Monday, June 5, 2023

Weight loss of 80 lbs maintained over 6 years.. but I'm spiraling out of control. Any tips?

TW: overeating, binge eating. SW: 215 CW: 154

I've been weight lifting and watching what I eat since 2017. My lowest weight was 135 lbs in 2021. My weight loss was slow and steady, which has allowed me to maintain it pretty well. It also helps that I have built muscle mass and retrained my brain on healthy eating... or so I thought.

I've been struggling for nearly a year and a half. Feeling like I want to get to my "final form" (in my brain, that's wearing a bikini and being confident) and this has caused me to go through cycles of restricting, then overeating, then full on bingeing. In the mindset of "this is the last time" but it never is. I am unmotivated to go to the gym. I am JUST SO TIRED OF FIGHTING MY OWN BRAIN. How do I come out of this? Do you all have any tips? I feel like I'm going to ruin my metabolism again but buoying up and down with calories and inconsistency in the gym. Help me :(

submitted by /u/greenteaforthought
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is it possible to go from 197 lbs to 137 or lower in two years or a little less?

I’m thinking of changing careers. For the past few months I’ve been thinking about becoming a firefighter. The next applications should be out in two years if I’m not mistaken. I’ve always been interested in serving the public. My BIL is a firefighter, but my sister is toxic & kept us apart to the point he believes lies about, so I won’t be able to go to him for help. Eventually I can probably get to know another current firefighter but I don’t want to ask questions withy current poor physical fitness.

If this is doable (to lose that much weight in the time mentioned) mind sharing what motivates you on your own personal weight loss journey? I get discouraged sometimes & have a habit of withdrawing into myself.

I have depression & anxiety & I don’t like going out because of how I look. I don’t really have a support system so it’ll just be me doing it on my own. I have physically present people in my life but they’re not healthily supportive & they’ll more than likely do their best to discourage me.

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/mantisinthemirror
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Should i wait until after im done having kids to get loose skin removed?

Should I wait until after I'm done having kids to get my loose skin removed (from weight loss)?

(I'm a Female and 5’1 if that’s relevant)

I’ve been on a weight loss journey since 2019. (Technically, I’ve been trying to lose weight my whole life, but 2019 is when it really took off.) At that point, I was probably over 230, I couldn’t tell you, because I did not check the scale that much. Right now, I fluctuate between 165 and 162.

I have two goals, my first goal is to be 150 pounds, and my second goal is to lose 5 inches off my waist (currently 32”). Then, from there, I want to take a look at myself and see how I feel and what I look like to decide whether I want to continue losing weight or not. I always wanted to be 125, but the more weight I lose the more I don’t know if I’m ready to accept what that’ll do to my body ( my breasts will be nothing but skin 🥲).

However, I have a bit of a dilemma. I definitely plan on getting my loose skin removed. The dilemma is, I’m getting married very soon. We’ll probably have no more than five kids. Everyone always says you should wait until after you’re done having children to get procedures like this.

The thing is, I don’t want to wait. I am 27 and my dream body is an arm length away. I hate the idea of having to wait years until I’m finally able to be the version of myself I’ve always envisioned. I knew I would have loose skin on my weight loss journey. However, even though I lost weight, and I’m not as big as I once was, I still feel like I’ve never not been fat. Does that make sense? There are so many cute outfits I would love to wear that I can't because I don’t feel comfortable because the loose skin just takes over everything.

I have a couple question: The first one being what should I do? Or what would you do? Should I wait until I’m done with having kids to get my loose skin removed? Or should I just do it now? Also, should I wait until I am at my goal weight to get this surgery done? or no?

I can’t imagine a world where I’m not losing weight. But I also don’t want to get all my loose skin removed, just to lose more weight, and end up with more loose skin.

submitted by /u/Virtual_Stretch_3002
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thanks for helping me break through my eating habit/disorder

Just wanted to thank everyone who replied to my last post

This is what made me realize the weight loss method I was using was very unhealthy, especially for someone at my age.

Reading people’s replies worried me, got me to bring up the topic with my doctor.

I was told it was significantly unhealthy to be eating that little every day (while being at a healthy weight)

Transitioned from eating 500-1000 calories daily (at 15 years old, 5’8, and 150lbs)

To eating around 2,500 a day as well as being active.

i can definitely notice my mood is better and i feel much more full.


submitted by /u/saltypepper559
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to continue with my diet?

Hey, I grew up as an overweight kid until the age 17, when I started my weight loss journey I was 293 pounds (I was 6’ 3”), and since I used to play a lot of sport I got used to eating those calories burned. I lost around 50 pounds in one yr and started hitting the gym which I had a cutting phase and bulking phase, and now I’m at around 14 percent body fat and weighing 198 pounds. Now, to the main question, in the beginning I was able to go on months without getting tired and cheating on my diet, but now that I want to cut down the last 5 pounds, I’m really struggling and can’t focus on my diet. I’m kinda tired of tracking the macros and eating healthy and restricting myself cuz I’ve been doing it for near 2 yrs. Since the last month that I started my cutting phase I lost only about 1 pound only, and nothing much. I want to know what I should change to just be consistent with my diet. FYI, I’m not following a keto or diet anything I’m just tryna be in caloric deficit.

submitted by /u/BackgroundAccurate58
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does anyone else experience this strange weight loss pattern?

I stay at the same weight with only minimal fluctuations for 1.5-2 weeks, no matter how much I exercise and how large my calorie deficit is. Even on days that I create over 1500 kcals of deficit by lowering my intake a little and exercising vigorously, the weight stays the same. It leaves me so frustrated.

Then, something, which I still can't figure what, happens and I finally start some drops on the scale. I suddenly lose 2-3 kg in a matter of a few days, then regain a small portion of it in the next few.

And from there, the cycle continues. I stay at that lower weight for some time, then the drop happens.

I'm wondering if it is some kind of water retention caused by the 6-day strength training program I am on.

I would rather see a stable decrease. Did you guys experience this issue before?

submitted by /u/Frograli
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss Update and a few Questions

Starting Date: October 2022 SW:450lbs CW:315lbs GW:200lbs

Just thought I’d share an update incase anyone is thinking about starting their journey.

I had always been an on and off lurker on this sub, hoping to find inspiration and motivation to start my journey. I’m not exactly sure what clicked this time, but it’s been going great. I’m not entirely sure of my starting weight, but I know it was over 400lbs, and I’m pretty confident it was around 450lbs. I’m now at 315lbs after starting in October of 2022. And I feel great. 10hr work days used to leave me sore and tired, and now I feel fine after a long work day. Up until the last week, my entire weight loss had been through nutrition alone, along with having a job that keeps me walking between 5-10 miles a day. I finally joined a gym last week, and have gone daily except one day. If anyone would like to ask any questions, feel free to comment or DM.

On a side note, what kind of gym routines have you guys found to be successful. So far, I start out with some cardio (10-15 minutes on the stair stepper and 20 minutes on the treadmill with an incline). I then follow it with three sets on various weight machines. Does this seem like a good plan? I’m not hyper focused on certain muscle group days since at this point I just want to build overall muscles and continue losing weight. Also, I fully expected weight gain after starting to work out due to water retention. How long did this weight gain last for all of you? And did it gradually just go back down, or pretty quickly after a few weeks? I know it’s not fat gain since my diet is still on point and I’m for certain staying within my calorie limit (and I gained almost 6lbs the day following my first day at the gym).

Any advice is appreciated, and AMA about my journey. I’m more than willing to share.

submitted by /u/WeightLossTKCR
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from loseit - Lose the Fat