Sunday, November 27, 2022

tips to stay patient during this process?

I'm one month into my weight loss plan and have lost 15 pounds. I know based on math and science that it will take me another 5 to 6 months for my to reach my goal, and an additional month beyond that to surpass my goal and hit my dream weight.

I'm really struggling right now with the weight of time, that sinking feeling I get when I think about having so many months ahead of me. I'm not really struggling day to day. I feel satiated at 1500 calories per day and am averaging about 1.8 - 2 pounds of weight loss per week. So, what I am doing is working. But why does it have to happen so slowly!

Add to that my current plateau, and I'm starting to feel like things are moving even slower. I understand rationally that this plateau will lift, but this plateau plus the time I have remaining is starting to drive me crazy. And I know there will be other plateaus in the future, which makes me feel even more discouraged.

I can't help but wish my body would cut me a break and give me a shortcut this time around. Can I just drop the next five or ten quickly and skip a few weeks of playing the waiting game?

How do you all deal with being patient during the weight loss process? How do you deal with wanting things to move faster than they are? It's driving me nuts.

submitted by /u/la_california_guy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can't stop binge eating.


So I've made many posts on these weight loss subreddits.

But, I've realized, all my problems came down to one thing: binge eating.

So, ever since I was young I have been a compulsive eater due to trauma response, and I've been in a calorie deficit for a while.

I'll be doing good on the weekdays, and then overeat on weekends.

I don't know what to anymore, I'm a little lost. Please, can someone teach me how to fix this? Can anyone that's been through the same help me? I'd appreciate it.

Thank you ❤️

submitted by /u/Adventurous-Dig2488
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Letting out the shitstorm in my head to bf. (27 F 34 M)

The shitstorm: I hate myself. My weight is constantly yoyoing, now I am going up and up. No motivation to exercise. No motivation to eat right. Lot of stress, no capacity for taking better care of myself. Since childhood I have been told by my parents that I am fat, haven't gotten any support from them regarding weight loss, so my self esteem is very low and this is very painful to me.

The boyfriend: our relationship is good, have been together 6 months, best relationship I have ever had, but he never compliments me, so I feel 10 times worse, cause it feels like he doesn't like anything about me (rationally this is not true). To make things worse (better), he is a coach and sports is his life and keeps making comments about how I should work out more (for health)

So I went extremely down yesterday and he is bad at communication and comforting me so it was a very long and terrible conversation and we got nowhere.

I figured I need to do this by myself, at least the emotional part for sure, with working out he helps. But the emotional side of it is so heavy, part of me would be much happier if it was the other way around. Today I ate right, no junk and went to the gym. I don't know if I can keep this up or will put my head in the sand and start binging again.

Thank you for reading this, I needed to vent. Let me know if you have any advice for me please.

submitted by /u/legoonax
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Purchased an Elliptical for my home, weight limit question.

Hey everyone!

I'm just beginning a new weight loss journey and have made a big purchase for an elliptical and ordered a bunch of cooking equipment to start making healthy changes. I've realised the elliptical I've purchased has a 275lbs max weight limit and I'm currently 310lbs myself, upon doing some reading it seems the difference is likely to only lead to quicker wear on the machine but I'm really worried I'm thinking about this wrong.

This was a fairly big purchase for me at £700 and I don't want to take any risks with that type of money. Does anyone have any knowledge/experience doing similar? I'm thinking of giving them a call tomorrow to see if there's a way for them to increase weight limit or suggest a different model but the model i've ordered was on sale from £1.1k.

Any advice would be appreciated :)

submitted by /u/TheDarkness3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


Hi all! I started my weight loss journey 1.5 months ago. My 2 months will be the 9th of December

I started at 224 now down to 205

Recently, I noticed I’ll experience a slight weight loss plateau for 5-7 days then I’ll drop 2 pounds over night

I try to stay at a 1300-1400 calorie defecit but I often eat over budget lol

My TDEE is 2000-2100 sedentary

Anyway, this week I was fluctuating between 209-211

I wanted to see if I could do something to break the plateau so I went the gym and did a brisk walk on the treadmill at a 40% incline. I did almost 3 miles at 3MPH but would take a break in between for a breather- I’d lower the incline and lower the speed then pick back up

This day I ate about 1600-1700 cals and burnt about 350 cals during work out (correct me if this seems inaccurate)

Once I got home I knocked out and woke up 205 this morning!

Do you think this was just a coincidence or did my workout have something to do with the overnight weight loss here

submitted by /u/randomdancing88218
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss recs for gym?

I have about 2 hours every weekday that I can go to the gym, but I get there and am unsure what to do, so I usually do 45 minutes of elliptical or bike and a little bit of weight machines.

Does anyone have any specific recs of what you would do at the gym that would really help with weight loss?

There are treadmills, elliptical, bikes, a lot of weight machines and free weights.

I'm a 40s something ♀️.


submitted by /u/Sea-Parking-6215
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Struggling to get back into healthy habits after gaining some weight back

I (26 f) started a weight loss journey almost 3 years ago and for the first time I was successful. I was 290 at the start of it and the lowest I got was to 204, I’m pretty tall so it was a very noticeable change and I lost all the weight in less than a year. I was very, VERY determined and about 10 months in I was very set in my routine. I started with low carb but after I hit 230 and couldn’t drop any more I started calorie counting and that helped me immensely.

At the start I was working only one part time job (4 days a week, 32 hours) I would make a small breakfast, bring a lunch from home, fruit or veggies for snacks, then go home and later on eat my dinner and be done for the night. The days I worked I would get up early and go to the gym for an hour or so (I only did cardio) and the days I didn’t work I would go the night before just very late. I was very good at eating a wide variety of foods that were good choices, lots of fruits and veggies, not drinking calories, fueling my body instead of feeding cravings. For a very long time I didn’t eat fast foods and I was able to either say no to cravings or wasn’t having any cravings at all.

The problems started about a year into my weight loss. I was very self conscious before, never dated, was still a virgin, very socially anxious and shy. I slowly gained confidence and over time i slowly relaxed with my habits. I would eat good mostly, but treat my selfie occasionally, I stopped going to the gym as much, then soon stopped going at all. My weight went back up to about 210-215 and I would stay consistently in that range for another year and a half, in that time I put my dieting and weight loss on the back burner so to speak, I was focusing a lot on dating and my outer appearance, traveling, having fun for the first time and experiencing life as someone who wasn’t terribly insecure about everything. I live alone and the part time job wasn’t enough to pay the bills so I got another part time job, this past summer my main job offered me full time and I took it but still kept my part time job, both of which I’m still currently doing.

Due to the amount of hours I work I have been eating a lot of fast foods, and I have been overeating a lot as well, for context, I work from 7 am to 9pm Monday- Thursday, 7-3 Friday, and 3 am-3pm on saturdays. It’s easier to grab food 2-3 times a day than to cook it or meal prep 6 days in advance. My weight is now at 230 again which is the highest it’s been in over 2 years, I notice I’m a bored eater/emotional eater sometimes as well which helps nothing. My goal when I started was 180, though I think I’d be fine if I only hit 190 considering my height and body type.

This has turned into a bit of a jumbled rant but I think a bit of backstory and context is important, when I was losing weight the first time I was so dedicated to it that I never even considered eating over my daily calories (I stuck to about 1800 at the time) and I had a lot of control over my eating and cravings and portion control. I’ve sort of spiraled and at the current moment I’ve been struggling hard to get back into that mode of having control and forcing myself to stay consistent. Since it’s thanksgiving this week I have a few days off both jobs and I think I’m going to use this time to jump back in. I haven’t actually gone grocery shopping to make consistent meals in months, but I did today. I find that I have an easier time sticking to eating healthy when I eat the same thing every day for each meal (sometimes I would have 2-3 options I could choose from so I didn’t get disgusted with the foods I would make) I’ve decided I’m going to start tomorrow eating healthy again, but I’m scared that my mindset will be easy to go against and I’ll get fast food or just keep overeating. How do you get back into a good & consistent mindset?

submitted by /u/wiemannimo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat