Friday, November 25, 2022

Under 180lbs for the first time since I was 17

I (20F, 5'4") been slowly losing weight for about a year and a half now. I've been overweight/obese since I was a kid; the lowest I got since I stopped growing was 155 lbs when I was 14. My highest was 220 lbs, and I've been stuck in the 180-190 lbs range since before this semester started, so since around the beginning of August. School stress, home life, and a medical condition have made it super difficult to stay on track. So just for funsies - as I haven't been actively trying to lose weight for a bit now - I stepped on the scale.

179.4 lbs.

Looking back at my log, the last time I was below 180 lbs was the beginning of 2019. I haven't been this proud of myself in so long. I never really noticed a difference because my clothes fit pretty much the same (minus bras, I had to go down a cup size and a band size over the summer), and I don't take a lot of pictures of myself, but now I'm looking in the mirror and noticing some things, which is super cool!

What's been working for me: Honestly, I don't think about losing weight very often. I just try to eat pretty healthily, only eat when I'm hungry, and stop when I'm full. It's not always easy, but I've found not eating in the morning definitely helps. Every once in a while I'll track what I'm eating just to see where I'm at. Weight loss became so much easier when I stopped obsessing over it!

So yeah. I'm 40 lbs down now. 30 more to go to reach my first goal, 150 lbs. If I lose 3.5 pounds more (146.5 lbs), I'd have lost a third of my original weight. How crazy is that?

It's taken my whole life, but being a healthy weight again finally feels attainable.

submitted by /u/12Lyster12
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Any tips on losing weight? Desperately needed

Hi! I'm 18 years old and 280 pounds, 5'6. It's humiliating to be my size, because I don't carry the weight too well. I've been bigger my whole life, and I don't really understand why. I gain an average of 20-30 pounds every year with no diet/habit changes, ever since I was around 10 years old. I have no thyroid issues or anything. Only thing I can even say is that I had my gallbladder removed a year ago, but that doesn't really have much to do with my weight. anyways, I eat very mindfully: low fat, low cal, always under 1700 cals usually and sometimes I only eat one meal a day if I'm not hungry. I just don't understand where the weight is coming from. I don't exercise much because I am disabled and work a full time job, but I'm by no means inactive. But I used to exercise almost every day and still, no weight loss. Any advice? I have tried almost everything.

submitted by /u/dumbthrowaway665
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


Hi, I’m (34F 5’5 280lbs) and I’m miserable. I went out with my family yesterday and I saw the pictures and just hated what I saw. I’ve been trying to lose weight for years and I’ll lose for awhile and then it’s like I’ll go back and forth between the same weight over and over again.

Also, my life is suuuper busy and I just don’t know how to fit in trying to really lose weight with a busy schedule.

I’m in school full-time, working part-time in retail like 24hrs over the weekends, and I run an Etsy side business, plus I’m in a serious relationship so I carve out time to spend with my partner, but is there anyone who has a similar situation and has had successful weight loss?

I was telling my friend and she said I just need to work out, but I told her I literally don’t have time for the gym and to be quite honest I can’t afford it right now. I can’t even afford fancy, healthy groceries, I’m literally having to budget everything.

Yeah. Any tips or suggestions on how to get started would be appreciated when you’re super busy and on a tight budget.

Thanks and I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!🦃

submitted by /u/ThinkDiscussion8
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, November 24, 2022


I'm a 41 F who was on track with my weight, healthy living in general and excercise. However due to some setbacks in my personal life, I gained some kgs back again, now at 71 where my goal weight was 66 and I almost reached it. So it's those damn last kgs that I want to get rid of, but mainly I also want to get my mojo back. Basically I finally want to be the healthiest and fittest version of myself, along with the positive vibes I lost. Also I never felt like I was good at sports, so I want to feel more comfortable in my skin excercising.

My plan is to excercise daily for 1 hour, combination of walking, cycling, running, yoga and gym. Plus I want to cut out alcohol alltogether and eat healthier food (less snacking / emotional eating). I want to start with a month and check on 31st of December what the results are, then from there on look ahead. My goal is 0,5 kg weight loss per week so maybe 2 kg per month which should be achievable.

Posting here to be accountable to myself, maybe get some advice or have an accountability buddy if anybody would like to. Here's to new years resolutions 1 month early!

submitted by /u/throwaway_2234566
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Eating fast food to fix weight loss plateau?

I was consistently losing 2 kg a month until I flatlined at the same kg for one whole month. Then, binged food at an event and 3 days later i was minus 0.7 kg.

I then read about weight plateauing and apparently to fix it you have to eat more to ‘reset’ your metabolism? So you can go back to a defector and start losing?

Is that so? If so, can I say bad food like fried chicken to uo my calories if this is the way forward lol. If so do I just have to eat A LOT of healthy food

submitted by /u/helpaccount1263
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Ive lost 54lbs but have been on a plateau for 5 weeks

So im a 6ft1 male the weights 244lbs I have a significant amount of muscle, but still want to lose another 20-30lbs. I work out (lift weights 5 times a week) and try and do at least 30mins of low intensity cardio 3 times a week. Im eating 2100 calories a day with a macro split of 254g protein, 120g carbs, and around 70g of fat.

When I started dieting I weight 294lbs so I've lost a decent amount with the same diet I'm on now same macros and everything however the last 5 weeks I haven't lost any weight at all it. My weight fluctuates from 241-244 but I can't seem to get under 241lbs my goal weight is 210-220 with around 15-20% bf. I think I've hit a plateau.

I religiously count my calories and track everything I eat with my fitness pal I weight out all my food as well. I was wondering if I should drop my calories more because my body has adjusted to me eating 2100 calories, however I'm worried that if I drop them more I'm going to lose muscle mass. Which is something I don't really want all my lifts are good and haven't dropped significantly since I started dieting in April of 2022.

I was wondering if anyone on here has had the same experience of plateauing like this and if so what should I do to continue my weight loss journey. My only choices rn are to increase cardio or drop my calories. My guess is my body is used to the amount I'm eating now and my metabolism has regulated because ive been dieting to long. Anything helps.

Ps: this community is awesome and is filled with great info!

submitted by /u/kahuna2100
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Manager made me cry

Huge nsv which came at a good time as recently I've been feeling so stuck and depressed with how long my weight loss journey is going to be.

Over the last year I've slowly but surely lost 29.6kg/65lb I'm so close to 30kgs lost but can't quite seem to get there. Just cico, focusing on nutritional foods and walking more.

My nurse manager is around the same size I was when I started my journey. Every now and again she makes comments about what am I doing, and how I'm looking really good.

Today in the staff room, she came up to me and randomly said. "You know Rachel, you're truly an inspiration. I was thinking about you the other day and instead of eating a biscuit I ate a manderin to get my sweet fill. Keep it up".

Weight loss is a personal journey, but to know I've somehow helped someone else without realising it has now felt like my biggest success.

submitted by /u/Aphita
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from loseit - Lose the Fat