Saturday, June 22, 2024

I wanted to share a big loss (big for me at least) and hope for reaching my goals.

I have struggled with my weight since I was a teen, and I spent much of my teens and 20s obese and believing that was just who I was. That, combined with the depression that comes with being overweight, meant I didn't try and improve and just accepted I was going to always be this way.

At my height, I was hovering around 110kg (highest 111kg). I have been trying to lose weight for years and only managed to lose significant weight once when I was unemployed and had little money for food and used exercise as a stress release. This was unsustainable because I needed a job and couldn't maintain that diet and exercise whilst working.

I regained all the weight, but at the start of 2023, I decided to finally fix things, and I spent last year learning good exercise habits and learning some basic recipes. My weight didn't decrease that much, and I ended the year at 105.3kg. At the start of this year, I decided that this year I would be below 100kg by the end of the year and wouldn't rebound above it. I.e. I would get below 100kg, and once under, it would not go back above it for the rest of the year.

I weigh myself at the end of each month. My end of May weight was 103.5kg, and my June weight (I did it a little early) was 100.8kg. I basically lost as much weight in June as I did in the preceeding 5 months.

If I keep this up, I will be below 100kg in my July weigh-in and then can spend the rest of the year making as much progress under 100kg as possible.

If it helps anyone, the change that I think did it was replacing sugary soft drinks with black tea without sugar. I have been trying to make this change for years, but in May, I decided to put in the effort and finally make the replacement.

The next step is to try and cut down on sweet treats, which I still snack on, but I am slowly replacing with fruit (still sweet but also has nutrition).

I know my weight loss is not as big as I'm sure some people have managed, and the bar I set for myself is low, but it is progress for me.

submitted by /u/ParasaurolophusSkull
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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