Monday, January 27, 2020

It's time for a chage

Good morning good people,

So, i'm thinking about weight loss for last year but never had nerves to stick to it - And now is the time.
I just realized that i'm heaviest I have ever bean and in worst shape I have ever bean and it's really starting to get in way of my personal progress and my life goals.

Basic info about me:
Gender - Male
Age - 25
Height - 183cm / 6ft
Weight - 130kg / 287lb
I don't really exercise and I work as software developer so I'm by PC all day long.

At one point in my life I was at about ~115kg / 250lb and went to ~90kg / 200lb using MyFitnessPal and Nutritionist advice but when when I went to college my weight skyrocketed to 120kg / 265lb and when I started working last year I got new 10kg / 22lb as I do even less walking and I go out more as I finally have some money for it.

Here is my plan and please critique and suggest how to make it better and more sustainable

  1. Track my calorie intake.
    1. MFP suggest 2.600 cal/day for slow weight loss.
  2. Start exercise - Swimming for beginning and Gym and Biking a bit later.
  3. Meal prep, especially for work.
    1. I eat junk foot at work as there is no good and healthy option nearby.
submitted by /u/FetBoj
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, January 26, 2020

My story

Hi all, not really sure if this is the correct sub, but I want to get some thoughts out and share my story. This all started back when I was a teenager, and I'm now 25(F). I was always a relatively skinny and active kid, but when I was in my late teens I was really struggling with depression and anxiety, and trialling a bunch of medications that weren't working. My appetite increased due to a lot of these medications and in conjunction with a pretty terrible diet, I began to stack on the weight. I think I got up to 80 kg (176 lbs) when my mum got involved with a weight loss MLM. Being 19 and unaware of the predatory nature of MLMs, I started taking the products, cleaned up my diet, and was exercising regularly. I lost about 25 kg (55 lbs) in the space of about a year, which I was stoked about. Looking back, I was way too strict with myself. I never allowed any "bad" foods to be bought or consumed, I was eating every three hours, and being unemployed, I had no work or school to get in the way of my progress. I really just took it to the extreme. I'm super proud of myself for being able to lose the weight, but I wish I had've done it much more sustainably.

After about a year of losing weight, I met my now-husband. We met while exercising, and I got the courage to go and talk to him after seeing him there for a few weeks. Being young and in love, we were constantly going out on lunch/dinner dates, going to the movies, but also did things like rock climbing, mini golfing, etc. just the balance was way off. Soon after getting into this relationship, I went back to school to start my apprenticeship. My schedule was thrown way off, and I couldn't keep up with prepping all my meals in advance, and the cafeteria was so convenient. I quote quickly put a bunch of weight back on, and was too tired after school to go and exercise.

I knew things were going out of control, but I couldn't stop. I tried to make my meals in advance and bring them to school but it just wasn't working. All that weight I lost the year prior, was packed back on in the following year. I was devastated and disappointed in myself that I allowed myself to lose all my progress, so I started eating to numb my emotions. I felt bad after eating to deal with my emotions, so I ate some more. It's such a vicious cycle that I could never really break.

In the past few years, I've had many weight loss attempts. I'd eat well for a few weeks, then think I've done so well and reward myself with food. Foods that are hyper palatable, and that I would binge on because I restricted myself from them for so long. I didn't weigh myself very often because I knew I wasn't at an ideal weight. I knew I was overweight, but had no idea I was obese by BMI standards. When I weighed myself in mid-October 2019, I weighed in at 87.5 kg (193 lbs). I had already started eating healthier before I weighed myself, so I'm pretty sure I would've reached 90 kg (198 lbs) at one point.

I got myself a fitbit, and started counting calories loosely again as I was (too) good at it the I initially lost weight. So far (as of yesterday) I'm down to 78.7 kg (174 lbs) so I'm really happy with how things are progressing. I've only changed my diet, and made no attempts to exercise this time around. I want the habits of good food to be so integrated into my lifestyle that also going to the gym won't mess things up as it has done in the past.

I feel like I'm really doing it this time. I'm listening to when my body is telling me to eat, and more importantly, listening to when my body doesn't need me to eat yet. Sometimes I won't eat until mid afternoon because I'm honestly not hungry. It's a bit of a mental hurdle because "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" but it doesn't make sense to eat if I'm not hungry. I'm also trying to get over not finishing a meal if I'm full. When I was a child, on occasion I was forced to finish my meal even if I was full because we shouldn't waste food. I've even caught myself getting angry at my husband for not finishing a meal I've cooked him, and that's something I don't want my future children to have to deal with.

That's another reason why I feel this weight loss attempt is different - children. I want to get myself healthy before trying for kids in about a year. I want my children to be healthy, and I want to lead by example. I want to be able to run after them and play with them, and keep up with them as much as possible. I want this to be sustainable, and it will be. I'm making the conscious decision to keep it sustainable. I know it won't always be easy, and I know I'll probably fall off track, but that's not an excuse to binge. I will get right back on track when I inevitably fall off. I have a very supportive husband who has luckily not had any issues with his weight.

I haven't really spoken to anyone about this weight loss attempt. One co-worker has told me I've lost weight. She didn't ask "have you lost weight?", she said "you've lost weight, haven't you". I said yes, and she congratulated me on my progress. I didn't take any before photos this time around either. I got sick of taking before photos each time, because it ended up being a bunch of half naked photos of me overweight. But I am also measuring progress in how my clothes are fitting - much looser - and how well I'm sleeping and energy levels throughout the day.

Hopefully someone can relate as even though I'm happy for myself, I don't feel like anyone in my life has been through anything similar

submitted by /u/soggysatisfaction4
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

January Q&A from Instagram

Hello! I’m answering a pile of new questions about running, eating and my life. If you’re new to Run Eat Repeat – follow me on Instagram @RunEatRepeat . You can ask me your questions on DM or in the stories. Today I’m covering: What’s your next marathon? Did you sell your condo? Is that a […]

The post January Q&A from Instagram appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

Back at it

I've been on my weight loss journey since 2015, if you count from when my weight peaked to current. Much of that time though, I have not been actively trying to lose weight. The reasons for not putting in effort range from very legitimate (pregnancy, nursing, obsessing unhealthily, etc.) And some have not (depression, stress, finances, etc.) But somehow, out of all of that, I'm still trending downward.

Five years ago, I stepped on the scale just a week before my wedding day and cried ugly tears at the number. 257.4 lbs. Now, I am a tall woman at 5'11, but there was no good reason for me to hit that number. Today, I'm divorced from the man I married (who brought horrible eating habits and emotional abuse into my life and led to my weight gain in the first place), have our toddler half the time (and am teaching him the difference between a "healthy choice for our bodies" and a "treat"), and stepped on the scale this morning to see another monumental number. 188.6 lbs. That's the lowest I've seen since before I met my ex! I've lost 69 lbs (heheh for all you dirty minds out there).

I had recently taken a break due to stress, both emotional and financial. Life seemed to be spinning out of control, and I know that I tend to latch onto food as being within my control if I push myself to continue losing when everything else goes haywire. I've now got sufficient income to be stable, which is taking the pressure off both financially and emotionally. So, I'm back at it. I don't log my foods due to the control thing mentioned above. I start trying to hit a lower number than the day before, and end up cutting out fruits and veggies even to try to get it lower and lower. I have tracked calories in the past, so sometimes run rough estimates in my head just for a general idea how I'm doing.

It took 5 years, sure, but still. My sister likes to phrase it differently though "don't you mean you've lost 410 lbs? I mean, he was 350 lbs of dead weight you were dragging around."

I've also gained the most amazing little boy, my most amazing friends around the globe, and the ability to see that I deserve to be treated well; I've maintained my sanity and my streak of not engaging in self harm; and I've also given up cigarettes in those five years. So yes, its taken me 5 years to shed nearly 70 lbs. And yes, I've got about 20 more to go (I'm fast approaching my lowest adult weight so I don't know how I'll feel in my body when I reach a healthy weight). Those 20 might take another year. Maybe more. But if I keep in mind the other aspects of my life that I'm gaining, losing, and maintaining; as well as the fact that the time will pass whether I'm losing weight or not, I can be more than okay with the fact that my weight loss journey may be moving slower than some.

submitted by /u/CuteNCaffeinated
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I binged and my body is punishing me

I started off my weight loss journey around the 15th of December. I started off at 221 lbs (F/23) and managed to lose 11 lbs by now. I lost the weight by overall eating much healthier (loads of fruit and veg, no cookies, no junk) and starting to work out 2/3 times a week. So far I was feeling amazing, until today.

Today though, I had a hiccup and my body is punishing me. I had a slice of a decadent chocolate cake at my grandma’s, proceeded to bake massive chocolate cookies at home and had three of them, and finally I finished it off with half a bag of chips (about 100 grams).

It’s the first time I’ve binged in a LONG time, and I feel extremely nauseous and I have a massive headache. I don’t know in what way it is possible for my body to be used to a lower amount of sugar in a short amount of time, but I’m feeling absolutely terrible.

It doesn’t only feel like a physical setback, but it’s my first mental one. I know progress isn’t linear, I know I’ll make mistakes and I know this one slip up will not make me gain 10 lbs, but it still just sucks.

However, tomorrow is a new day and it will have new chances. For everyone that needed to hear this (including myself): you will be fine.

submitted by /u/ScytheAusten
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

60Ibs down! And dating makes my skin crawl?

Hey everyone! Okay. So. There’s a lot, feel free to see the TL;DR at the bottom.

My HW was 301 and my CW is about 238 (and moving further down every day!). I’m finally undoing the patterns of disordered eating and self-destructive behavior that kept me fat my whole life. I’m still fat, but I’m finally starting to feel good in my own skin and treat myself like someone I love rather than someone I hate. I eat well (most of the time ;P) and go to the gym at least a couple times a week; I bike and walk to class and buy clothes that I feel good in.

So a couple months and thirty pounds ago I tried dating for the first time. I went on a couple dates with a really nice guy and had my first kiss. We made plans for a third date and he was super chill and made it clear we were gonna go slow so I didn’t have to freak about third date expectations. But dating still involves hand holding and hugging and more kissing and cuddling etc. and I freaked the f*** out. I cancelled the date the day before like a tool, citing that I just didn’t feel a connection. Which, in hindsight, was a true excuse at least. I want to do all those things, but I was in tears at the thought of someone touching me. I’ve done hella work on loving my body, but I can’t imagine being vulnerable enough to let someone else judge it worthy or not.

And then I was like, “How could I possibly like someone who would like ME? There must be something wrong with HIM to like me.” And that warred with, “But waiting to date until I lose more weight feels like I’m sending the message that I’m not worthy of love unless I’m X pounds, which is not a healthy thought to nourish.” But also it’s intimidating to work through the issues there when I’m still exerting so much energy made good lifestyle choices.

So I was hoping some of you out there might have gone through something similar and might have some words of wisdom for me.

TL;DR: Increasingly confident after weight loss, but still freaked out about being intimate with anyone. Do I date anyway, resigned to my skin crawling, or wait until weight loss is no longer my first priority?

submitted by /u/lilpotatothatcould
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Accountability buddy? :)

It's my first time on this sub, so forgive this post :P

I've been doing better with my weight loss more than I ever have before and I'm really happy about that, but I can't get pass the spot where I am right now. I started at 222 lbs and am now at 207. I can't get lower than 202. Every week, I fluctuate between 202 and 208, just back and forth and in between. :P It just comes down to giving into cravings at night. During the morning and afternoon, I have pretty good control over my diet. I stick to the diet I've laid out for myself almost perfectly until about 7 or 8 at night. Then about half the time, I give in to my cravings.

I'm 5'3" and 22 years old. Would love someone to check in with once or twice a day! Just having someone to update on my weight and diet would do wonders, I think, and maybe remind me to take progress pictures every so often. I'd be more than happy to keep you accountable as well, obviously :)

submitted by /u/RosewaterVibes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat