Saturday, June 22, 2024

Readjusting calories for exercise

Hi! Me again; it's been two months since my last post and I've lost 16 pounds so far. Due to certain life events, I did not start my fitness plan as I had hoped, so for now only dietary changes. I have revised my 8-week fitness plan into a more gradual 12-week one, and plan to start again tomorrow.

My confusion is here, adjusting my calories due to increased exercise. Right now I use a combination of the top four calorie calculators to determine my maintenance and deficit. (I put my info into all four and then average it out) So right now, at 5'5", 236lbs, and sedentary, my maintenance calories are 2150, and my deficit is 1650. But starting tomorrow, at 236 and with my increased exercise, my maintenance would be 2600 and my deficit would be 2100. Which is almost my current maintenance. Plus, as my exercise plan progresses I will be doing more and more exercise, and even if I adjust for (~1lb a week) weight loss, my deficit will actually be above my current maintenance after some time. (12 weeks is when it would go over 2150 to 2350.)

My question is, if I increase my activity level consistently, should I adjust my calories straight away? Should I gradually increase my calories? Do I need to give my body time to adjust to the new exercise and do something else? It seems so extreme to start exercising and then eat so much more straight away, when wont my fitness change gradually? I don't know and I can't find much research online so I figured I'd post here for opinions.

I'm willing to share my fitness plan outline and my calculations on calories if that helps.

submitted by /u/Actual_Seahorse
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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