Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Stumbled with my weight loss

Hello everyone! So I am 30m and weight around 280 at 6'0 I am an endomorph body type.

So about 3 weeks ago I started going to the gym right after work. I've been doing light weight lifting and basic cardio following guides i've seen online at least 5 days a week. I've dieted very well at first counting calories and trying to stay under 1600 per day. So the last 3 days i've hit a very bad spell of depression. I called out of work one day, I stayed in bed and didn't leave the house. When I am depressed I also eat horribly so I ate an entire pizza one night then fast food the other two days. I know I can jump back on track and realistically it's only a minor setback but it completely ruined my motivation. I had an engagement end last year and my self esteem is at an all time low. I am working out not only to be physically healthy but I need to improve my mental health too.

I know some of you have dealt with this exact situation regarding depression and not wanting to diet or work out. What do you do in this situation to pull yourself out of your slump? I don't have any number goals of what I want to lose. I just don't want to hate myself when I look into the mirror.

I'm newer to this sub but i've seen so many great transformations on here. You all should be really proud!

Thanks folks

submitted by /u/Mooby522
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2LB165B

I'm halfway there whooooaaaaoohhhh! How I finally overcame myself.

For the last ten years my attempts of weight loss have been fads & hype. I would measure my waist, hips & belly, then start crushing water & begin exercising. After a few weeks I would get tired, take a weekend off, and gain it all back. I lacked discipline in multiple areas of my life.

About a year ago I saw a video of myself at work & that was my moment to spark the change. Only this time I knew I needed REAL change, lifestyle change.

I began my weight loss journey at 260lbs (118kgs).

I cut out beer & sodas (I still drink liquor in diet mixers). This is the only change I made until not ordering beer was engraved into my routine. -Down to 250lbs/113.6kgs

Next, I cut out fast food. Again, this was the only change I was making at that time. After about 2-3 months, I didn't even look at restaurant signs on the way home from work. -Down to 240lbs/109kgs

Third, I started meal prepping. I bought a propane grill for $150 bucks & started grilling once or twice a week. I don't ALWAYS eat meal prepped food, but it's nice to grab & go. I work 3rd shift so it's especially convenient at 4am when the only thing open are 24hr fast food joints. After 2 months it became a routine. -Down to 230lbs/104.5kgs

My last change has been the most effective strategy, but also the easiest thing I've done. I'VE STARTED READING LABELS. I don't calorie count or have a food journal, but just reading the back of the label opened my eyes to how many calories are in certain foods. It helps boot me back on track when I'm about to destroy a platter of cheese fries or eat my way into ice cream coma. It makes it easier to step back & say "hey, don't go crazy with this." -Down to 220lbs/100kgs

I want to point out one really important thing. I have not exercised once. I'm not saying exercise isn't important, it obviously is. Most of us have heard "you can't outrun a bad diet", this is true. And although I could have lost more weight by exercising while making these changes I decided that I want to do one thing at a time. For people like me who have struggled to be disciplined, this was huge for me. I don't want to overwhelm myself. Small changes are working for me. My next step is to begin exercising, but if you can only do ONE thing, start with what you put into your body. If you trip up, it's cool. Nobody's judging you for it. Just get that diet drink next time instead of the regular one. Eat the cereal or soup in your cabinet instead of the fast food. You don't have to go crazy with weight loss. Slow & steady is going to win your race.

My knees aren't popping as much anymore. My feet don't hurt when I get off work. My posture is a little better. My skin is a little clearer. My hair is looking better. I can see my toes. My clothes are more comfortable. I'm getting looks from the ladies at the grocery store now, and guys too (heyyyyooo). I'm halfway to my goal weight of 180lbs/81.8kgs

Not every choice you make regarding your diet & weight loss journey has to be perfect, it just has to be a little bit better than the choices you've been making. Don't forget, SLOW AND STEADY WINS THIS RACE.

submitted by /u/BigBootyJudyWiper
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2M5SR0U

Tantrum Tuesday - The Day to Rant!

I Rant, Therefore I Am

Well bla-de-da-da! What's making your blood boil? What's under your skin? What's making you see red? What's up in your craw? Let's hear your weight loss related rants!
The rant post is a /u/bladedada production.

Please consider saving your next rant for this weekly thread every Tuesday.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Z8Sw0W

Monday, July 22, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

Need some questing buddies?

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Z6mqmH

Started from the bottom now we...oh, look, we're back at the bottom.

Over the course of two years, I lost 40 lbs. I was so proud, guys. Even though the BMI scale said I was overweight (5'2" and 150 lbs), I was so happy with how I looked that I didn't care if I lost more. It would be NICE, but not necessary.

Then I hit a snag.

I hit a plateau, and my weight bounced around 5 lbs ish. Then I got an IUD.

In addition to getting it "installed" being one of the worst pains I have ever felt in my life, it marked the sharp uptick of my weight.

Over the next year, I gained back 20 lbs. This was with me working out 3x a week for 90 minutes each, living off of 1,150 Cal/day (my doctor actually told me to eat that little, and wanted me to add another day's workout, but I was working and going to school full time, and was too exhausted to do so).

I was the bitchy hungry girl, and I was even more angry that my clothes were getting tighter, even as I was doubling down on my diet and exercise.

I have had so many attempts to get back on the wagon since then. To renew my hope and excitement for weight loss, and to believe that I CAN lose the weight. But I've just gotten burned out on every level.

Ive since had my IUD removed (it never really stopped making me spot or giving me cramps), and I've gained another 17 lbs out of sheer anger at my body. ("You aren't gonna lose weight? FINE! Then I guess I'll just EAT THIS PIZZA!")

I've come a long ways with my binge eating—I almost never binge anymore, and I prefer healthy foods and exercise. But I have been having trouble buckling down and realizing that I have to start over.

I have to start over. From square one. It hurts so bad, guys, and I'm fucking pissed that I have to do it. I'm pissed, but more than that, I'm AFRAID that I'm going to gain it all back AGAIN. That all that work will just result in a few brief months of happiness.

I just started my first semester of grad school. I got into a fully-funded MFA program for creative writing on my first round of applications—many people apply multiple years before getting accepted, and even fewer get a fully-funded package. Statistically, it's harder to get into one of these programs than Harvard law school.

I'm more confident in my skills and abilities than I ever have been, but I can't shake this fear of and bitterness over the possibility of failing again. Of gaining it all back. I'm trying to start over, but it's such a long, uphill journey...and I'm just having trouble fully committing.

submitted by /u/tardisnottardy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2GprdIF

I've been waiting for someone to notice my weight loss.... Today, 2 people commented on it!

Haha finally! I am 24 lbs down and losing pretty slowly, so I didnt really expect anyone to notice. Secretly deep down, Ive been wanting someone to comment on it. I know it's not the most important thing, but its validating to know the changes are visible.

Today, a coworker who's been on vacation asked if I was dieting, I said yes. He said it is showing in my face. Yes! The face gains aren't just imagined, other people can see them. He also said he liked my "baby fat cheeks," I told him to forget about the cheeks because they're about to be gone forever! It was silly and casual but it meant a lot to me

Then when I got home from work, my boyfriend (big guy at 6'6" and 250) gave me a confused look... "Is that MY tshirt you're wearing? It looks really big" It wasn't his, it was mine 🤭😁

Honestly, this gave me a little boost today. Keeping under 1200 calories and logging every bite has not been easy. The weight is coming off rather slowly. I mess up sometimes. But no matter what, I keep logging and keep trying. Long way to go, but I think the consistency is starting to pay off!

submitted by /u/heartfullxo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2y6byt7

Run Faster 5 Day Challenge Announcement

Hello!! I’m so excited to share this BIG NEW Challenge with you… the Run Faster 5 Day Challenge!  What’s the Run Faster 5 Day Challenge What: 5 Day Challenge to help you get faster Where:  Facebook & Instagram How: 5 days of Tips & Strategies to improve your running plan Who: Runners of all levels!  […]

The post Run Faster 5 Day Challenge Announcement appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat https://ift.tt/2YoTLMi