Sunday, September 20, 2020

Minor achievement

I decided to do something about my weight and fitness back in May. I started off following a weight loss meditation program which helped curbe my bingeing habits but otherwise didn’t do much. In July I signed up to a strict calorie counting program. I lost 3kg but was always hungry and very low energy. I was supposedly supposed to only be eating 12,000 cal a day. In August I committed to a 90 day program with a personal trainer. This was terrifying. I hate exercise and historically have never stuck to anything to more than a couple of times because I just get in this self-destructive cycle of self loathing when I can’t do something straight away. It’s now been over a month since I started with my personal trainer. I’ve been doing 4 workouts per week and have so far not missed a single one. I am on 19,000 cal a day which isn’t such a stressful struggle to stick to. I’m still working on getting my steps and water in each day, but I am secretly just proud of myself for getting this far. So far I’ve lost 7kg since May, plus 1cm off my waist, chest and hips and 2cm off each arm. I’ve told very few people about this because I’m so embarrassed and terrified of people knowing in case I give up again. My partner knows and my parents know but I’m too embarrassed to talk to them about it, even when it’s going well, so it feels safer to celebrate my minor win with strangers on the Internet. My PT has set me a disgusting work out for this week which I’ve been putting off all day, but I’ve finally put my big girl knickers on and got it done. It was not easy, but at least I did it instead of just giving up because it’s too hard. Yay! Thanks for reading :)

submitted by /u/WalksLikeAFrog
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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