Sunday, December 4, 2022

Starting over...while pregnant

I feel like my story just sounds like a lot of shitty excuses but whatever. So in 2017-2018 I lost like 130lb (from 380-250, so there was still a ways to go). In 2019 I started to plateau - I was planning my wedding and allowed myself to get psyched out about "if I keep losing at THIS rate how much will I weigh by the wedding??" I lost a job I loved and slid into the pandemic unemployed. Then I got pregnant with my son in early 2020.

Overall I was still feeling okay. I'd backslid a little but over a really hard 18m period I only put on about 20lb, which actually didn't feel that bad to me. So I started my pregnancy around 270 and gained about 40lb (including baby - I was just under 300 right after I delivered). Gained a little more back postpartum and in late 2021 I was around 315.

I was starting to feel pretty unhappy so I started diligently logging again and I actually did pretty well! I lost about 30lb in 6m or so, but then I got pregnant again in June. And then I lost that baby at 13w (well, 9w, but I found out at 13w), so I had battled food cravings and gained weight for literally nothing. And now I am about 305 and pregnant yet again (for now, anyway...).

My husband has told me a few times that back when I was really successful I was active in this sub. He says community is important and I guess he's probably right although I don't really feel like anything can help me right now and it's probably going to be super demoralizing to start getting serious about weight loss again while I'm growing 15lb of human and organ and various fluids. But there we are. Just planting my flag, I guess.

submitted by /u/contrasupra
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss and the loose skin. DISCLAIMER: negative

If you are at a weak point in your weight loss journey.. might want to keep scrolling.

People lose weight for lots of reasons..I have lost it before but my main reason was always and still is to simply feel better and look better.

So how can one feel better when they (and arguably many others) think they look worse with the sagging and aged looking skin?

Plus my relationships really struggle! I am not compelled to be intimate after (my MANY times) of successful weight losses. 75 to 100#. Its hard if not impossible to enjoy yourself in the bedroom while trying to cover up and constantly thinking about belly, thighs, the under arm flappy wings... shutting off the lights doesn't work, cause then its that feel around awkward touching biz. Sorry. tmi. I know.

Its enough to make me think it'd be easier to be alone forever than to deal with it all.

A quiet but deep dark disapointment sets in depressing me and slowly causes me to eventually gain it all back because to me any true satisfaction is never realized. And I cant afford get skin removal surgery.

I have tried time and again the... "look yourself in the mirror and say something nice to yourself" idea. Doesn't work.. my mind >> 😳 "You are trying to trick us right now, and although I appreciate your effort...not today. not ever."

Weightloss in itself is hard enough! I could cry. I can't help but feel heartbroken for anyone in this same position.

tl;dr Weightloss for the people who need it most (especially the very large) does not provide a sense of full on satisfaction like other types of goal achieving does. Unless, of course, you have absolutely zero vanity or able to afford skin removal.

submitted by /u/MistyBlueWorld
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Stomach pain and growling

Im a little over one month in on my weight loss and its been going well. I have lost 7.5kg to date and I feel a lot more energetic as I'm carefully considering what I put in my body as opposed to before.

But there is one glaring issue that's been haunting me for the past week or so. My stomach growls a lot and very often it accompanies a slight but uncomfortable pain; that which goes away only after eating, water sometimes helps. But the issue is I have no appetite, I've grown to actually dislike eating and as I'm writing this now I haven't eaten anything all day. I don't want to eat but it's the only way I know how to stop the pain and growling. Is the root cause how little I eat compared to before? Is there a way to combat the pain without having to resort to eating?

submitted by /u/TheSolobit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm 20F and fed up with binge restrict cycle

I've literally just made this throwaway because I finally admitted to myself I need help. It's a long post so I want to say I deeply appreciate everyone for taking their time to read this.

I have been overweight all my life. When I was 7-8 I was obese, then I got taller and slightly improved. I am 170 cm tall (~5.7 ft).

I was diagnosed with pcos at 14, when I did an ultrasound scan of my ovaries, because I haven't had my period yet. The doctors said just to wait and I got my period one year later, it had never been consistent tho.

When I was 16-17 years old I lost 8 kg, I went from 68 (149 lbs) to 60 (132 lbs), in about 5 months. I would go to the gym every other day and paid more attention to what I was eating, but nothing too extreme and I didn't find it difficult. I wasn't anxious to lose weight if you know what I mean, somehow I just committed. Some months later, I was 17, I moved to another city and for the first couple of months I was eating very unhealthy foods, mostly processed sugars like cookies etc. And I was drinking wine multiple times a week. I don't know if this matters but I also took one morning-after pill during that period.

Well, as you can imagine I put some weight on, like 5 kg, not too much, but my period stopped completely. Months later I finally decided to see an obgyn, she put me on birth control (novadien) and then lockdown happened.

From then on this binge-restrict cycle started and never finished. I lost kgs and regained more kgs multiple times in the past two years. During summer 2021 I was put on metformin and inositol and tried eating less carbs and I lost 2 kgs in a couple of weeks but it was absolutely unsustainable for me, with the metformin (500mg twice a day) making me feel SICK all the time and the inositol being so expensive. I was also running at least 5k 3 times a week, an habit I had until some months ago. It didn't make much difference tbh

Summer 2022 I went to a different endocrinologist and she told me I don't have to take any medicine or supplement and just "do what everyone else does to lose weight" (sic).

I think I now weight around 75 kg (165 lbs), my highest ever. I stopped birth control some months ago because I really didn't see a reason to take it and of course my period stopped again (but the period you get while on bc is not a real one as you may know).

I have a very bad relationship with my body. I'm only 20 and I feel like no one can be attracted to me if I weight so much. I love fashion and many of my clothes don't fit me anymore. I've been in therapy for this but also for more important mental health issues. I'm scared of getting diabetes.

Any advice on how to lose this weight for good? To me food it's like a drug. I don't smoke cigarettes but I bet smokers have the same cravings I have towards sugar and carbs. And it sucks. Everytime I decide to commit again to weight loss I never go past the first couple of weeks.

I'm desperate. Thank you.

submitted by /u/2afraid2postonmy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Being told to eat more/ getting advice from people

EDIT: One thing I forgot to add is that my deficit is 1800. I am 6'1 220ish and that's my goal for each day. I go to the gym 2-3 times a week. I need to try more tbh

Hi Hello. When I started my weight loss journey I was 360. Now I am around 224-219 ish. A huge majority of my weight loss was CiCo. I have a food scale and at first I was trying to be accurate as possible. Now I still measure my weight and the amount of food I consume but I am not as strict as I was before. I am still losing weight. I look very different despite me not thinking so. Look different vs my past self. I used to eats of food due to my family always making lots of food.

At first people were/are still happy of how much I loss. But now it's really starting to annoy me because I am constantly getting "oh you need to eat more" "why aren't you eating?" in reality I am FULL. They think I am lying to save calories. I just eat less and I eat what I WANT to eat. It's not my fault you ate a cup of ramen then still bought street tacos. I don't like to eat things I regret eating. I want to enjoy all my foods that I decide to put in my body.

Losing all this weight made me change my relation with food. I am just annoyed because these family members are telling me/ trying to give me advice. But honestly I don't even want to listen to them because they have been fat their own lives. Also I am starting to get into cardio, I always wanted to when I was obese but I am slowly starting to enjoy it. Due to my cardio and I don't lift very often ( I should but idk how) I look very small compared to what I was. I am 6'1 if that helps. thank u for letting me rant

submitted by /u/RockmanTooru
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Unmotivated but still want to lose weight? Weird unmotivated, lazy phase after seeing results of a three week calorie deficit.

Helloo, so.

I KNOW I talk a lot on these subreddits, but, this is really weird.

Like, recently, I went on a calorie deficit. It was successful for about a week, until I just completely lost motivation.

And it's weird, cause I'll eat a lot and unhealthy but not feel the guilt I should be feeling? Like I just feel unmotivated, like, lazy.

I don't know why, but I just do. It's so weird. Like I want to lose the weight but i just haven't had the motivation I used to have. Dang, i used to write notes and journals about my weight loss, prepare fun healthy meals, and now I'm just, not motivated?

Especially weird because I was seeing results and people were telling me they saw results, too.

Like, I know I can lose the weight, it just feels like I choose not to? Like I'm unmotivated, but I still want to lose the weight.

It's weird, can anyone give me advice? Has anyone gone through the same phase?

submitted by /u/Adventurous-Dig2488
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone with dentures or partials can share their experience with weight loss and jaw bone loss?

So this post is specifically for dentures, not implants since they preserve bone. Once you have teeth extracted, bone loss begins to occur and will continue (but slowing down over time) until you die. Over time, this can cause your dentures not to fit properly, and you need adjustments as time goes on.

So I have a question that may be difficult to answer because I'm not sure if much research has been done into this and not everyone is in my particular situation. So I've been a fitness buff for most of my adult life and I really enjoy recreational natural bodybuilding. This means that at least once every year or so, I'll go through a cutting phase. During this process, I obviously focus heavily on my diet and workouts in order to make sure I lose as little lean mass, but as much fat as possible. The problem here is that being in a calorie deficit like this causes the body to become very catabolic overall. My major concern here is whether this higher catabolic state can exacerbate the jaw bone loss that already naturally occurs after the extraction of teeth, causing my dentures to become ill-fitting much faster.

submitted by /u/chasindatsleep_yo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat