Friday, June 14, 2024

Meditation and weight loss

Hello Everyone, I had a close friend for almost 20 years who had found sobriety and contentment through meditation. He tried many times to get me to try it but I laughed him off with so many excuses why I couldn’t or wouldn’t be able to do it.

M. died suddenly two years ago, and his loss in my life was profound. I’ve found ways to bring him close again, including—you guessed it—through regular meditation. It’s enriched my life immeasurably, and I feel him with me, I hear his laughter again, I’ve even heard him tell me it’s good that I waited to meditate until I was ready.

I bring this up here in the weight loss forum because there are frequent questions about aspects of the process that are emotional, or difficult, or hopeless. Meditation has taught me that all of these emotions are valid but ephemeral, and I’m also finding a kindness towards myself and others during this cycle of losing weight that I never felt before. I’ve found a comfort with discomfort - when Mara arrives, invite him for tea.

It makes me believe it just may be permanent this time.

Meditators of r/loseit, those who are religious, secular, and anywhere in between, what in your practice has helped you to understand yourself and this process better? What advice do you have for your fellow meditators, and/or those who have not (yet) found it?

submitted by /u/Neat_Chapter1304
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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