Thursday, October 25, 2018

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Friday, 26 October 2018

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from loseit - Lose the Fat

New to the sub

Hello everyone! Today was day 1 for my weight loss journey. I've struggled with my weight since high school and never did anything about it. I have tried dieting several times with limited success (the main issue is keeping with it). Over the past year, more so the past 6 months, I've been unhappy with my health, how I look, having to buy new clothes because I outgrew my current wardrobe, and how I generally feel. Over the summer, I was told I have high cholesterol and a fatty liver, and need to change my diet to correct it. Well, this week I went and talked to a dietitian. When they weighed me, it really hit me I needed to make a change. I am 301 lbs. Seeing that was my wake-up call. I am now determined to follow the diet, watch what I eat more, and work out. Day one is finished. It was hard, and I know it only gets harder. On that, good night and good luck to you all!

submitted by /u/FoxtrotUniform11
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice for someone suffering from diet burnout?

Hi, loseit. I started to lose weight in February this year after finding this sub. Thanks to all the motivation I found here, I’ve lost 80 lbs, completed C25K, and am currently at my lowest adult weight and preparing for my first ever 5K trail race. I’m in the best shape of my life and I’m getting complimented constantly on my weight loss now that the paper towel effect is in full swing. I’m really proud of my progress so far.

The thing is that I still have another 30-35 lbs to lose before I hit my goal weight and I’m finding myself hitting a mental wall regarding my diet. For reference, I’m currently eating 1355 calories a day and exercising three days a week. I get hungry quickly after meals, even if they’re high in protein and fibre though moderate in calories (most of my meals this week have been around 350-375 calories). I’ve been experiencing some mild telogen effluvium (hair loss, but just increased shedding, not chunks falling out) and general fatigue (although this is probably because I sleep about 6 hours a night on average). I try to eat 80-90% healthy/clean/whole food and 10-20% treats. I don’t have treat days or meals, just work small treats into my everyday eating.

The constant hunger is really getting to me. I’m hoping it’ll pass soon (my hunger cues have historically waxed and waned: some weeks I’ll just be constantly ravenous and others I’ll be fine), but it’s just so demotivating to never feel satiated or satisfied by my food. I know I’m not, but it feels like I’m starving myself. I’ve been experiencing cravings and fantasizing about binging (I never struggled with BED before starting my weight loss journey, and I haven’t binged/seriously overeaten without having planned to do so since then).

The thought of increasing my caloric deficit any more makes me miserable and I feel like losing the last 30-35 lbs is going to be so shitty if I continue like this. Does anyone have any advice? I don’t want to fall off the wagon, and I don’t really feel like I’m in danger of giving up altogether, but I know that this isn’t sustainable. Should I take a maintenance break until the New Year? Track macros more closely so I have more energy and feel fuller? Increase my calories a bit? And does anyone have any advice regarding keeping a positive mindset?

Thank you all so much!

submitted by /u/rabbitpowered
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’ve lost 11st 1lbs in 43 weeks, and I’ve never felt better!

As I previously mentioned in a post, at the start of the year I began my healthy living lifestyle change, this was supposed to be the beginning of the rest of my life, but during the course of this year, I’ve surprised myself a superseded all expeditions! Being 23, I should be living my life to the full, not wondering if this is the year I have a heart attack!

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been significantly overweight, always the biggest person around, I’d sadly gotten used to it being that way, and accepting that I’m the token fat friend that people have. I’ve tried on numerous occasions to diet, and every time I’ve quit, and gone back to being my usual large self. I knew in my mind that if I didn’t do something about it, I’d die far younger than I should, but for some reason I just couldn’t get into the zone to shift the weight. Even with my family expressing concerns for my health, I didn’t seem to want to do anything about it.

By the end of 2017 I was over 30st 2lbs (442lbs). As most people do, it was ‘new year, new me’. I’d decided that as of January 2nd, I’d change my lifestyle to a more healthy one, not just a diet.

I knew that this was going to be difficult, but I had to go cold turkey, no cheating! Cheating is the reason I failed so many times before. I had to completely change my eating habits!

Everything had to be changed, no more ready meals, bread, confectionary, and definitely no snacking before bed, or even whilst in bed.

I had started to cook my own meals, using some of my favourite flavours and ingredients to make my favourite meals but healthier versions. Instead of eating lots of crap, often, I had big portions of my main meals, which would keep me going until my next meal, without feeling the need to snack. At the start I was still putting sugar in my coffee, and whilst I was reducing my food intake, my coffee intake was increasing rapidly, this meant my sugar intake was also increasing! I make the decision to cut the sugar out completely, it took some getting used to, but after a few months, I couldn’t go back to having sugar, it left a horrible taste in my mouth!

I was exercising where possible, but not frequently, my cardio fitness after 2 months had doubled, from being able to do a 45 minute, to a 90 minute workout! I could feel myself getting healthier.

After a month or so people would tell me I was looking better, and the longer my lifestyle went on, the compliments got even greater, I’d gone from nothing, to daily compliments about how great I looked. The more people talked about me, the more it spurred me on, I felt like I couldn’t let the people down who were rooting for me to finish my journey!

In no time at all I was smashing targets left, right and centre. I’d lost 19lbs in the first 3 weeks. It took 16 weeks to lose my first 5 stone. By this point my mind had switched and I began to think “I can do this, I will do this” I will be the best version of me that I can. I’d hit my 10st marker at the start of September! And as of today, writing this I’ve lost 11st 1lb.

I have 2st 1lb remaining until I hit my target of 17st. I have never felt as good as I have felt along this journey! I know that I’ve got a second chance to live my life, and this time I’m going to make the most of it.

The only person who can change your life, is you. To achieve it, you need to believe it. Absolutely anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

My weight loss is not the result of any magic diet pills, surgery or even a personal trainer!

Progress Picture

submitted by /u/craig_i95
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss after bulimia recovery

So, I'm in the process of recovering from bulimia nervosa. My "journey" started more than half a year ago, and I've made great progress. I've conquered almost everything; the urges to diet, to purge, to calorie count, to fast, but not to binge.

Mentally, I'm awesome. I'm finally living life again. But then I get these overpowering urges to indulge. I live alone, and it feels like recently, it's become a daily thing. They exhaust me and sometimes I'll give in. I hate it and don't know how to stop.

I recently joined the swim team again. I want to be fit. I want to be the fast swimmer I was before. Being overweight is an obstacle to that. I just want to stop bingeing. Does it ever stop? How do I make it stop? I just need hope and some advice.

submitted by /u/katerina9
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[aesthetic] Pros and cons of starting lifting D1.

warning: weight lost can be done without any exercises, and this post is not made to talk about that. it target people who are unsure if they should start lifting or not at the beginning of the weight loss.

in the end, it all depend on your goal, but scrolling on this forum made me realize that alot of us dont only want to lose fat to be healthy, but also to look good.


  1. Muscle mass consume calories. increasing your muscle mass will help you lose weight during a long period.

  2. it fill out loose skin. glutes , thights and pecs can be fill out with muscle mass to reduce loose skin.

  3. aesthetic, petty as it is, a nice butt or shoulders are confidence booster.

4.(personal) it help me with sleep.


  1. it require an extra level of dedication, both in the kitchen for macros and the exercise room to lift.

  2. its a confidence killer. d1 entering the gym is really hard.

  3. it require time.

  4. its more expensive, gym cost,clothing etc.

personally, i went to the gym d1 and lifted hard and today, most of the cons i've mentioned are not present in my day to day. i can share my today sv progress pic if you want to see where a 5'9" 190 lbs male has loose skin and where the muscle fill it up.

happy grinding!

submitted by /u/lluren
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

88 lbs down in 8 months, how my life has changed.

Hey r/loseit , I'm a long time lurker, and decided to join you 8 months ago, the 5th of March to be precise.

I was 18 and weighted 247 lbs (111.7 kg) for 6'0. I've always been fat, since I was born, and never did anything to lose weight. But this time, I decided to take control of my life, and started looking for methods to lose weight without going to the gym.

I decided to do Insanity program, while having a healthy diet. Actually, what I considered healthy back then was probably the most dangerous and dumbest thing I've done. One Insanity session could make me burn 600 kcal, and I just ate once a day. So for weeks, I was just hahving between -100 to 300 calories a day. Waaaaaaaaaay less than what I should've eaten. Anyways, I finished Insanity, losing easily 3 pounds a week.

After Insanity, I did Insanity MAX 30 and bought some dumbbels and pectoral barbells to gain muscle (useless), but still ate in thisunhealthy way, I lost a lot of weight however. I started to take food complements such as whey, casein, fat burners, BCAAs without knowing what they do.

Around July, it was summer holidays and I was weighting arount 198lbs. Then I went to the gym 4-5 times a week and learned about macros. From June to today (until December), I calculated that I need 1750cal a day for weight loss, with 190g of protein. And it works!

Today, I'm 19 but I weigh 161lbs only! I'm closer to being underweight than overweight according to my BMI.

I'll cut until December when I'll be around 152 lbs than I'll have a bulking phase.

To be honest, this weight loss was probably the best thing I've ever did because if I'm 115kg in my 20s I'll never lose weight again. People noticed it, said how much I changed, but they were never happy, they didn't care at all. Even my parents at first were dumbfounded when they saw me (I was in university so I couldn't see them from March to July). But they quicly realised how dangerous was my "program". At one point, I even started to feel dizzy, sleep a lot, lost focus, always had headaches so I did a blood test to find out that fortunately, everything's okay.

I allow myself a cheat meal twice a month.

Guys, r/loseit community, I don't know how to thank you for helping me lose 88 lbs, it's just unimaginable, I'm a new guy with new ambitions, and it's 100% thanks to all of you and I wish you all success in your weight loss quest!

If you have any question, don't hesitate to ask!

submitted by /u/FaresTN
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from loseit - Lose the Fat