Sunday, September 20, 2020

Alternate day fasting is a god send

Good day all the Redditors out there! I wanna share my journey so far with all of you out there for a couple reasons; to educate others out there in potentially finding a weight loss strategy for you, because I'm so darn proud of myself!! And also just so I can maybe inspire others, so.. here we go.

For as long as I can remember ,I was always overweight. Now I know a lot of eating addictions spawn from trauma , and I would say to my situation that has some validity to it, but alot of it also goes down to your mindset, environment and other external factors. Growing up, from a bird's eye view, I had a very positive and happy childhood. I thank my parents everyday that they were able to provide me with a roof over my head, undying love , and support to make me into the man I am today. We weren't poor growing up, but by no means rich. With that the foods we ate were definately good, but having parents with both full time jobs leads to excess amounts of frozen foods, junk foods, ready to go foods. Kids eat when they are hungry, kids eat to grow, so I was never taught portion control, nor was I penalized for my food intake. Both of my parents were overweight, but not be extreme amounts, and my brother was as skinny as a twig, despite eating considerably worse than me, so I always blamed my obesity on genetics, farther from the truth. I was always the fat kid at school, either I was or one other kid were always the biggest in the class. Now keeping that in mind it never bothered me, I was thankfully never bullied throughout my childhood once by my peers for being obese. I was a genuinely happy kid at school. My brother was a different story. He was the reason I began to feel bad about myself, and spiraled into a self deprecating whirlpool of self pity and disgust. He would constantly put me down physically , emotionally and mentally, to the point of feeling undesirable and worthless. That lead to a dangerous path of eating my emotions away. I sought comfort in food, it was yummy and it made me happy. My parents were gone a lot, so a lot of this bullying went unheard and behind closed doors. Going into highschool he ended up getting in trouble with the law and I can say thankfully he is out of my life and is not having an effect on who I am anymore. Getting back to the main grunt of my story I would eat and eat and eat. Summer breaks I'd crush a case of pop in two days, eat whenever I was bored, hungry, happy, sad, all the bad foods too.

When. I turned 16 I was diagnosed with gout which has definately been crippling. Almost overnight I cha he'd my dietary habits, staying away from red meats, shellfish, but kept drinking pop, kept ordering 2 medium pizzas from dominos cause it was such a good deal! 😂 And up until recently I had to suffer this without the proper medication cause my family doctor was not great, never educated me on my gout.

21 years old now, Fast forward to the recent months I weighed myself out of the blue. 306 pounds... I knew I was heavy but seeing that 300 mark left me feeling defeated. That if I didn't make a change now then I could die.

The great thing about the internet, and Reddit for that matter is that it is a wonderful asset for information, knowledge , and interpersonal details on what has worked and not worked for others.

I did my research, read post after post of what motivated people and got them off their lazy butts 😂 so I came into water fasting.

Water fasting had several benefits to me. Being a sufferer of gout keeping hydrated is an absolute must, so drinking 4-6 liters of water a day came natural. I can be, when I put my mind to it, a very disciplined person, so the schedule of eating one day and not eating the next came very natural, and after the first week the hunger cramps and feelings faded. I started eating a lot better. I'm the days I do eat it's 1500 calories , high protein, vegetables , low carb, low sugar. Take vitamins and other suppliments to get all the healthy nutrients I might not happen to get from my diet. Only drink water, never drink calories away people!! I began to enjoy cooking for myself, getting into the routine of counting my macros and prepping for the days to come. Exercise wise I didn't change at all. I have a fairly active job so I get anywhere between 10000 to 20000 steps a day.

Some people go on to say cheat days are a bad way to insentive yourself but it works for me. Once every two weeks I don't care about my calorie intake and eat the foods I love , gives me something to look forward to. The biggest hurdle for me was disassociating food with comfort, and seeing it more as fuel for my body to get healthy.

I am currently 7 weeks in ,so fairly early into my weight loss journey, but the results speak for itself.

As of this morning, I went from 306 pounds at my heaviest to 260 pounds. That's 46 fricken pounds!!! In less than two months.alternate day fasting has saved my life. And it will continue to be a vital and integral part of my life. I'm still 80 pounds away from my dream goal but everyday you take one day at a time. There will be moments of weakness, but please don't beat yourself up. Any steps you take to better your body will go noticed, even if it's minor. I plan on making an update here and there to share my experience.

I just want to say to all of you out there with doubts.. you can do this, weight loss is possible. Go out there and prove yourself wrong!

submitted by /u/Chewbacca319
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Minor achievement

I decided to do something about my weight and fitness back in May. I started off following a weight loss meditation program which helped curbe my bingeing habits but otherwise didn’t do much. In July I signed up to a strict calorie counting program. I lost 3kg but was always hungry and very low energy. I was supposedly supposed to only be eating 12,000 cal a day. In August I committed to a 90 day program with a personal trainer. This was terrifying. I hate exercise and historically have never stuck to anything to more than a couple of times because I just get in this self-destructive cycle of self loathing when I can’t do something straight away. It’s now been over a month since I started with my personal trainer. I’ve been doing 4 workouts per week and have so far not missed a single one. I am on 19,000 cal a day which isn’t such a stressful struggle to stick to. I’m still working on getting my steps and water in each day, but I am secretly just proud of myself for getting this far. So far I’ve lost 7kg since May, plus 1cm off my waist, chest and hips and 2cm off each arm. I’ve told very few people about this because I’m so embarrassed and terrified of people knowing in case I give up again. My partner knows and my parents know but I’m too embarrassed to talk to them about it, even when it’s going well, so it feels safer to celebrate my minor win with strangers on the Internet. My PT has set me a disgusting work out for this week which I’ve been putting off all day, but I’ve finally put my big girl knickers on and got it done. It was not easy, but at least I did it instead of just giving up because it’s too hard. Yay! Thanks for reading :)

submitted by /u/WalksLikeAFrog
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’ve hit ONEderland!!

Hi guys! F28, SW: 240 CW: 199. I posted here back in July when I had 15lbs to Onderland and I finally hit it today! It’s so unreal to me and for a while I thought my scale was broke. I moved it all around the house and was consistently between 198.5-199.5 so I’ll just take the highest weight for now. The fact that my weight didn’t start with a 2 was mind blowing because this is my lowest weight I’ve been in at least 7 years.

I started my journey back in March when lockdown started, the first 2 weeks I was just eating and sitting on the couch and I had to make a decision. Either I was going to keep going down this path and eventually just get bigger or I was going to lose weight. I started 1200 calories and IF, along with YouTube workouts. This worked for a while until I plateaued and through some research here I upped my calories to 1500 a day along with my regular YouTube workouts/walking and started losing again.

Once I lost about 30lbs it slowed down again, which is fine, but I stayed around the same weight for a while until I came back here, asked some questions, and decided to reevaluate my calorie intake again and now I do around 1300-1400. I’ve also started the C25K program and am on week 5. This is also crazy to me because at one point in my life I was out of breath just walking a mile.

Meal prepping has been a huge step to my success. I will eat sous vide egg bites for breakfast (thanks Starbucks for getting me hooked on these) and for lunch I have some sort of wrap or salad, dinner always varies for me. For snacks I like to eat skinny pop popcorn (100cal per bag), sugar free pudding (60cal), baybell light cheese (50cal), I also eat a lot of fruits, veggies, etc.

I’ve just never thought I’d be here, after so many failures. I still have about 30-40 more lbs I wanna lose I think. But this sub and other have contributed a lot to my weight loss and I’m so thankful for all the advice I’ve gotten on here, the stories are inspiring and def kept me motivated!

submitted by /u/AmandaCarithers
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need some help and tips

Hi guys. 3 weeks ago, I decided I wanted to get back into shape. I am no stranger to various diets and exercises. My weight has always fluctuated with my lowest at 140lb and now my highest at 176. Some background on me: I am a f, 26 y/o, 4th year medical student. While on clinicals, I wasn't making the right decisions in food choices due to time constraints and fatigue, not ot mention spending 10 hours a day studying for board exams. However, with COVID I have been doing virtual rotations and 3 weeks ago I started back on the grind. I have been logging my food on myfitnesspal everyday with a 1200 calorie total and working out 5 days a week, drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day. Well it's been 3 weeks, and no weight loss change. I am getting frustrated because I never used to have problems like this losing weight, especially when I am really putting in the work. My ultimate goal is to get to 140 lbs, however it would just be nice to get into the 160s. I had the setting on the app for losing 2lbs/week, but now I'm wondering is my body rejecting this? I have no idea, I need some clarity!

What should I do next? Should I go to a dietician?

submitted by /u/VaccKittiesandKids
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Today I will start my second weight loss journey, and I will make it.

My first weight loss journey took me 2 years, and it was quite successful. I went from 230 to 171 pounds in around 2 years, it was a long journey, but in the end I made it. Now the combination of quarantine and a lot of stress gained me almost all of it back. Now I'm at 225 pounds, and I'm confident that I will reach my goal of 180 pounds, in this year. I will eat healthy, I will workout 4 times a week, and I will make it. This time I will not just make it, I will also hold my weight. I just wanted to share this, and maybe motivate others to do the same. It wont be easy, but it will be worth it.

submitted by /u/PatricksCat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What's the STUPIDIST 'Weight loss' exercise/quick fix you've tried

Note: I do NOT mean starvation/purging or dangerous methods - I mean things like 'Shake Weights' or 'Thigh masters' or what not.

My old room mate won a 'spa' day where you'd lose 'at least 12 inches in a session' so we went.
They wrapped us up in ace bandages and plastic wrap, drenched us in cold 'herbal weight loss water' and with plastic bags on our feet and had us dance to a Richard Simmons video for about half an hour.

At the end of it, they unwrapped us and crowed triumphantly at the 1/4 inch off our calves, 2 inches off the waist, an inch off the arms...

Would have cost 75$ each if we'd had to pay for it.

Laughed all the way home and got a cheeseburger to boot...

submitted by /u/darthbreezy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Down 25 pounds in a month and a half

I started College about a month and a half ago in a town hours away from my hometown. Ive always been rather socially awkward as I've always felt insecure about my weight and looks. So one day, as I'm sitting alone in my college room eating, I decide that I am going to slim down. I weighed about 242 at the time give or take a pound.

I started doing hours of cardio and weightlifting a day. I am steadily increasing my endurance and speed on the treadmill and burning a decent amount of calories while doing so. I burn about 700 calories in about 2 hours on the treadmill. Ive also been eating in a calorie deficit, eating only 1200-1500 calories a day.

I now weigh about 217 as of last night. I would be a bit lower if not for some cheat meals. While I am still not happy weight wise, I am proud of the weight loss results I am getting so far. My goal weight is in the 190s or 180s

submitted by /u/Acj2002913
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from loseit - Lose the Fat