Thursday, April 22, 2021

NSV: Health card comparison - health, indeed!

Today's non-scale victory: I just got my new health card in the mail and wowza! I knew my picture would look a lot different than the previous one, but I genuinely did a double take. The first pic was from 2017 when I was roughly 295 lbs. (I'm not exactly sure because I wasn't really weighing myself at that point. I think I didn't really want to know...) Anyway, I buckled down at the beginning of August 2020, lost about 75 lbs. and I've been plateau-ed around 220 for a couple of months now. Still got a ways to go, and have been really struggling to stay motivated.

I almost don't recognize the woman in the new picture. Not only does she look smaller, she looks so much more comfortable in her own skin. Hair pulled back, less makeup, not obsessively trying to find a position in which her double chin magically disappears... Happier. More hopeful. In balance. So I'm taking this opportunity to gently remind myself that plateaus are more than just okay - they're downright expected if you're in it for the long haul! And it's so easy to get discouraged when you feel like you've been jumping rope with the same hash mark on the scale for ages: a couple pounds up, a couple down, but ultimately feeling stuck.

There are so many other ways to validate your progress other than a number on a scale. Can you walk up a flight of stairs without feeling winded? Do you reach for water now instead of a sugary drink? Does it take less time to choose an outfit in the morning? Is it easier to make eye contact with yourself in the mirror? If you're really ready to make the change, don't just set a weight loss goal: envision ALL of what will be different when you reach that goal and pay attention to the other markers of progress that show up all the time. There are all kinds of things you do for future you that just can't be measured by a scale, so don't fall into the trap of weight loss tunnel vision! This new health card was my wake up call - what's yours?


submitted by /u/FITtingItIn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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