So, the last year has been crazy. I (19Ftm) started at 215, went down to 175, then leveled out at about 185. However, I look way different than I used to.
When I lived with my parents, I was usually fed high calorie foods, and would get harassed when I didn't eat. (I had an ED for a while, and I guess they were worried about me not eating.)
But bottom line, I had a lot of fat on me. My clothes would fit weird and my stomach would always pudge in ways I hated.
After I moved out, I started working my ass off and got a gym membership, and actually started eating food I liked. (I'm not a fan of cheese or high carbs. I prefer the taste and feel of eating healthy food. Less processed/whole foods) For a while, my weight dropped off drastically, but I started a job that was significantly more physical and started gaining weight. For a while, I was worried, but realized even as I was gaining weight again, my clothes were still bigger on me and I was still slimming down and getting a decent figure.
Now, I'm at a space where I'm still overweight, but I'm much farther than I used to be in terms of health. I feel healthier and being physically active isn't an issue for me. I do plan to start rock climbing once I get my next raise, which I'm ecstatic about. I love rock climbing.
One thing that is unfortunate is that I can't wear dresses anymore. My upper-body has progressed a lot, and I have broad shoulders. So basically, I'm curvy up until my shoulders, then have massive man arms. It's pretty funny, but I don't mind since I prefer to look masculine. (Just like to feel pretty sometimes).
Overall, I'd still like to progress in terms of weight loss. I'd like to lose some of the stubborn fat around my tummy. It's not nearly as bad as it used to be, and doesn't turn into rolls anymore, but if I wear low rise pants, it's noticable. Right now, I'm happy with my figure and overall physical health, but plan to keep exercising and eating less processed foods. I've dropped sodas for the most part (used to drink a coke nearly every day. It was BAD). Now I drink about 4-5 bottles of water a day.
I know 185 is still a lot of weight, and not considered healthy (I'm 5'6"), but most of my body weight is muscle now. I regularly lift/move between 1,000 and 3,000 pounds of cans a night. (4 nights a week) On top of staying on my feet/walking roughly 9 hours a night when I work. I'm still seeing changes and hope to see residual fat start to edge off my body as I progress through this year. I'm going to head to the gym and check my fat percentage (they have one of the body mass scanners) tomorrow, and probably update with that information.
I don't want to go hardcore with dieting, but if anyone knows any cheap whole foods I can get into, lmk. A salad alone is almost $5 nowadays, and meat is also expensive. (I'm a broke college student) I've been eating a lot of eggs and tuna though. (Love tuna). Or if anyone has any decent cheap recipes that I could eat on, then that would be appreciated too. I know a good part about getting healthier is staying healthier.
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from loseit - Lose the Fat