Saturday, July 15, 2023

Friends jealous and acting weird?

Has anybody had the experience of their friends backing away from hanging out, or being visibly and/or audibly jealous of their weight loss? Most of my friends are also overweight, and I am losing right now at a pretty fast clip. It feels like it’s falling off, and now it seems like none of my friends want to be around me anymore, almost to the point of animosity. Has anyone else had something similar happen? I’m definitely loudly and proudly talking about my weight loss and it’s obviously become a part of my daily life now so I know I’ve changed. But I’m just sad that it seems like now I’m starting to feel better physically but I’m kinda alone. :/

Anything helps. Good bad ugly, let me hear it. Thanks in advance!!

submitted by /u/ConsciousPea7736
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

do i really need to consume 2700 calories to maintain my weight?

186cm (6"1) 75kg (165lbs)

my weight loss has finally come to an end, I started at 297lbs and ended at 165lbs

but now i have a new challenge to maintain weight I

honestly don't really know how to do this

the apps are saying that I need to consume 2700 calories to maintain weight, is that right?

that's a lot of calories and i really don't think i can eat 2700 calories a day

Can anyone here who is maintaining weight give me some tips?

in addition, I have an irrational fear of going back to eating more for fear of gaining weight even calculating everything on a food scale

How can I overcome this mental block?

thanks in advance for the answers

submitted by /u/gam6ba
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Will I, 16Y 9M stunt my growth going on a deficit?

I’m currently sixteen and nine months, 235 lbs, and 5’11. Male

I’m currently on a deficit of 1500-1800 calories but have plateaued for two weeks.

I’m wondering if there’s any recommendations whether dieting or cutting more calories.

I was told I could stunt my growth but I don’t wanna be fat until I’m eighteen.

I had a friend lose around 50lbs and he’s around 180 now and 5’8. He looks great and ate around 1200 calories near the end of his weight loss journey.

I want to lose weight and drop down to around 180 lbs, I started my weight loss journey on June 30th and have lost 10 lbs so far.

All advice is welcomed.

submitted by /u/Jooshua28
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hi, My Expierence with Weight Loss Medications.

19 years ago I went to a weightloss Dr. They catered to those who needed to trim up and be skinny. Medications and shots were all the rage then. The person who referred me had lost alot of weight and they were happy with the loses over the last few years. She referred me ( she received a referral week free). We went one saturday morning after openly talking about this, to this Drs office that was packed end to end. It was a whole thing. At the time I was 24ish years old? .... After abourt 3hours of waiting, I was weighed in and shown to be above my weight at around 240ish lbs ( duh, Yes i was over weight at 5'7). They logged my stats, gave me a whole chart, administered a b12 shot in the back of my arm...then prescribed me 30mg capsule of Phentermine to be taken daily, which was at that moment givent to me orally. I also was given a half tablet of HCTZ which is a diuretic. I took them right there with a whole swig of Apple Juice and Went on my way with instructions to come back each saturday to be given my next weeks dose, along with my b12 shot and the other half of the diuretic. It worked. This was about January/february of 2005 ....and over the next few months into October I lost immensely . I had alot more lbs to lose , i was then upped to 37.5mgs in the morning, no later than 9 am and around 12-3pm a 15mg tablet. I lost continuously. At over almost 2yrs out.... having been prescribed this Medication, I did have a few weeks of usage between and stopped . I went back after I had my Last child in 2008. Was put on the same regimen and lbs fell off. Then About 8-9 months later, weight stopped moving ....I was then prescribed 30mg at 7am...30 mg at 12-2pm and 30mg again 4-6pm. It worked I dropped so fast....was super energetic and could move the world. I started to taper my doses, since they were tablets. I started gaining back up....was super tired...and was soooo off. I asked them to taper me off again more gradually and they said that any slower that it might affect me. .. Welp .. It did make me sick. Seratonin syndrome.... I had to learn how to deal and coped. During this time I learned so much ( having not actually researched this medication in the early 2000s but in mid/late 2010s realized exactly its power.) Sadly , Here and now I still continuoulsy find out how amazing and addictive this Weightloss drug is. For some it didnt work , for me it did. I was told there were others that were taking higher doses of this medication in addition to other WLs meds that boosted it . I went off of it and had to deal with the cray regain, ended up choosing to eventually get Weight loss surgery (again have battled my weight my whole life) and now and am comfortably living way below 8 years later. However, I now am now on phentermine again, which helps with my cravings, daily mood and is again making me happily and slowly lose weight. I will not go over my daily doses, nor will be persuaded to go any higher. This 30 mg per day is perfect and It helps me stay level, 8 yeers after Weight loss surgery. I'll just say, sometimes you do need a bit of help.... sometimes you're are fucked over. I now know a reputable office that is using this medication for thier patients instead of taking advantadge of their overweight patients and taking them for thier worth. Yes, even if you have weight loss surgery , you still struggle with Eating disorders. Some can get past it ... some still deal with this on the daily. If you are , please reach out ...I can help.

submitted by /u/iamthatkarma
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to overcome the urge to binge eat every meal

The titel almost says it al. I can go for hours with no food, but once I start eating it is as if my body says: do it, f’ing do it. Example:

  • I eat quark (soft cheese product that looks like yoghurt), a bowl with about 300 grams and some oatmeal. When finished, I feel the urge to take a second one. When done, I have eaten about 500 calories. And afterwards, a cracker for the crunch
  • one bowl of crisps is never enough
  • if diner is a big one, I still eat two plates if available

Most workdays when I start eating about 10.00, i finish al my foods brought with me before 12, meaning I eat about 800 calories in 2 hours. And still not satisfied.

I went from 98 kg on januari 2nd to 91 kg today, my aim is to go to 85 end of summer but the weight loss is halted at the moment, my weight is even fluctuating.

Ps. I always wonder if it is only psychological or if something is wrong with my body: shouldn’t it say “hold on mate, that one plate/bowl is enough, your stomach is full”. I rarely get sick because of over eating in a short time period

submitted by /u/Heelahoola
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, July 14, 2023

I went over my calories by over 2000 - please help!

I started my weight loss journey about 2 weeks ago and was on track every day, staying within my calorie limit of 1600. Today I went out for dinner with a friend and we ended up going to an all you can eat Japanese bbq place and I ate around 3400 calories. I’m really worried that this will cause me to gain back the 6 pounds I had lost so far - does anyone have any advice? I like to go out with friends about once every 2 weeks but I don’t want it to derail my weight loss goals. How do people usually deal with this? Is there anything I can do now to undo the extra 2100 calories I ate today?

submitted by /u/tulip1414
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Will the weight loss stop ?

I’m 34F and I’ve lost 37kg. I started with 138,6kg and now I’m 101,5kg.

I have a PT and follow a plan of 1200kcal a day. And I go to the gym twice a week (should go more times tho).

My doctor said he was confident I would be able to reach 80kg by January but my PT is not so confident and says my weight loss will slow down and even stop.

Is this true? I understand plateau for a couple of months but to reach stagnation would really frustrate me.

By my own math I’m losing a 1kg per week which would easily put me in 80kg by the end of the year.

Is this sustainable? What can I do to avoid plateau by the way?

I’m already tired of this plan but I’m sticking with it. Sometimes I don’t lose anything for a couple of weeks but then I lose like 2 or 3kg almost out of nowhere. I’m counting on the overall rate. What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/seriouslyimnotarobot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat