Monday, June 24, 2024

Comments on my weight loss make me uncomfortable - how do you deal with them?

Hi everyone! Here is a 26F who managed to lose 11 KGS in the past months A bit of context: my whole life, I had always been overweight and had at times suffered from binge eating. I had a rather disordered eating structure (?) and had been dealing with some digestive issues for most of my life.

To Long to Read: I (happily) lost weight and hate people commenting on it.

In January I decided to go and see a nutritionist, who provided me with a calorie deficit custom plan - whose main aim was trying to ease my digestive issues and see if a structured eating plan could help. Combined with increased physical activity, I soon started to also lose some weight. 6 months down the lane, I have seen a general improvement in my health, I feel and see myself better and I have a much healthier approach to food. I personally think that my main achievement has been managing to learn how to eat nutritious, balanced meals, yet all people seem to comment is that I have lost weight and "look soooooo much better!". Now, I am not naive: I am also happy about the weight loss and I know other people have no way of knowing was goes on in my brain in terms of achievements and goals hahah But these comments are making me SUPER uncomfortable especially because 90% of the time they come from co-workers, with whom I had never shared anything neither about my weight nor about my 'health journey'. You can see them staring at you, scanning your body and going "Omg! You lost soooooo much weight! You look soo much better!" or " Did you lose weight?! You really look fit! Are you following any diets?". I understand people are always going to judge other people's bodies (even unconsciously) and that the lost weight is the really tangible measure they have visually (since I don't share anything about my health status in general). What I don't understand and what makes me the most uncomfortable is how easily people are ready to comment on other people's bodies without knowing what one is going through. I can only imagine what it would feel like to hear such things, had I lost weight beyond my control (stress, diseases, etc..). To me, it feels like they are implying that my previous body was not okay according to their standards and now that I lost the weight I look SOOOO much better. It's probably the emphasis most people put in the compliment that pisses me off the most hahah I was fine with how my body looked before and never know how to react to these comments. On the one hand, I cannot deny the obvious- I clearly have lost some weight - but I can't and won't thank people for the "you look so much better" part. I really can't.

What do you think? Has it ever occured to you? Before losing weight, I would have never guessed that I would react like this to such comments.

submitted by /u/threatlevelalice
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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