Monday, April 19, 2021

Restarting ?

30th March, 2020, i started a weight loss journey. by september 31st, i lost 15 pounds. not much, but still meant a lot to me. but, im a final year high school student you see. classes were barely going on, so i could lose atleast that much. but then from october, school just kept giving us so so so much work. everything that we lost in last 6 months + more bc fInAl yEaR. so yeah, just a lot of tests and projects and what not. and im one of those people who eats food to calm herself down. i even failed in one of my mock tests so i just focused fully on studies. but then the exams got postponed, and now when i weigh myself, im back at my starting point. i feel so sht like...for the first time in my life i had worked and then my habits and school just ruined everything. have to attend a marriage party next week. i don't even wanna show my face to anyone. but that isn't the problem. the problem is im just tired of being overweight. all my teen years are going wasted, i want to go on dates and enjoy life too. want to go to functions and actually have the confidence to flirt with someone or JUST TALK WITH A CUTE GUY / GIRL ???

currently 5'1 , 143.3 pounds (151cm , 65kg). the goal is to reach 110 pounds (50kg). had reached 59.3 kg on september. can't give my best yet because so so so many exams yet to come. really wish i could though...and parents don't allow diets because "might affect your studies" sigh.

submitted by /u/taevear
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Long Covid and weight loss

I got covid quite badly in December. I was very obese at the time and had high cholesterol, it hit me hard for a 25 year old. I recovered after a few weeks but I completely lost my sense of taste and smell and it has never returned properly. I also have other long covid symptoms such as fatigue, muscle pain etc.

It woke me up to how bad my health situation was (270lb as a 6ft male) and the fact that I couldn't taste anymore helped. All the junk food I used to love now tastes kind of like sulphur. Meat tastes rotten. Cheese makes me gag. Bread tastes like nothing, but I now hate the texture.

It's miserable. There's something so wrong about eating food and having it taste of nothing. But I decided to use it to my advantage and since mid December I've lost nearly 80 pounds.

I just eat or drink water until the hunger pain goes away but I never eat until I'm full anymore. My stomach has shrunk I think. I don't track calories but it's not a lot. I don't eat much high calorie foods, mostly just fruit and vegetables.

One bad thing is that I feel tired a lot and my lungs still haven't recovered from covid, despite all the weight loss I still can't run without getting out of breath and I get that uncomfortable feeling in my lungs.

I'm very pleased with my weight loss and I want to keep it up until I reach my goal weight but I'm not sure what to do then.

I'm worried if/when my taste comes back that the weight will come back too.

Not sure what I'm asking for here but I'd like some advice on how to handle this situation.

submitted by /u/tyronn9
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Those of you who have lost weight and then put it back on, what's the most important lesson you've learned?

For me, it's the fact that discipline is nothing if you don't have a personally meaningful goal, and can be outright harmful if your body is trying to tell you that it can't keep up yet you keep at it.

I'm now within 3kg of putting the 18kg I lost in 2019 back on. Given how shockingly poor I felt even during my month of maintenance with minimal physical activity at my lowest weight, I don't think I'll want to give it another shot for the foreseeable future. I could stick with it all I wanted because being disciplined was the easy part, but with no source of motivation that I actually care about it was just making me more and more miserable. My body's struggles during the maintenance period were so severe that my stress levels skyrocketed - not only did I become weirdly paranoid and start getting regular night terrors, but it ultimately became a major contributing factor to the loss of my previous job as well. I am now under no illusions whatsoever that the journey, if I ever go through it again, is ever going to be anything other than the worst part of the weight loss process.

submitted by /u/dniwehtotnoituac
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Day 1? Starting your weight loss journey on Monday, 19 April 2021? Start here!

Today is your Day 1?

Welcome to r/Loseit!

So you aren’t sure of how to start? Don’t worry! “How do I get started?” is our most asked question. r/Loseit has helped our users lose over 1,000,000 recorded pounds and these are the steps that we’ve found most useful for getting started.

Why you’re overweight

Our bodies are amazing (yes, yours too!). In order to survive before supermarkets, we had to be able to store energy to get us through lean times, we store this energy as adipose fat tissue. If you put more energy into your body than it needs, it stores it, for (potential) later use. When you put in less than it needs, it uses the stored energy. The more energy you have stored, the more overweight you are. The trick is to get your body to use the stored energy, which can only be done if you give it less energy than it needs, consistently.

Before You Start

The very first step is calculating your calorie needs. You can do that HERE. This will give you an approximation of your calorie needs for the day. The next step is to figure how quickly you want to lose the fat. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. So to lose 1 pound of fat per week you will need to consume 500 calories less than your TDEE (daily calorie needs from the link above). 750 calories less will result in 1.5 pounds and 1000 calories is an aggressive 2 pounds per week.


Here is where it begins to resemble work. The most efficient way to lose the weight you desire is to track your calorie intake. This has gotten much simpler over the years and today it can be done right from your smartphone or computer. r/loseit recommends an app like MyFitnessPal, Loseit! (unaffiliated), or Cronometer. Create an account and be honest with it about your current stats, activities, and goals. This is your tracker and no one else needs to see it so don’t cheat the numbers. You’ll find large user created databases that make logging and tracking your food and drinks easy with just the tap of the screen or the push of a button. We also highly recommend the use of a digital kitchen scale for accuracy. Knowing how much of what you're eating is more important than what you're eating. Why? This may explain it.

Creating Your Deficit

How do you create a deficit? This is up to you. r/loseit has a few recommendations but ultimately that decision is yours. There is no perfect diet for everyone. There is a perfect diet for you and you can create it. You can eat less of exactly what you eat now. If you like pizza you can have pizza. Have 2 slices instead of 4. You can try lower calorie replacements for calorie dense foods. Some of the communities favorites are cauliflower rice, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash in place of their more calorie rich cousins. If it appeals to you an entire dietary change like Keto, Paleo, Vegetarian.

The most important thing to remember is that this selection of foods works for you. Sustainability is the key to long term weight management success. If you hate what you’re eating you won’t stick to it.


Is NOT mandatory. You can lose fat and create a deficit through diet alone. There is no requirement of exercise to lose weight.

It has it’s own benefits though. You will burn extra calories. Exercise is shown to be beneficial to mental health and creates an endorphin rush as well. It makes people feel *awesome* and has been linked to higher rates of long term success when physical activity is included in lifestyle changes.

Crawl, Walk, Run

It can seem like one needs to make a 180 degree course correction to find success. That isn’t necessarily true. Many of our users find that creating small initial changes that build a foundation allows them to progress forward in even, sustained, increments.


You will struggle. We have all struggled. This is natural. There is no tip or trick to get through this though. We encourage you to recognize why you are struggling and forgive yourself for whatever reason that may be. If you overindulged at your last meal that is ok. You can resolve to make the next meal better.

Do not let the pursuit of perfect get in the way of progress. We don’t need perfect. We just want better.

Additional resources

Now you’re ready to do this. Here are more details, that may help you refine your plan.

* Lose It Compendium - Frame it out!

* FAQ - Answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Confused - scale shows weight loss but thinking different

This may be a longish post, sorry about that. I'll try to get right to the point.

I've had some weight gain in 2020 mostly, about 30 or so pounds give or take, and I hate it. I'm on a med called Seroquel that's renown for causing weight gain and metabolic problems. Although I blame it mostly on myself, it's a combo of the med and eating habits that caused me to balloon up - and also the fact that I was unemployed for 8 months and barely active at all.

So, in 2018 I had gotten myself down to 178 pounds. 6ft tall, 23 yrs old.

From summer 2018 to 2020, I gained up to 228 pounds. a solid 50 pound difference.

February 2020 I clocked in at 204, and that was before 8 months unemployment when from February 2020 to August of 2020 I gained up to 228. So, september 2020 I clocked in at 228 pounds on the scale at the doctors, as well as my personal home scale.

I got a job working as a custodian, walking like 19k steps a shift. This has helped tremendously in keeping me active and I'm grateful for it.

On april 3, I weighed myself in at a scale at school and it showed 212 pounds. I was confused.. So I double checked with a 2nd scale, and then put batteries in mine at home, and they all clocked in at 212! So, okay I thought.. something could still be wrong.

The thing that confuses me is that January 4th or so, I went to the doc and she reported only a 1 pound loss. So I must have clocked in at 227 then. How is it possible to lose 15 pounds in 3 months... And I really don't notice much of a difference physically at all.. Is it just a coincidence or what? Also, I checked myself 13 days after on April 16, and the scale reported the same weight. I'm just so confused, if I'm losing weight I'm happy about that but something tells me this is off and I don't want to get my hopes up. For sure though I used the same scale in the same place with the same clothes, and from september showed a 16 pound drop. But I sure as hell don't feel it and in the last 13 days I haven't lost anything. This is stupid to worry about but I just feel like something is up with the measurements and that possibly I haven't lost anything at all.

submitted by /u/willjerauld
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How much progress does 1 cheat day undo?

I've been on my weight loss journey for the past 35 days, and things have been going fairly smoothly, but today I slipped up. I realized I had calculated the calories in my cup noodles incorrectly (I thought they had 220 calories, but it turns out they had a whopping 392...) and it made me think to myself, "eh, I might as well make it a cheat day then."

So I walked to the store and bought a small bag of chips and some chocolate. Ate both of them and clocked in at 2668 calories.

In truth, I had been having massive cravings for the past several days so this would have probably happened sooner or later anyway. And I'm glad it did because now it's out of my system and I received a reminder that it just wasn't worth it. Not worth the taste, and not worth the calories.

But how much of my progress did I undo with this 1 cheat day, I wonder? I've been trying to stay around 1300-1500 calories on most days, so this was over a 1000 calories more than what I usually eat.

submitted by /u/thisnewyears
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Am I just done losing weight?


I am a 25 5'0" F. Last year I got serious about losing weight as I had hit 165lbs and was not happy at all. So I spent the year trying to get healthy. I started going to the gym and went consistently from January to March until COVID hit and it shut down. From March to June I took a break but luckily didn't gain any weight back. Not being able to go to the gym was hard and I didn't know what else to do as it was not warm enough to run outside and I am not a big fan of workout videos. Once June hit I was able to run outside and got back on track. I have lost 36 pounds and currently weigh 129lbs. I am extremely happy with my weight loss but I am not where I want to be. Since January 2021 I have only lost 6 pounds. I feel like my weight loss has plateaued so heavily and it's frustrating. I have been back in the gym since January so I was able to swim some but swimming tends to be an easier workout for me because I was a competitive swimmer. So I switched to running and strength training, focusing a little more on running to help shed the extra weight. My goal weight was originally 125 lbs as that would be a healthy BMI for me but now that I'm close I was thinking maybe 120 or 115 would be more where I want to be. But I can't lose any more weight. I have been stuck around 129-130 for months. I've tried a bunch of different things that are supposed to help break a plateau but none have worked. I'm starting to wonder if this is my body's way of telling me it's done losing weight? I still have a little pocket of fat on my abdomen that I'm not happy with which is why I want to continue to lose but I cant budge the number on the scale at all. I'm starting to consider just moving into maintenance and focusing on toning my muscles and getting stronger. Any advice is appreciated.

submitted by /u/ssoups44
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from loseit - Lose the Fat