Thursday, April 22, 2021

The Girl Who Lost 100 lbs

The Girl Who Lost 100lbs

Hello, Reddit, this is my very first post.

When I started my weight loss journey last year, April 2020, I weighed 267.6lbs and I thought that by this time in 2021 I'd weigh 100lbs less. Well, as of this morning, I currently weigh 232.2lbs, which is a weight loss of ~35lbs. Unfortunately, I think that weight loss took me a whole damn year, but it's still progress, and I'm really proud of myself.

I am confident that I can not do this for me. I don't really care about looking "good" or feeling "better" or "doing this for me" because I don't really like myself. I don't want to to this for me. I'm not motivated by ME. I just want a dog, y'all.

The e n t i r e reason I want to lose weight is because I want a BigDog. Not just any dog... a Belgian Malinois, the Ferrari of working dogs. At this weight, and activity level, I know I can't handle most high-drive breeds or competitive dog sports. But, that's okay, because I'll get there eventually, and when I do I can be confident that I am healthy, active, and responsible enough for this breed.

Thanks for reading my first post, Everyone, I'll see you again soon!

Start Weight: 267.6lbs

Current Weight: 232.2lbs

Goal Weight: 130lbs

Height: 5'8"

submitted by /u/cough__cough
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: Health card comparison - health, indeed!

Today's non-scale victory: I just got my new health card in the mail and wowza! I knew my picture would look a lot different than the previous one, but I genuinely did a double take. The first pic was from 2017 when I was roughly 295 lbs. (I'm not exactly sure because I wasn't really weighing myself at that point. I think I didn't really want to know...) Anyway, I buckled down at the beginning of August 2020, lost about 75 lbs. and I've been plateau-ed around 220 for a couple of months now. Still got a ways to go, and have been really struggling to stay motivated.

I almost don't recognize the woman in the new picture. Not only does she look smaller, she looks so much more comfortable in her own skin. Hair pulled back, less makeup, not obsessively trying to find a position in which her double chin magically disappears... Happier. More hopeful. In balance. So I'm taking this opportunity to gently remind myself that plateaus are more than just okay - they're downright expected if you're in it for the long haul! And it's so easy to get discouraged when you feel like you've been jumping rope with the same hash mark on the scale for ages: a couple pounds up, a couple down, but ultimately feeling stuck.

There are so many other ways to validate your progress other than a number on a scale. Can you walk up a flight of stairs without feeling winded? Do you reach for water now instead of a sugary drink? Does it take less time to choose an outfit in the morning? Is it easier to make eye contact with yourself in the mirror? If you're really ready to make the change, don't just set a weight loss goal: envision ALL of what will be different when you reach that goal and pay attention to the other markers of progress that show up all the time. There are all kinds of things you do for future you that just can't be measured by a scale, so don't fall into the trap of weight loss tunnel vision! This new health card was my wake up call - what's yours?


submitted by /u/FITtingItIn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I need some words from those of you who's trying to lose weight but also lift!

Im a short women (5'1) so this can make things more challenging. Ever since I started weight lifting my weight has been inconsistent af although the scale said that im dropping body fat %. It went from 28% to 26%, but the number on the scale isn't changing. I used to do light cardio 40 mins a day, and 1200 cal a day without counting macros and as a result now i look fatter than i should be ( i think? Im 125 lbs but overall my body is veery squishy, squishier than it should look at 125 lol). So my questions are 1. Has your weight loss become slower once you started lifting? 2. Do you increase your calories? Im increasing to 1500 so i can meet my protein goal 3. Do you still do cardio? To make the weight loss faster? 4. And the last and most important question, do you gain any muscle? Do you get stronger even though you're still in a deficit? Thanks!

submitted by /u/a2nier
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Century Club] April 22, 2021 - Have you lost or need to lose 100 lbs or more? Here’s a thread just for you!

I have often welcomed those who have lost 100+ lbs (~ 50 kg , ~7 stone) to “the club” and joked that club meetings were on Thursdays. I recently suggested that we try out having a regular weekly thread to talk about issues that are particular to those who have lost 100+ lbs, those who are well on their way and those who are just at the beginning of a journey this big.

Welcome back to the Century Club! Each week I will provide a topic of the day that has been on my mind or inspired by previous posts. However you are free to talk about any topics you think might be relevant to current and prospective club members.

Previous Topics: Loose Skin Redux - Multiple Centuries - April Fools! - What didn't work? - Milestones - Seasonal changes - Is it worth it? - Surprising Food Facts - Mistakes were made - Time to Vent - Relief Valves - Seeing Objectively - Tips you hate - Fear and Self-Loathing - Starting - 2020 recap

Today's topic: Relationships

We've talked about how living with other people can affect your weight loss journey, but we haven't really explored the flip side of that. How losing weight/gaining fitness can affect your relationships.

A recent post by u/Mymindisgone217 asked the question if ending relationships was common with large weight loss/fitness journeys...

For me, the connection is quite evident. I was only spurred on to my own journey after the final collapse of my 30+ year relationship with my now ex-wife and mother of my children. For about the 18 months prior to her asking for a divorce she had been on her own fitness/weight loss journey going regularly to a women's only gym and doing yoga and preparing her own food separate from what she prepared for our teenage boys and I. She made no effort to disguise her disdain and disgust in my body, my being, my mere existence by the time we were negotiating the dissolution of our marriage.

So the collapse of one relationship was a major catalyst for me taking on my own weight loss/fitness journey. The main driver for my journey was realizing that my two sons (now young men about to turn 20, 18) really need me in their lives and I really want to be there as long as I can for them. However, attracting a potential romantic partner was a secondary reason for improving my health and weight. About 6 months into my journey, I met someone. We met when I was about 235 and I'm now usually under 160.

She's seen major changes to my body and what it is capable of doing. She cheered me on the first time I ever voluntarily ran a 5K and was there to greet me at the finish line of my first half-marathon. She has never been dismissive of any of my food or fitness choices and generally lets me do what I think I need to do to be the person I choose to be right now. She would generally prefer that I gain an additional 5-10 lbs, but accepts that my weight isn't really up to her just as much as her weight or any of her dietary choices aren't any of my business.

We enjoy cooking and eating tasty (and usually healthy) food together. I typically plan our meals together while she handles a lot of the prep and sous-chef duties. We swap roles if it's a meal she has already perfected where I will just get in the way. (She's the queen of gluten free pizza). I always try to be conscious of the fact that I have almost 6 inches in height on her and am far more active so I try to make what we eat together fit her needs and augment it with larger meals when we eat separately, or just add other additional items or larger portions for me.

We both have the "weigh yourself every day, but don't obsess over it" routine down pat and have fared much better over the past crazy pandemic year than many other people we know. My average weight this month is still lower than it was in March 2020 and hers is only a few pounds up driven mainly by switching from walking daily to and from work and everywhere else in the neighborhood to working from home or at a site that is too far to walk to. Hopefully that will change again as the state of emergency finally comes to an end. I try to help offset that by offering to take walks together particularly on my rest days when I am not planning to run.

In retrospect, my unhappiness in my marriage was also a factor that contributed to keeping me so fat for so long. I overate largely because I was unhappy and food provided one source of momentary joy. These days I'm happier when alone and happier when with my partner.

So even though the end of my marriage was related to the end of my ex's fitness journey and the beginning of mine, it also led to a much healthier and happier relationship with someone else.

What about you Centurion? How were your most intimate relationships affected before/during/after your journey and vice versa, how did your most intimate relationships affect your weight loss journey?

submitted by /u/SmilingJaguar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

6 Healthy Tips for Sustainable Eating

Transform your diet with an earth-friendly approach to eating! You can easily improve your health AND the planet with simple habits that fit into your weight loss plan. From eating more veggies to starting a home garden, we’ve got six sustainable strategies to help you help the environment.

In short, to eat sustainably means choosing foods that are healthy for your body but that are produced in a way that also protects the earth. It’s a concept that was developed to both reduce the risk of killer and chronic diseases and to help preserve our natural resources so the earth can continue to feed generations to come.1

How does what we put on our plates hurt the environment? For example, the raising of livestock for meat, eggs and dairy products uses far more natural resources—a third of the world’s fresh water supply in fact—than the farming of plant foods.2 Shipping foods across the country can be a significant source of pollution. Food waste is also a big issue: About 30-40% of the food that comes to market in the United States winds up as garbage, says the US Food and Drug Administration.3

Fortunately, what makes us healthy also keeps the planet healthy. Eating more plant-based foods and less red meat and sugar will preserve natural resources while cutting down on risks for cardiovascular disease, Type 1 diabetes, some cancers and premature death, according to the EAT-Lancet commission4, a group of 37 of the world’s leading scientists whose mission was to define targets for healthy diets and sustainable food production.

7 Creative Ways to Eat Fruits and Veggies

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Here’s how you can jump on the sustainable eating bandwagon:

1. Bring on the veggies and grains.

a plate of vegetables, carrots, edamame, and broccoli

Getting that steak to your table costs a lot of money, burns a lot of fuel and, as you’ve seen, uses up far too much fresh drinking water. While lean meat and poultry are healthy sources of protein, incorporating more vegetarian and plant-based foods into your diet can be beneficial to the environment.

Nutrisystem offers plenty of delicious vegetarian meals that are easy to prepare and perfect for your meatless Monday menu! You’ll love our plant-based Sweet Ginger Veggie and Grain Blend. Click here to stock up! >

2. Eat what’s in season.

a grocery bag overflowing with vegetables

Sure, you can get strawberries in February but chances are they’ve been flown or trucked in from far away, using up plenty of fuel and creating plenty of pollution. You can support sustainability by choosing produce that’s grown locally whenever possible. Not only does local produce tend to taste better but since it gets from the field or orchard to your kitchen much quicker, it doesn’t lose as much of its nutritional value as food from far-flung places.5 Those strawberries will be tastier and so much better for you in June and July than they are mid-winter.

On Nutrisystem, we recommend eating at least four servings of non-starchy veggie each day. Try to choose seasonal options for your veggie add-ins. How do you know what’s in season? Check out this helpful article here! > You can learn what produce is in season in your region with the handy Seasonal Food Guide app.6

3. Farmers Markets: Shop locally.

a woman and child shopping at a local farmers market

Buying at your local farmers’ market means you’re eating what’s in season and cutting down on transit time, but it’s also a way to support your community’s economy. Bonus: You get a close-up view of where your food comes from.

An increasingly popular way to buy food seasonally from a local farmer is purchasing what’s called a “CSA share.” CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. To purchase a “share,” you typically pay a membership fee up front (helping with cash flow at the farm). That will often get you a weekly box of food, which may include produce or other foodstuff raised on the farm, like honey and even eggs, bread and meat. Some shares include flowers.7

7 Surprising Benefits of Gardening

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4. Grow your own.

a home-grown tomato plant on the patio

You don’t need acres of land to grow your own veggies, herbs and fruits. You don’t even need a yard. You can grow veggies and herbs (and even fruit trees, which come in handy columnar varieties) in containers on your back porch, front stoop or sunny window. In fact, almost any vegetable you can grow in a garden can also grow in a container.8

For free assistance on starting your own garden, contact your county’s cooperative extension service, which is affiliated with a university in your state. We’ve also got plenty of tips here on The Leaf. Check out our Gardening With Scott series! >

5. Invest in a water filtering pitcher.

a man using a water filtering pitcher to pour water.

Instead of buying bottled water in plastic containers, invest in a reusable water filtering pitcher and pour fresh, clean water into your own reusable water bottles. You’ll save lots of money along with the environment.

Nutrisystem makes a 32-once reusable water bottle that’s perfectly portable, dishwasher-safe and American-made. Purchase it here! >

6. Try a sustainable meal delivery service.

a smiling woman pointing to a meal delivery package

The same portion control that can help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight can help you reduce food waste. With home delivery, you also eliminate weekly shopping trips. The US Environmental Protection Agency estimates that weekly trips to the grocery store generates 17 million metric tons of carbon dioxide in the environment.9 This contributes to the increasing rise in global temperature that leads to more intense and damaging weather patterns, according to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).10

Nutrisystem is committed to reducing the environmental impact of our products, so you can feel good about choosing us for your weight loss journey. Reduce your food waste and decrease your carbon footprint with our sustainable meal delivery service! Our home delivery helps you cut down on weekly trips to the grocery story, while our portion controlled foods help you decrease food waste.

We also make smart and sustainable decisions when it comes to our packaging. Our new coolers for our frozen meals are made with thermally robust and eco-friendly materials. They are 92% biodegradable*, so you can throw them away with regular trash and let nature safely break them down. However, they are also reusable and recyclable.

Nutrisystem food cartons are made from recyclable board stock and our food trays are also recyclable. You also won’t find excess print materials with your Nutrisystem plan. We’ve increased our program support through our website, the NuMi app and our blog The Leaf.

You know what that means: You can enjoy delicious meals and snacks with no guilt—about anything! There’s only one earth and it’s up to us to take care of it. We’re all in this together!

Learn more about our sustainable practices at Nutrisystem here! >

*Foam breaks down up to 92% in four years

Eco-Friendly: Go Green With Our New Biodegradable Boxes

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The post 6 Healthy Tips for Sustainable Eating appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Happy Earth Day! 11 Green Smoothies That Will Rock Your World

We love green smoothies. That’s because they make for a super simple (and delicious!) way to load up on all kinds of body-boosting nutrients. Plus, it’s really easy to customize the ingredients so that you create one you actually crave (and don’t have to hold your nose just to toss back).

And, for the non-veggie lovers among us, green smoothies are a great vehicle for sneaking in those good-for-you greens without actually having to taste them.

Helpful hint: Just click on the name or image to view the full recipe.

Here are 11 of our favorite healthy green smoothie recipes:

Give them a go, then be sure to share your own go-to green smoothie recipe!

1. Green Goddess Smoothie >

green goddess smoothie
This delicious Green Goddess Smoothie features a variety of good-for-you ingredients like spinach, lemon, ginger, honey and chia seeds, sure to leave you feeling clean and lean.

2. Peachy Green Ginger Smoothie >

peachy green ginger smoothie
You’ll love the flavor of this Peachy Green Ginger Smoothie, which includes frozen peaches and banana, plus spinach, almond milk and ginger.

3. Mango Madness Green Smoothie >

mango smoothie
This delicious mango smoothie, which includes your Vanilla Nutrisystem Shake, frozen banana and mango slices, plus spinach, honey and almond milk, isn’t just brimming with nutrition… it’s full of flavor, too!

4. Kiwi Vanilla Smoothie >

kiwi vanilla
You’ll love this Kiwi Vanilla Smoothie, which uses your Vanilla Nutrisystem Shake (or any of your favorite protein shakes), banana slices, kiwi and kale.

5. PB & Berry Green Smoothie >

PB & Berry
Try this delicious PB & Berry Smoothie for a delicious drink that’s loaded with nutrition, thanks to the addition of banana, blueberries, kale, peanut butter and almond milk.

6. Lean, Green, Grape Machine Smoothie >

Lean, Green, Grape Machine
Your body (and taste buds!) will thank you for this delicious and nutritious green smoothie, which uses frozen red grapes to sweeten up spinach and almond milk.

7. Kale ‘Em with Green-ness Smoothie >

kale smoothie
This delicious Kale ‘Em with Greenness Smoothie is surprisingly sweet, thanks to the addition of red apple (feel free to try it with green apple… we love all greens!), Vanilla Nutrisystem Shake mix and frozen banana, which masks the slight bitterness of kale.

While technically not green in color, these delicious smoothies also include a healthy dose of leafy greens, winning them a spot in our line-up of top green smoothies you’re sure to love:

8. Vanilla Lime Milkshake >

vanilla lime
This delicious Vanilla Lime Milkshake featuring fat-free vanilla yogurt, fat-free milk, frozen banana, spinach leaves, dried dates, plus lime juice and vanilla extract, is so tasty, you’ll have a hard time believing it’s healthy!

9. Green Tropics Smoothie >

green tropics smoothie
We probably shouldn’t tell you this, but this delicious Green Tropics Smoothie is probably our favorite smoothie OF ALL TIME. Featuring frozen pineapple and banana, plus spinach, coconut water and Vanilla Nutrisystem Shake, this refreshing treat is like a piece of paradise in every pour.

10. Berry Green Smoothie >

blueberry smoothie
This Berry Green Smoothie is a delicious way to sneak some extra greens into your day. To make it, just blend your Vanilla Nutrisystem Shake (or any of your favorite protein powders) with unsweetened almond milk, frozen berries, kale and a splash of water. Simple… and delicious!

11. Mint Chocolate Smoothie >

mint chocolate
Featuring your Chocolate Nutrisystem Shake, a splash of mint extract, water and ice, plus a half cup of kale for added nutrition, this Mint Chocolate Smoothie is super simple… and super delicious!

The post Happy Earth Day! 11 Green Smoothies That Will Rock Your World appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Earth Day: The Perfect Day to Eat Green Veggies

Go green this Earth Day with delicious and nutritious green veggies! If you think that you’re not a fan of vegetables, Nutrisystem is here change your mind with some healthy yet tasty recipes that feature green veggies. Check them out below:

1. Simple Spring Green Pasta Salad Recipe >

Earth Day recipes that feature seasonal ingredients just makes sense. Enjoy in-season asparagus, green peas and watercress with this easy green pasta salad recipe that’s perfect for spring. Click here for the full recipe! >

2. Baked Hot Spinach and Artichoke Dip >

Baked Hot Spinach and Artichoke Dip

Have an Earth Day celebration with your favorite dip made healthy! This creamy, dreamy appetizer is packed with flavor and fiber. Plus, did you know that artichokes are in season? It’s a win-win. Click here for the full recipe! >

3. Green Goddess Salad >

green goddess salad

Shredded Brussels sprouts are the star of the show in this green salad that features kale, edamame, quinoa, almonds and parmesan cheese. A Dijon dressing makes it a mouthwatering dish that is sure to be a new favorite. Click here for the full recipe! >

4. Spinach Banana Pancakes >

Spinach Banana Pancakes

Go green with a beautiful breakfast! These green pancakes are the perfect way to start your Earth Day. Click here for the full recipe! >

5. Asparagus Caprese Salad >

caprese salad

Green asparagus transforms an ordinary Caprese salad into the ultimate spring salad. Plus, it’s ready to enjoy in minutes and pairs perfectly with your grilled faves. Click here for the full recipe! >

6. Roasted Bok Choy >

Roasted Bok Choy with almonds

Bok choy is underrated on the list of green veggies. Once you try it roasted with crunchy almonds and a tasty sauce, you’ll be buying it every week. Click here for the full recipe! >

7. Roasted Turnip Salad >

colorful healthy recipes

Fresh spinach and arugula are the base of this superfood salad that’s great for spring. If you’re never had turnips before, they are similar to potatoes with a spicy edge that makes them more flavorful. Click here for the full recipe! >

The post Earth Day: The Perfect Day to Eat Green Veggies appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf