Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Im so confused about the 10k steps

So I have been seeing a lot recently of people posting how they’ve lost so much weight through 10k steps a day. I myself do anywhere between 15-20k steps a day and I have not seen any weight loss. Actually I’ve been gaining weight very steadily recently. I am at the heaviest I have ever been even though I’m constantly moving. I know I’m eating 2000 calories a day but that should be average and maintenance at least for a 22 year old 5’5 female. Especially with the amount I move. My eating habits are the same as they’ve always been so I don’t know where this weight gain is coming from. My health app is telling me I’m trending at more calories burned and steps then last year too (but im at least 10-15lbs heavier). Is my metabolism slowing down? I thought that was a myth about age.

submitted by /u/Background-Gap-9038
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/0sUTVWY

PSA: Try cutting your calories first!!

This is just what's working for me, YMMV! I'm 5'4"/33/F. SW: 158, CW: 149.5, GW: 125. Exercise is great, but I was putting in a lot of work without seeing much weight loss.

For *years*, like a decade at this point, whenever I wanted to lose weight I'd start working out a lot and join a gym. I'd go to trainers who I told over and over that I wanted to lose weight, and they'd put me on a workout plan. Not much talk of diet, more of a suggestion of "here's food we recommend to eat". I like doing cardio, and lifting weights is fine, but I told these people I wanted to lose weight and I'd get peddled shakes and supplements and never just "have you tried eating at a deficit without exercise to start?" which I understand - it's their livelihood! But you'd think someone could have just told me this to save me from years of anguish!

So I'd work out a few times a week on my own and eat at 1400-1500. It was really frustrating and slow. The workouts were hard and the results were so-so. I'd usually give up after 6 weeks when I'd only lost two or three pounds.

At 155lbs, I hired a trainer. I told her I wanted to lose weight, but she put me on a recomp without clearly communicating that. It started off with, 'let's raise your calories' and any time I mentioned wanting to lose fat, she doubled-down on the recomp thing being the way to go. She was keen on "don't give up - your results are just around the corner" so I trusted her - but wasn't clear that the results were me staying a bit above my starting weight while getting rid of some fat and replacing it with muscle. Recomps are great, and I saw good results, but man was it demoralizing trusting in her process and not getting where I wanted to be.

The scale moved up to 158lbs when I was done, after 16 weeks. I'd been working out 4-5 times per week, like 45 minutes each day, and that made me feel awful that I hadn't gone down in weight. I know that's the nature of a recomp, but when I told her my goal was to lose weight, I figured she'd help me lose 15-20lbs. After this, I told her I wanted to do a cut for 12 weeks. She insisted on the 1500 calories + workouts routine, which wasn't moving the scale much. My motivation hit a wall. What was the point? I'd seen people on this and other subs who were my starting stats, who lost all the weight I wanted to lose and then some by just eating fewer calories and going for walks sometimes. So I knew there had to be something different I could do.

A few weeks into this program with her, I just calculated my TDEE/BMR and such and found the numbers I needed to lose ~1lb per week. I'd been taking progress pictures, weighing my food, etc. for months at this point so I just needed to change up my daily calories.

Since then, I have been losing a pound a week without all the insane work I was doing before. As a shorter person, I know I'm going to have to work it in there at some point to keep losing. But it feels SO good to have finally seen some consistent results without feeling like I need to lift weights and do cardio multiple times per week.

Just calculate the calories you need to maintain your weight, and subtract 500 for an idea of how many calories to eat per day to lose a pound per week. This post has some good math resources.

TL;DR: Trust the whole "abs are made in the kitchen" thing. See what you lose by cutting calories!

submitted by /u/puffinstix
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/y7xjmDs

Super Reduced Appetite

I'm a little over a month in to CICO weight loss with a base caloric goal of 1650 cal/day. I tend to hit around 1500-1600 each day in addition to about 400 cal burned daily. I'm just now starting back with weight lifting, so I know I need to be sure to hit my calorie goals, but lately I find myself feeling like I'm force feeding myself.

I enjoy the food, but after about 5-6 bites, I'm no longer hungry.I also don't typically feel too hungry lately even ahead of a meal. As a reference, I tend to eat home cooked meals of chicken and roasted veggies or chicken with salads. I mix it up with some "cheats" like flatbread pizzas and go out to eat about once or twice a week, so it's really nothing to do with being bored with repetition, and I want to stress that I've enjoyed each meal.

Anyway, has this happened to anyone? What do you recommend to make sure you hit caloric goals while also choosing nutritionally dense foods?

Side note: I intermittent fast 16:8 12 PM-8PM each day.

submitted by /u/2Not5A6Bot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/xuSlQ5j

Monday, June 19, 2023

How to transition from weight loss to maintenance?

Hi everyone 👋

Just reached my goal!! Can I get some advice on how to transition to maintenance? My plan is to add 200 calories/day every two weeks and check my weight daily. Is this a good plan?

I heard some people went straight to their calculated TDEE but I’m afraid this might shock my metabolism since I was on a deficit for a long time.

Also a question for my new TDEE, should I still put sedentary? My job is not very physically active but I do weightlifting 3 times a week. I don't do cardio anymore so I don’t lose more weight than intended.

Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/Majestic-Lion3634
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/eNIaSi7

Invite to Discord support group for women's weight loss

Hey guys,

If anyone would like to supplement this community with a discord server for weight loss support and accountability, please join us. Everyone is welcome, no matter where you are on your journey. It's a bit deserted at the moment but it's been a great community in the past and I think it can be so again.

(For anyone unfamiliar, discord is more like a chat room than a message board. It encourages more immediate conversation and is a bit more casual)

Discord invite below! Ladies/NB only please- weight loss is a bit different for us :)

Click this link and say hi! Discord XX LoseIt invitation

submitted by /u/Medeaa
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/rRtXMeI

Anyone else still struggle with the mirror after weight loss?

I (22M) have lost about 60lbs so far, but I still have about 50 to go. I’ve nearly dropped a shirt size, and multiple people have told me they can tell i’ve been putting in the work. I feel great, have much more energy, and am much more confident.

However, when I look at pictures of myself or look in the mirror, in my eyes I’m still the same size I originally was. Is this normal, or is this something I need to just work through? It makes it tough to stay motivated when I can’t see physical results in myself (even though I can through clothing sizes)

submitted by /u/Savings-Dirt-1854
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/ybkdGio

Don't know what to do.

Hey y'all, hope you are having a great morning/afternoon/evening. Honestly I'm just lost. Lost with the weight loss shit. 2 years ago today I posted to this sub regarding how I had officially lost 100 pounds and was moving into my career of choice. I went from 318 pounds to 208 pounds in the span of a year. I was so happy with the way my life was going and just to ready for whatever life was ready to throw at me. Especially after losing all that weight. Fast forward a year, I started seriously hitting the gym and continuing to eat decently up until about 6 months ago I'd say. My old habits caught back up with me. Seemingly out of no where and for the next six months I'd say I started eating 5-8 thousand calories a day again with the excuse in my head being that "I workout at the gym now, I can afford to eat this" so yah. I'm back to square one. I had a moment of realization last month that I was pigging out again and started bawling my eyes out. I don't want to feel sorry for myself, but I have no motivation to want to eat good anymore. I still workout every single day, so I am a pretty strong dude, but I am so packed on with fat now it doesn't look like it whatsoever, all my progress is gone. I'm at 298 pounds now. I feel worthless. I feel stupid for allowing myself to do this to myself again. I just needed to vent, any potential advice is appreciated though. I love reading the stories on here. You are all inspirations.

submitted by /u/Icy_Mistake2730
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/6uMv9c3