downtown, to complete my work. I was excited to see everyone since it had been a while and I got the best comment from our receptionist within my first 30 seconds of walking through the front door...

"Welcome back RemosefulArsonist, how is... Jeez are they not feeding you out there?"

I. was. BEAMING! I told her I quit drinking and started limiting my calorie and carb consumption. She told me I looked great. So yeah! That was the start of my day and it was really great to have someone FINALLY notice my progress.

submitted by /u/RemorsefulArsonist
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/35VLsHE