Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Are my scales faulty or... ?

Today I took out a set of scales at my parent's house. They've been sitting in the garage for a year or 2 now, collecting dust. I weighed myself for the first time in around 4 or 5 years. In the past i was always consistently around 68 kgs, but now these scales say 80. It hardly seems possible. I know I've gained a little weight in the waist, hip and butt area, but for the most part i can still fit all of my clothing from 5-6 years ago, with only a little tightness around the waist. a whole 10+ kg difference seems impossible.

Is it likely the scales are faulty? has anyone had this issue with scales? Or do i just have a skewed view of my own body? I'm seriously wondering if I'm going to have to go back on to my old high school weight loss regiment.

submitted by /u/champagne_epigram
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I AM A SLOWLY SINKING SHIP! HELP! (Weight loss, slow metabolism, keto???)

Hi everyone!

I am a 20-year-old female and started my weight loss journey on the 6th of May at 92kg. It's now September 16th and I am 88kg. Yes, I know I have lost weight but nowhere near as much as I think I should have lost. I work way too hard to only be losing 1kg a month.

I have been consistently in a calorie deficit and eat loads of veggies. I workout intensively (jumping rope, HIIT, loads of squats and lunges and a bit of light weight training) 6 times a week, burning between 500 and 800 calories each time. I don't eat more than 1,500 calories and I burn up 3,200 calories per day (according to my Fitbit app).

I'm seriously struggling. I know I'll never give up because I want to lose this weight so badly. I want to be confident in myself and feel good about myself more than anything in the world. I'm literally in tears right now. Why isn't my body working properly? I think I might have metabolic problems but I'm only 20? I thought that maybe I have PCOS but I don't.

I tried keto in the past but it didn't last long. Should I try again? What should I do? Does anyone have any advice because I'm really struggling here?

- Diana

submitted by /u/dvvxxxx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I started my weight loss journey about a month ago and I'm losing weight for the first time in my life

As the title says. Also, English is not my native language, so be kind :).

I'm overweight pretty much my whole life, I simply don't know what it is like to be skinny, to fit in normal clothes etc. That gave me a pretty hard time during middle school and high school, and I got into computer games and was introverted. That changed with 19, when I met my gf. Since I moved out from my parents, and moved in with my gf about 6 years ago, we both could eat how much we want, and since we both love cooking (and also eating ofc) I gained more and more weight. I don't know how much it was exactly, since I was too afraid to step on a scale for years. Now I'm at stage 3 Adipositas.

I tried to convince myself that everything is fine, I'm just one of the bigger girls, and kept on eating more and more. There were days, where I would eat 4 oder 5 burgers + fries + chicken nuggets without hesitation, and ate a dessert after that.

In February I noticed that my gf was feeling more and more uncomfortable in her body, as she was also gaining weight, and she kept asking, if we could change this or that in our meals, to keep the calories low. I didn't want to do a diet at that time, since I was really effective in convincing myself that everything was fine, I just had a few moments here and there, where I was completely devastated and realized, how bad the situation really was. End of july I had a sudden moment, where my self hatred came complete through, and I decided that it have to end here and now, and we started with CICO immediately. I try to eat about 1200-1400 calories a day, and since we have two dogs, we go for a walk at least 20 minutes a day. We are also planning to start swimming, and I want to start cycling again in the spring, but at the moment I'm afraid that I'm too heavy for my bike.

I'm so excited, that the first kgs are going down, some people even said, that they noticed a change in my face. Every time I go pass a clothes store, I get happy, because I know, that if I keep going, I can buy something there in 2021. (Atm I buy most of my clothes online, because I don't want the embarrassment to not fit in anything and maybe even destroy some of the clothes).

A massive change happened also with my selfcare. I had times, where I would shower only once a week, I never learned how to use make-up, I never shaved myself, had the same hairstyle (ponytail) for ages, although I have really pretty hair (long and blonde). That changed in the last month, now I'm learning how to use make-up, eyeliner, lipstick.. shower every morning and shave myself.

I don't have many close friends, and I can't share my success with my parents, so I decided to post here, and hope that someone will read it.

TL;DR: After being obese for way too long, I'm finally losing weight and feeling great!

submitted by /u/Haziso
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

45lb Down in Seven Months!

Stats: F, 24, H: 5'2", SW: 210, CW: 165, GW: ?

Hi everyone! I've been struggling with my weight since middle school, and it climbed steadily throughout high school, college, and past it. There were times it tapered or dipped, including from 2018-2019 where I lost noticeable weight for the first time in years, but I put it all back on in a matter of months as my mental health dipped. Around October of last year I began intermittent fasting to help contain my eating times, and tried to pick up exercising but quickly fell out of it.

In February of this year I was (long overdue-ly) diagnosed with depression and anxiety and when my doctor and I discussed meds I emphasized how important it was to me that I didn't end up with a med that had the side-effect of weight gain. Thusly, I became friends with Zoloft in early March.

Around this time I was invited by some friends to do a daily yoga challenge over Zoom, and this became a permanent fixture of my daily life. The Zoloft has had the additional side-effect of curbing my appetite (which has helped me stop over-eating and snacking), and with my continued loose-commitment to the 12-8 IF, I started to slowly see my weight dip. At first, the weight dropped relatively quickly; I believe I lost close to 10 pounds in the first month.

Since then, the weight loss has slowed down considerably. I from late-July to early September I was really stuck/fluctuating between 178-172lb. I tried to not be discouraged; I'd gained SO much muscle. The backs of my thighs feel solid. I know that my arms are strong as I can do 30+ pushups in a row (whereas I struggled to do 3 even when I was a fit lil kid). I have ABS now. Generally, I've been trying to remind myself that muscle weighs more than fat, and so while I might not see change on the scale, it doesn't mean that my body isn't transforming. So, while I was beginning to wonder if my body was content to be 172, and that I wouldn't hit my next goal of 170. (I've been keeping my goals in 10lb increments)

That being said, I jumped on the scale three days ago after forgetting to look at the scale for a few days, and saw that I was at 167. And now I'm 165.

For the first time in my memory, I'm confident in my body. And while, yes, it's really cool how curves are more defined and I like how I look more in certain styles and with my hair back, I'm just really excited by my strength. I feel powerful. I'm excited for a time post COVID where I think I'll be ready to be comfortable in a gym, but I'm also really grateful to have made this kind of progress with self love through time with friends. Losing this weight has also forced me to grapple with my own internalized fatphobia, and I'm working on focusing more on my strength and how I feel rather than numbers and how I look. I am cognizant of how easy it might be to regain the weight, and I'm trying super hard to put myself in a mental place to be comfortable with the journey and move away from negativity.

I'm not quite certain what my final goal weight is; I suppose BMI states I should be somewhere between 100-130, but on the other hand BMI is BS. I figure I'll be going through 10 lb intervals and see how I feel.


Note 1: I didn't start doing yoga to lose weight; I specifically started to improve my flexibility. I was a human pretzel as a kid and really wanted to work towards that again, and in recent months have hit some milestones with that. That being said, when I realized that weight lose was occurring, I pushed myself because 1) I've not felt comfortable in my skin... ever, 2) I have A LOT of genetic health concerns that run in my family and I want to put myself in a position where I feel more in control of myself, as watching family get sick has made me feel very helpless, and 3) I'm concerned that medical fatphobia will contribute to misdiagnoses in my future as they have my loved ones.

Note 2: my general schedule has been to weigh myself every morning after using the bathroom (which I really don't recommend doing because days where my weight went up have really fucked with my head despite it being super common in a given week), do yoga, eat at 12, have a snack around 3 or 4, and then another meal at 7.

submitted by /u/matilda_baudelaire
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Having trouble losing the last couple of lbs!

F 23, 5’10, SW: 75kg GW: 65kg CW: 66.6kg

Hi! I’ve been losing weight since April/May this year through CICO, and have lost 8.5kg since then. I’m now 1.6kg (~ 3lbs) from my goal weight, but have been stuck here for over a month!

I took a holiday in mid August after which I gained 1kg but lost most of it pretty quickly (likely mainly water weight), but since then have not seen much weight loss at all. I’m still in a calorie deficit, though slightly less than before (500 cal deficit whereas before I was at 750).

I have slightly increased my exercise, and my body composition monitor at the gym tells me that while my body weight only reduced by 0.8kg in the last period, I actually lost 1.5kg of fat and gained 0.7kg of muscle.

Would this entirely explain my plateau? And does anyone have any suggestions? I can’t cut back my calories much more as I’m already eating what is probably too low for my height, but it’s frustrating to be so close to my goal and to have stopped seeing progress!


submitted by /u/Redhead_Baby29
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

i havent lost anything and im devastated (vent)

tw // anxiety, body dysmorphia

ive been on a very rollercoaster/yo-yo weight loss journey that ties a lot into my very, very shitty mental health. I am a transmasc person so my body ties A LOT into my self image and for a while in this body i look at my face and then i look at the rest of my body in the mirror after i get out the shower and i feel photoshopped onto someone else. i dont recognize it and it doesnt feel like me so ive been trying to lose weight.

I got a very physical job and since starting ~2 months ago ive lost inches everywhere and gone down clothing sizes and started to feel marginally more comfortable. It LOOKS like i lost twenty pounds. my hoodies go over my hands now and are getting big on me.

but i havent lost anything.

a couple of years ago i lost my opportunity at something I'd been working very hard at getting and was pretty much my only goal and this feels the same. i have anxiety and i dont like change and i need things to go the way that they have before and the way i want them to but when that doesnt happen what do i do?

i feel like i dont even know what im working towards at this point. i feel really lost and angry and frustrated.

knowing a lot about health, i know i shouldnt focus on the number on the scale but its a 28.5 BMI. how could i not? im not happy in this body. i dont want it.

i dont even know where im supposed to go from here.

submitted by /u/MHthrowaray
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wanting to incorporate weight lifting into my exercise routine but...

starting weight: 400lbs
current weight, as of today 354.

...i feel idiotic when i lift weights. More importantly, i dont feel like im actually working, or performing work, at weightlifting.

tl;dr: looking for help overcoming the "idiotic/i didnt actually do any work" thought process with weightlifting, i recognize that there are gaps in my understanding of how to setup a weightlifting program and following through with it, went from 400lbs to 350lbs but due to foot injury, am looking at weightlifting to help me lose weight

I'll turn 40 in a couple months, and on my 39th birthday, i set myself two goals. One, to quit smoking. Two, go from 400lbs to 250. Well, ive cut back on the smoking, havent quit yet. But i realized pretty quickly that shooting for that 250 goal in one year was unrealistic. So i changed it to "lose weight this year". Ill admit, for the first few months, i kind of half assed it.

I bought a treadmill, set it up in my living room. I set a goal. "at 7am, turn on the news, and walk for 20 minutes." And i did this. and i started to lose weight. But as the body adjusted, it slowed the weight loss to where i was just maintaining. So i changed the goal again. "start at 7am, turn on the news, walk for 30 minutes" and i lost a little bit more weight. Not a lot. and i stopped at the 380lb range. And it held there for 3 months. Finally, when spring began, i started to take walks outside. But they werent all that long, i was still overeating, and my weight held at 380.

It was during this time though, that I tried getting back into weight lifting. I have tons of scrap steel laying around. Various shapes, sizes, for all sorts of different weights. So i have variety for lifting weights, and i have these two pieces of steel, one is 40lbs the other is approx 80lbs, that are perfect for overhead press, squats, cleans, jerks, curls, etc. I know how to do the forms, i did them back in high school and over the years when i would go to the gym to attempt to get back into weightlifting, so the form is there. But what gets me is how i feel when i do the exercise.

When i first started doing the exercises, id feel great. id have lifted some weight, my muscles were working, and who-hoo! But then, after a few sessions, lifting wouldnt give me that noticeable feeling that i did any meaningful work. Id lay on the bench, bench press XXXlbs 10 reps for 4 times, or 20 reps for 8 times, or whatever i felt like, and while id feel the strain of doing the work in that moment, about 20 minutes after i completed the workout, i would feel like i had accomplished nothing. sure my muscles were sore and needed to be stretched throughout the day because i used them, but deep down i just felt like i wasted my time. And so, after a few weeks of this, id just stop lifting.

Now, i am at a point where i need to incorporate weightlifting into my weight loss, due to an injury i suffered from all the walking i did. I was walking 4 miles a day, and the weight started to drop. Went from 380lbs down to 350 in 3 months. So i know i was on the right track for my exercise and for CICO. Yet, i ended up injuring my foot because of..well, that is a long story. Needless to say, my heel is injured. So walking for me is severely limited to just 2 miles.

Which brings me to my dilemma. I know that weightlifting will help me loose weight, and more importantly, gain strength. I recognize now that the reasons listed above are why i havent taken to weightlifting in the past after numerous attempts. I also recognize that there are gaps in my knowledge towards implementing weightlifting as a weight loss means that would help me. But it's difficult to get the answers youre looking for when you dont know what your supposed to be looking for.

i guess, after this long rant, i am looking for help in a couple of things.

  1. has anyone felt the way i described above? If so, how did you overcome it?
  2. Can anyone recommend any websites that help detail how weightlifting can help lose weight, and how to setup your own lifting program? or have prebuilt programs? ive looked into some websites, and i keep finding sites about using weights for cardio. Not sure if im not putting the search terms into google correctly to find what im looking for.
submitted by /u/dewnmoutain
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from loseit - Lose the Fat