Sunday, June 23, 2024

How Would You Handle This?

My mother-in-law is a matriarch of the old school. She is a wonderfully welcoming, kind and generous woman who has helped my husband and me out immeasurably over the years. I love and respect this woman a lot, and she and my husband remain very close.

Unfortunately for where I'm standing now, one of the ways she has been helping us out has been by providing us with food, and I'm sure you can see where this is going.

Times are tough for us as they are for everyone, though my in-laws are well off enough not to be feeling it. Telling my mother-in-law to stop cooking for us would not only be seen as rude on our part, but impose an added financial burden, especially given that my CFS/ME is severe enough to mean I cannot work, leaving my husband as the sole wage earner. Yet, the fact undeniably remains that my having this little control over what goes into what we eat is not a tenable position for sustainable weight loss.

All things being equal, I personally would be inclined to stop accepting her help. That said, this isn't solely my decision. I do not pay the bills in this household and I'm not in a position to simply pay for our groceries myself - the price of which have already jumped to accommodate my new eating habits. I'm not sure I even reasonably can expect my husband (who is not trying to lose weight too and has no need for houmous and celery) to shoulder more.

What would you do in this situation?

submitted by /u/justclove
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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