Sunday, June 11, 2023

lower energy levels and fatigue affecting my ability to study

hi friends! i've been steady on my weight loss journey for the last 1.5 months or so which has worked well, but recently it's caused some issues.. i lost like 20lbs already and i've only got another 10-20 lbs to go for my goal weight.

my daily deficit has been around 1000 calories which is completely fine when im not very busy, and purely in terms of eating it has been relatively easy. however, sometimes i feel extra tired and i get impatient and easily annoyed at times which isnt helping when studying.

over the summer ive had a lot more school work and other stuff show up that takes more effort than im used to, which hasnt been easy while at my current calorie deficit. by the end of the summer i wont need to put nearly as much time in to school work so this is just a temporary thing.

the simple solution would be to eat a bit more which would hopefully give me the energy i currently need. is this the only real option, or can i for example make sure i eat a lot just before my study sessions, then eat a bit less in the evening for example? i dont want to give up on losing weight, but its also hard to accept much slower progress of course!

any advice, have you tried different calorie deficits and how did it affect you? thanks!♥

submitted by /u/alvaweirdgirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is anyone else more critical of themselves post weight loss?

I’m not done yet, but I’m down 70+lbs and at a more socially acceptable size for a 5’10” F. But now that I’m here, I’m feeling hyper-critical of other things that never bothered me before like my nose, my fine lines, my thin, short hair.

I think I was sold the idea that “I was pretty for a fat girl” but that doesn’t translate to being pretty as a “thin” girl (not that I’m thin yet, but I’m closer than ever before).

Now I feel like I’m just below average looking, and I’m thinking about what else I can do to improve my appearance. I’ve been really thinking about things like Botox and tape-in hair extensions.

Or, maybe, my brain won’t let me be happy with my appearance. Maybe being fat was the obvious “flaw” I could focus on for the last 20 years and if that’s gone, I need to find other flaws to obsess over.

Anyway, I’m just feeling a bit deflated and wanted to see if anyone out there could offer some insight or could relate.

submitted by /u/Penelope-loves-Helix
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I hate the "Health = Happiness" mindset that comes with weight loss

Just earlier I saw a comment that said "you can never be happy if you're unhealthy" relating to weight loss and body positivity.

Plenty of us suffer from chronic illnesses and disabilities. Many more will eventually see their bodies decline with age. It's such a short sighted, simplistic way of seeing health. Not everyone can achieve peak fitness or the body of their dreams.

I've had some not-so-great health news, so this hits me especially hard lately. I'm worried and struggling to accept my new reality. I know that even doing everything I can to be fit and at a healthy weight, I will never have the body I want, because some things can't be avoided or healed by living healthy. Some things are just out of our control, and that hurts. And being told that happiness is out of my reach because of that is just so demotivating.

Nothing is permanent, anything can be lost. We should enjoy our bodies when we have them, give them the best chance to thrive, but if we pin all our happiness on them, we might be in for a bad surprise. I certainly was.

submitted by /u/EpitaFelis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, June 10, 2023

First time at the gym: let’s talk about it!

Hi everyone.

I think one of the most abysmal thoughts as a fat person is going to the gym. To be honest, I was SO worried. I know you all get it.

But I knew that I had to eventually get into the gym. Though I don’t believe that everyone HAS to go to the gym, I think it helps more than you expect. Especially with my end goals, I knew that I needed to start going to the gym.

And honestly guys, it went amazing. I took one of my friends with me. She was super patient with me, taught me how to use the machines, and showed me how to stretch to make sure I wasn’t super sore by the end.

I didn’t feel judged, I just enjoyed my workout! We stayed for 3 hours and we hit so much stuff. I even tried the Stairmaster for the first time! It was so sweet!

My point is, if you’re worried about the gym, just do it! I saw so many different ages, body types, and activities. It was comforting & the best part is - I didn’t feel alone.

Best wishes on your weight loss, all!


submitted by /u/earthyisland
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What do you use to visualize weight loss? I think of butter

What does everyone think of when considering the amount of weight to lose or amount of weight lost? I find it helpful to think in terms of butter. Here in aus butter comes in 500g blocks wrapped in paper and I think of weight loss in terms of kilograms so two blocks of butter equals one kilo.

I want to lose 5kg (in the immediate future but have much more to lose) so I have 10 blocks of butter to lose. I imagine a pile of blocks of butter and how big and heavy that would be to carry home from the shops and then how that effort is translated to the everyday effort for my body. I also visualise how those 10 blocks are distributed on my body and sculpting the butter off and creating blocks from where I hold additional weight.

I don't know if anyone does the same and if this even a healthy way of thinking about fat on my body but if you're into visualisation to achieve a goal what are you doing? They can be fitness goals not necessarily just physical changes but I'm so curious to see if anyone else has similar thoughts that they revisit.

submitted by /u/wholecookedchook
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My Fellow Singles - How to Navigate Dating while Working on Weight Loss?

F32/5'9"/SW 103.1kg/CW 97.9kg/1st GW 90kg

Hello everyone!

As a single person, and with the summer around the corner, the question of dating and going (back) on the apps comes up. But when you are on your health journey - working on yourself, exercising, watching your diet, etc. - how do you balance that while dating? Do you put yourself out there, or do you wait til later?

Personally I'd like to get back out there, but I think my anxieties on how people would perceive me (eg. "You look different in your pictures") as well as past experiences of how I've been treated as a fat person has given me pause. Thanks to good ol' therapy it has gotten better, but it can be a challenge still.

I would love to hear your stories and perspectives on this, thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/gggetswings
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Any girlies want to be accountability buddies for this rollercoaster of a ride we call weight loss????

SW: 217lbs // CW: 196lbs // GW: 150lbs

So for context I am F25 and my height is 5’5 and I feel like I have been on this weight loss journey for the longest but wasn’t actively consistent with it. I would try for two weeks and then ultimately burn out. Pretty shitty feeling overall. Anyway, so recently within the past two months I buckled down and did everything I needed to do; CALORIE DEFICIT, 30MIN WORKOUT/ 1 WALK PER DAY & IF (16:8) I did this method consistently and was strict about because the thing I realised prior to this point is that I was heavily lacking discipline (a bitch of a habit to break!) but fear not I don’t have the magic recipe to break out of that but when you finally do, YOU WILL SEE RESULTS..slow or fast it’s still a win! Trusting the process and yourself is the key.

The only thing I’m missing is I’ve been doing this myself and I’m surrounded by people who are not on the same path as me and that can get kind of isolating sometimes as you have no one to relate to! So I wanted to make this post and see if anyone who relates to any of this are all welcome to join me and be accountability buddies/girlies?!

We can do this!🧚🏼‍♀️💖

submitted by /u/thebeautifulparadox
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from loseit - Lose the Fat