Saturday, February 15, 2020

Does anyone else here have a “revenge body” fantasy? Especially directed at someone in particular?

Apologies for the weird question but I just had a stressful interaction with someone in my life who often likes to power trip over me. I’m feeling a bit down on myself hence the post.

Anyway, whenever these specific situations arise I tend to sooth myself by diverting my negative feelings into fantasies about my weight loss progress. I’ve been losing slowly for the last year (35lbs down whoot!). It gives me comfort to imagine what it will be like when I’m more confident and these types of interactions won’t affect me nearly as much. I also just kind of fantasize about the look on this person’s face when they see me in my “revenge” body.

I’m not trying to be vain, and I also know that life isn’t like the movies where you can just model stomp over your adversaries, that’s crazy haha. But I’m wondering, for the sake of solidarity right now, does anyone here have someone they sometimes think about subtly socking it to when they reach goal? I feel kind of shallow but it’s really comforting to me.

For context, I’m female, person in question is too, we’re friends but I’m always compared to her “looks-wise” and she’s pretty cool with the status quo. She tends to “comment” on my weight loss progress (won’t specify how but it’s not pleasant). She’s great, just falls short in this specific category sometimes. I’ve had these fantasies about a few other people in particular who have treated me a certain sort of way.

submitted by /u/tangerinehair
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New Beginnings Part 2

Lately, I have just been feeling so sick and tired of where I am at regarding my body. Over the past 4 months, I have been actively trying to lose weight then giving up/ burning out. As F(20yr) 5'5' SW:188ibs, my weight has fluctuated throughout the years however this has been the highest weight that I have ever been. I'm constantly surrounded by people that have successfully lost weight or people that have never dealt with this issue. Which can sometimes contribute to low-esteem and downward thinking, which I know is wrong! An honestly I am hoping this post will be one of many during my weight loss journey. I am praying to god that it will actually stick this time. I am wishing that others can relate to the struggles of being in an environment that is not conducive to weight loss. This is my 3rd year in college and I want this year to be the year that I overcome my weight struggles and actually become happy with my weight and myself. If anyone has any tips for me to become more self-motivated that would be great!

P.s, Sorry for the word vomit post I just needed to get this off my chest ☺

submitted by /u/Intelligent_Section
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Mental sugar traps are real!

On this journey we call weight loss, I have a rule: don’t eat sugary things early in the day. If I’m having a dessert at all, it should be after dinner. I know that if I have something sweet, all I want the rest of the day are candies and pastries.

Unfortunately, it’s Valentine’s Day season and that means sugar is all around us. Even though I might think I’m safe because I have my goals, information osmosis is real— the nonstop commercials and billboards infiltrated my mind.

Fast forward to this morning: the Dunkin in my Walmart caught my eye with its Valentines Day donuts. Next thing I knew, I consumed 310 calories in the form of its “Cupid’s Choice” pink donut and.....

It was the least worth it 310 calories I’ve ever had. I realized I could have had 5 strawberries with some cool whip for a 5th of the calories, and I would have been 5x more satisfied.

Remember, my friends: usually, that sugar trap is hardly worth it.

submitted by /u/Recovering2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Small wins.

I have been up and down the roll coaster of weight loss for a long time. I haven’t been under 200lbs but once when I was teenage and never in my adult life. I don’t wear form fitting clothes because frankly I feel awful in them. I have been wearing clothes that hid as much of me a I can.

I have been feeling better and more toned up. I work out three times a week usually, watch what I eat (mostly) and have a personal trainer that attempts to kill me once a week.

I work a demanding job that requires that I am active and in my feet for 12 hours at time so needless to say it’s hard some days. I don’t want to go to the gym and I don’t want to watch what I eat. I want to fall back into the habits that I have spent years forming.

Today for the first time sense I started this journey again I decided to dress up a little, switch I do not do often. I even was feeling brave and grabbed a piece of clothing I haven’t attempted to wear in years.

It fit!!!!! Not only did it fit, it looked good on me. For the first time in a long time I haven’t seen a blob in the mirror looking back at me but I person working hard to become a healthier version of themselves.

submitted by /u/bassoonmonkey18
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Nine months in, 110lbs down

My previous post is here:

So when I started trying to lose weight on May 17th, 2019, I really wasn't sure if I'd get anywhere with it. I had tried a couple of times previously to lose weight and nothing really ever stuck. I'd start with good intentions and motivation but the motivation would always inevitably run out and I'd just slip back into old habits. It really is true that motivation can't be counted on, but telling people you have to "have discipline" doesn't necessarily tell them much. You have to find ways to tweak your habits that you can live with until they've become something healthier that you can stick with. What that entails is going to be different for everyone. In my experience, I had to be very honest with myself about my weaknesses so I could find ways to work around them; I don't keep snacks in my apartment or more than 2-3 days worth of food at any given time because I know I will struggle not to snack around if its available.

I still have to lose 67 more pounds to hit my goal weight, but as of today I have lost 110 pounds. So I'm well past halfway there and the changes I have made have become habitual. I'm eating around 1,500 calories a day, and I'm eating more green veggies and lean protein. I mostly stick to drinking water or unsweetened tea, with an occasional diet soda as a treat, so I don't drink calories at all anymore aside from a rare beer here or there.

In my last post, I talked about how much I felt better at the time having lost 66 pounds, and I still feel noticeably better than I did even then, but what's really been the main difference between then and now is how people respond to me. It really is true when people say when you are very obese that you are basically invisible to people, and I've been used to being invisible most of my life, so it is a bit of a shock as I'm slowly becoming less so. I have a lot of really mixed feelings about the situation, but I do get the feeling that a lot of people who were outright dismissive of me are now giving me the time of day if not some level of basic respect. I have also had a few times lately where I have been flirted with and I probably looked like a deer in the headlights, because in my head I'm not someone that gets flirted with and I still don't expect to get that kind of attention. I suppose I have learned that if someone is genuinely flirting with you they don't tend to make it very subtle.

Honestly, in light of the differences in how I'm treated becoming more pronounced here lately, I've found that this point in my weight loss journey is even more emotional than the first several months were. I'm torn between being ecstatic about my progress, upset with the feeling that I wasted so much of my youth being obese, and confused by the changes in the way people are treating me, and uneasy knowing I still have a good amount of weight to still lose and all of the changes are probably going to become even more pronounced between now and my goal weight.

I never previously uploaded any pictures, but having passed the 100 pound mark I figure now is a good time to show some, at least to be helpful to people with similar starting stats to get an idea of what to expect at ~100 pounds down.

Starting stats were 25 year old male, 6'0", 357 pounds. Current stats are 25 year old male, 6'0", 247 pounds.

submitted by /u/MagnificentParsley
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss and physical attraction. I am resentful about the new attention I have been receiving.

Hear me out.

I mean attention from men that I previously dated, not anybody new. I know I am being unreasonable and probably a little hypocritical. I understand that physical attraction is very important when it comes to relationships but it is somewhat hurtful that I am now more valued because I look better.

I have had a handful of men who I dated when I was obese (BMI around 31-32) show interest in me again now I am leaner (BMI is 22). I am a little angry about it, all of them left me and none of them attempted to stayed in contact afterwards. I took a break from SM while losing weight and I only started using it again a couple of weeks ago. I uploaded a picture of my results/progress and it started.

The difference in even how they talk to me is crazy. There was one guy in-particular that I really liked so I agreed to go out with him again. He made way more effort and constantly went out of his way to impress me. He treated me how I longed for him to treat me when we first met. I couldn't get pass this so I then cut it off after one date.

Even how my male coworkers treat me is different.

Am I being ridiculous? During my weight loss this is the type of stuff I dreamed about but once it has happened, I feel a little sad about it all.

Has anybody experienced something similar?

submitted by /u/ShayJ-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Frustrated with a week of weight loss stalling

Short story, started at 280 pounds last year, got to 240 before summer, maintained that, then starting in November I started again. I’ve gotten down to about 216 pretty consistently by tracking calories and weight lifting. Well for about a week my weight has stayed the same despite eating about the same amount of calories and working out everyday. I understand plateaus or stalls can happen, but just getting frustrated.

Is there anything I should do or just keep doing what I’m doing now? I don’t want to go too low with my calorie intake and risk losing muscle while losing weight. Thanks for any tips or advice.

submitted by /u/Iluvtheboom
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