Wednesday, April 21, 2021

I(21F) have fallen completely off the wagon since I moved away from my parents

Maybe it's not the right verbiage, but, basically, normally, I live in a studio apartment, alone, but, last year, I went home for thanksgiving, and stayed until March. I lost 20 pounds, ate better, worked out every day, or, almost everyday, it was great. Its just like something inside me snapped and my mind was like, " Good, they're gone, time to catch up on all the binging" and thats what I do more often then not now. I binge, I try to " get back up", eat right, but, deep down I know its just a matter of time before I binge again, and I hate that feeling of inevitable defeat I'd guess I call it.

My question is, how do I do better as it relates to staying on the right path, and not binging most nights? I am happy to say I do have a weight loss phone app, I've taken that step

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Common weight loss mistakes explained

submitted by /u/Devanand100
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Postpartum weight loss/calorie confusion/no clue on what to do for my final 5-8 lbs!

I am trying to get back to my pre pregnancy weight, two weeks after giving birth i lost 21 pounds (obviously fluid and all the other things that reduce) Then I started a diet and have slowly incorporated exercise (approved by doctor) I started first with having 1500 calories, I lost a good amount of pounds on that then had to slowly reduce. I am at my final 8 lbs to lose and its NOT coming off at all. I just reduced now to 1200 the last week and my weight has gone up! (not a lot but obviously that should not happen) And yes, I am accurately logging calories (I used to have an eating disorder in my past, I don't eat any "hidden" such as sauce or cook with oils, I measure and weigh portions) Also, I am not breastfeeding either. I eat breakfast around 8am, lunch at 12pm and dinner around 6-6:30. I have two snacks in between those times.

I am doing strength and toning yoga every day as well as walking and some core building exercises. Nothing super intense. But i usually have an hour of moderate exercise a day. My diet is very healthy, I have lean meats, vegetables, fruits, whole grains and some healthy fats. I am not doing any sort of "diet" just having reduced calories while eating healthy foods. I mainly drink water and have black coffee and tea. I'll have the occasional diet soda but usually maybe 3 a week.

What am I doing wrong? I need advice because this is the first time i have had to lose weight for any reason and the only times I have lost weight in the past has been when I had an eating disorder so honestly I have no idea what is normal for weight loss.

submitted by /u/Result-Fragrant
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

After losing weight, do you feel cold?

First post - hope I’m not doing it wrong, but:

I have lost 6.5 kilos (14 pounds) - SW 81kg (178pounds) CW 74.5 kg (164 pounds) and my goal is to lose a couple more (72kg) I’m 34F and 5 foot 10

The weather has just turned cold where I am (in Australia, autumn), but I am feeling reaaaaaaally cold. More than other years. Today I even had to wear my warm coat in my office indoors because I couldn’t get warm without it.

Someone made a comment about being cold after losing weight. Is this possible even after my smallish weight loss? I am wondering if any of you have experienced this kind of thing?

(Maybe it’s just that since we spent last winter in lockdown, I’ve forgotten what normal cold weather is!)

submitted by /u/Panda_mo_neeum
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Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Trying to lose weight has taught me that I have no idea how to cook.

Around a month ago, I decided to take control of my body and start losing weight! I started by trying to cook my own food, but then I learned about cico and that I was eating on average 1500 calories more than I should a day. So decided to do only huel products for a while to get my body a sense of how much it should eat in a normal day.

Its been a little over a week of only huel now, and while I am tired all the time my body has gotten used to a calorie deficit (I'm not craving any more food than I am eating!). I decided it was time to start trying to make my own calorie counted meals, and that's when I realized...... I have basically no cooking ability.

Like my meals usually consist of one of:

  • an entire box of pasta, some pan fried vegetables and some sauce
  • rice and beans
  • or homefries
  • oatmeal with peanutbutter

I was honestly pretty horrified when I realized that was basically all I usually eat!

I am really excited to also start learning how to cook as part of this weight loss journey! I have some meals that people suggested in a thread I made last month (my favorite meal I have learned so far is bursselsprouts and tofu, thank you u/OakWoodlandDream)! Its really fun to have a whole new hobby to get excited for as part of this!

If anyone has any suggestions for vegetarian recipes I would love to hear them, but mostly I just wanted to share this thing I realized!

submitted by /u/Burneracountismyname
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Update] When is the “water weight” supposed to fall off?

SW: 193.8 lbs CW: 183.8 lbs GW1: 160 lbs Overall Goal: 140 lbs

27 year old female, 5’ 5”

Last month, I posted on here because I was at a loss on what to do regarding weight loss and holding on to “water weight.” At the time of my post, I had been exercising consistently (4-5 times a week for 1+ hours at a time) and eating 1500-1800 calories/day for about 5 weeks.

I am now in my ninth week of the same routine. I weighed myself this morning and I weighed 183.8 lbs. I am down 10 lbs and a third of the way done with my current weight loss goal. If you do the math, it somehow adds up to about a pound of weight loss a week, although that’s not how it occurred. 😅

The only thing that has really changed is that I drink more water, about 120 ounces/day or more, which is a lot for me.

I have also experienced some NSVs as well:

  1. My midsection is starting to slim down (I still look pregnant at the end of the day, but with all the water I’m drinking and a day of eating, I’m not too surprised).

  2. I’ve cut my mile time by 8 minutes, from over 17 minutes to 9:01. (My fastest mile ever was 8:58 in middle school and I was also 70+ pounds lighter).

  3. My sweatpants are fitting tighter in the butt and calves so I think there’s some muscles forming!

I am super excited and really proud that I decided to stick things out a little longer because each passing week with little to no progress was really starting to get in my head.

Anyway, thank you for reading.

submitted by /u/EdgeofDesiree
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

ADHD, binging and weight loss?

I was recently put on medication to treat ADHD. My doctor mentioned that up to 40% of women with ADHD (especially inattentive type) meet the requirements for binge eating disorder. Apparently the low dopamine levels in our brains make us crave high carb, high sugar, high fat foods, often.

I've struggled with weight cycling for my entire life, with the exception of when I went on an antidepressant that is used off label to treat mild ADHD. I lost 30lbs without trying. I know that I emotional eat, but I think my undiagnosed ADHD was a big factor in my weight issues.

Before I started this medication I focused on building a consistent exercise regimen, and I am continuing that. I haven't started a diet whatsoever, I eat whatever I want right now, but I'm not binging.

Has anyone had this experience before or can speak to losing weight while having ADHD? It's like the disorder is custom made to fail at healthy diet and exercise plans and it makes me feel so poorly about myself. I'm concerned that if I decide to come off this medication, I'll end up gaining all the weight I'm losing and falling out of the lifestyle changes I'm making.

submitted by /u/BluestEye
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