Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Does anyone else only burn 15-20 cals a mile?

Everyone on here is talking about burning 70-100+ cals a mile while I only burn 10-20? Am I missing something or getting something miscalculated? I don’t speed walk but I also don’t stroll so I am getting my heart rate up a little.

I walk for enjoyment but it’ll never be something that can help with weight loss which is disappointing. For context 10k steps is only burning 70-100 calories while it takes me a little over an hour to reach. I’ve been trying to reach 15k-20k to make sure I can burn 100 calories and a little more but it’s becoming too much. It also makes me swell so I look bigger for a few days after walking so it’s becoming really just not worth it for me.

I’m a 5’5 and 150 pound woman. Is this on par for my size or is something getting miscalculated?

submitted by /u/idrk144
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/DXZuO6I

Stuck in a hole after losing a lot of weight

I am a 21M, growing up I was diagnosed with leukemia (really not a big deal, or necessary detail), but because of the steroids and medicines I was constantly on for years i became a fairly obese child. This continued far after I was finished with treatment, and with the inclusion of growing up in a decent home with lots of food, and continued to stay fairly overweight.

When I turned 19 I weighed around 165-170lbs and decided I finally needed to make a significant change. At that point I began heavily calorie counting and held myself to around 1000-1200 calories a day for months. By December I was probably around 115-120, and just a few months later around my 20th birthday I was probably hovering just under 110. The rapid weight loss and calorie counting created an intense fear of gaining weight again, and I became obsessed with staying skinny no matter what.

Eventually I convinced myself to delete all dieting apps, and try and enjoy life again. However, i recently turned 21 years old, and I am around 105lbs at 5'6. Even though i don't use any counting apps I still constantly think about my calories intake and try and do whatever it takes to stay skinny. Even though I know it's destroying me mentally and physically.

I continously skip meals to save up my "calorie budget" and look for ways to limit myself even If I am hungry throughout the day. I have also become aware that this is harming my actual relationships as I often avoid hanging out with people like my girlfriend who encourage me to eat more, and actually help me enjoy eating, because I am terrified of gaining weight and becoming overweight again.

I have never been able to properly explain to anyone what's been going on for the last couple years, and now I really don't know where to go from here.

submitted by /u/SaturnSon_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/ONX3kRp

NSV - Finally feeling confident enough to wear shorts again

As the post title says, I (20F, SW: 69kg, CW: 66kg, 165cm) finally got to wear shorts today again ! (I saw a woman around the same size as me wearing shorts so I thought why not !)

It felt great ! I am trying to continue losing even during summer heat (ps: it's hard), and feeling confident enough to wear clothes that I would never thought of wearing in the past is great, I feel like the way I view my body is much more positive. (next step is wearing a swimsuit at the beach but that will be for later !)

So remember: body image is all in the head, when you have the confidence to do so, you can be yourself and enjoy who you are and be proud of how much you have achieved up until now !

Weight loss is a long journey, and I think the most important in it is seeing how much you can grow as a person and be kind to yourself through weight losing or exercise or healthy habits.

Don't give up, you will do it, just keep up ! :)

(If the post does not respect the sub's rules, I'm sorry ,,)

submitted by /u/darkpass-age
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/91HFuvD

Monday, July 17, 2023

Did your period change with weight loss?

I know this is a strange question, and I’d like to preface this by mentioning I have seen my PCP, did blood work which is better than ever, and will be seeing my OBGYN to ask about this during my appointment in September, so I’m not asking for medical advice, I’m just curious!

When I weighed 215 lbs, my period was always irregular and only lasted maybe 3-4 days. Now I weigh 190 lbs plus exercise daily, and I noticed my period has been almost on schedule (off by a few days) the past 2 months and lasts nearly a full 6-7 days. I hate that it lasts longer, but I hope it continues to be regular with continued weight loss. My PCP mentioned the most common way they control periods is through birth control, which I’d hate to be on, so I’d love to know if weight loss helped anyone else’s period become more regular?

submitted by /u/PrudentBalance3645
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/fjaz3F2

How long do your plateaus last?

I have been stuck at the same weight that fluctuates .5 everyday for 10 days. I know it’s not a long time but with the amount of activity I have been doing and the deficit that I’m in I should be 2 kgs lighter. I just see people on YouTube easily have weight loss everyday even if it’s by 0.2. I know I just finished my period but it seems like I’m waiting for a whoosh down since forever. How do you keep yourself strong during plateaus? Do you eat even less? Exercise more? I don’t think I have the room to do more of that. But it’s really tempting even though if will leave me with 0 energy.

submitted by /u/Flawless_kitten
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/alqhVCb

Weight Loss Journey

So I’m 32, 6’1” and currently sitting at 270lbs. I started my weight loss journey roughly 3 years ago. I’ve really picked up speed as of this last year though. I started working with the keto diet but a modified higher protein and less fat version. In a few months I’ve gone from roughly 300lbs down to the 270lbs that I’m at now. I feel like I’ve got a long way to go, but it’s rewarding every day. I’ve built up the discipline of getting up at 4AM for my workouts. Here’s the thing though, I hate it when I miss those workouts or when I miss my 10,000 step goal, like really really hate it. The feeling does pass but is it a good sign that I’m so passionate about getting things done and even more infuriated when I miss my marks? I mean like I said, the feeling passes and I push myself harder. Though does anyone else get that feeling when they miss their daily routines? Just sharing my experiences and such. I’m determined to lose weight like I did back in 2017, I got down to 245 and I think I can do the same again and surpass that goal as well!

submitted by /u/kumihocinder
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/BkKhyYg

Not sure if I should eat more

TLDR: should I switch my snacks for protein or even up my calorie count a little?

Hi, since the start of the year I've been on slimfast - at first it was a bit of a struggle as I didn't have a routine and I was still cooking fairly unhealthy meals for my family.

I don't know what happened but I decided to take my weight loss seriously, and over the last couple months I've lost 28 pounds (2 stone) and 50 since the beginning of the year.

I'm male, 6ft 2 and now almost 300 pounds exactly. My next goal is 250. The problem is that although my weight loss is noticeable, where is was once solid my belly and legs are really flabby.

For the past week I've ramped up my exercise (mostly bodyweight exercise, dumbells and walking) but I don't know if I'm getting enough protein for me to increase my muscle mass.

I'm drinking 2 slimfast shakes a day, eating an evening meal of around 900 calories (usually 120ish grams of lean beef mince or chicken) and sometimes a yogurt or a bit of cheese as a snack alongside some fruit.

That comes to around 1700 calories a day, a lot of the time its less than 1500 but I do eat a bit more on the weekends (around 2500).

If I were to switch my 300 calorie snacks to entirely protein, would that be enough to build or at least maintain muscle mass - or should I be eating more protein, would a couple eggs a day work?

I don't mind if my weight loss rate decreases slightly, I gather that it's easier to start working on toning now rather than after I've lost all the weight.

Another thing that I should mention is that I currently use Hello Fresh during the week, which has suited me perfectly as I only really have to make decisions about food once a week.

submitted by /u/SheffMTG
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/JBq4fsX