Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Weight loss plateau....HELP?!

So I’ve lost eight pounds this month. I know, this is a lot of progress and I shouldn’t be expecting to lose more than this. BUT, I was losing very consistently, and it seems I’ve recently came to a dead stand still. For a week(ish) I’ve been exactly the same weight. How can I overcome this? Been doing 18:6 fasts until 2pm and then eating an apple/banana at some cheese with ritz crackers at work, going to the gym (3-4 times per week) and then eating dinner. Considering cutting out the 2pm snack to do a true OMAD. I usually stay around 1200 cals a day, but tbh I’ve been eating slightly more unhealthy the past week. Is this the reason for my plateau? Any insight appreciated 😃

submitted by /u/hatefulcats
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/313Bp2u

DietBet observation

I joined a DietBet for the new year, just for kicks. I knew I was pretty bloated from the holidays when I weighed in and thought the 4% loss requirement would be pretty easily considering the majority of the extra weight was water weight.

Tomorrow is the weigh-in and I’m only .6 away from my goal, but with my regular fluctuations it’s a toss up if I’ll make it or not, nbd.

I have noticed that some people in the bet have been making concerning comments about skipping food all day, over drinking water, and all around being miserable.

This is NOT a type of weight loss program that I ever want to participate in again. I’ve done StepBets in the past and they are a lot of fun and motivating, but weight is so arbitrary. The end result is mostly frustrating.

submitted by /u/goodgreat123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/36tluvu

Hiking while fat....losing toenails, massive blisters.....it wasn’t the socks or the shoes or the orthotics....it was the fat and it didn’t take getting to my goal weight to end the misery....just losing 10lbs helped.....(a different kind of success story)

I’m a 5’ 6.5” women who got up to around 245lbs. I started losing weight and around 210lbs I went on an overnight backpacking trip that was a lot of ups and down and a 4500ft elevation gain and by the end of day 2 my feet were shot. Giant blisters, lost 3 toenails and bruising around all my toes. I used moleskin and duct tape and the tips. Was blistered anyway. Took 7 months to grow all my toenails back.

I thought it was the shoes. I thought it was the socks because that’s what everyone says. Next summer I got new shoes and new socks that are guaranteed not to blister and the same thing happened except I just lost 2 toenails this time and the blistering and the bruising wasn’t as bad.

I came back from that hike and happened to have an appointment with my doctor the next day. I hobbled in wearing flip flops and she took one look at me and told me I needed to see a podiatrist and probably get orthotics. I dutifully went and got the orthotics but they were so rigid I could hardly walk in them so I never wore them.

Fast forward to summer 3 of regular backpacking and I’ve gotten down around 200lbs, same shoes, same good guaranteed no blister socks from year 2 and lo and behold.....it was the first summer I made it through with all my toenails in a long time.

Sometimes it really just is the weight. As much as we try to be body positive no socks or shoe changes could overcome the amount of pressure I was putting on my feet and toes.

I’m around 195 now. It’s been a long, slow weight loss process with some ups and downs.

But I’ve kept my toenails every summer for about 4 years now and every pound I lose makes it easier on my feet and ankles and knees.

submitted by /u/C_Wells_GreekStreet
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2TZFIue

Friendly reminder: Try not to eat your exercise calories and remember to track what you're eating

This is an old article, but Facebook clearly knows I've been spending time reading up on CICO and exercising. https://www.vox.com/2016/4/28/11518804/weight-loss-exercise-myth-burn-calories

A summary of the 10 key learnings in the article -

  1. From an evolutionary POV, human bodies have evolved to be efficient in how we spend our energy. Those on the upper level of being active seemed to have roughly the same energy expenditure as people in sedentary lifestyles.
  2. Exercise is great for your physical and mental health. This is why you should move more - not only because you want to lose weight. Exercise can also help with maintenance when it's used along with watching calorie intake.
  3. Exercise alone is almost useless for weight loss.
  4. Exercise alone accounts for a small portion of your calorie burn - approx 10-30% while the food you eat accounts for 100% calories in.
  5. It's hard to create a significant calorie deficit through exercise alone.
  6. Exercise can undermine weight loss in other, subtle ways. Our bodies will try to compensate for the energy burnt during exercising. We either get hungry after exercising (and eat) or tend to rest and reduce our movement afterwards.
  7. Exercise may cause physiological changes to conserve energy. (I'll admit I was a bit surprised with this one. Not what I expected but also makes sense given how much we struggle with plateauing)
  8. Energy expenditure may have an upper limit. (Note: this is a hypothesis and needs more evidence)
  9. The government and food industry are doling out unscientific advice and equating a lack of exercise and too many calories as contributors to the obesity crisis. As seen from the above points, exercise plays only a small role in your energy expenditure. Your calories in are what matters more.
  10. What actually works for weight loss - weighing yourself weekly, restricting calorie intake and exercising regularly. BUT, physical activity is used in addition to calorie counting and behavioural changes. Think of exercise as a means to improve your health, not the main way to lose weight.

Some interesting points, especially around the possibility of there being an upper limit on TDEE and some of the unexpected physiological changes from exercise. A lot of the points mentioned cover what I've already read here over a couple of months of lurking - so a big thank you to all the thoughtful and valuable information shared in this community :)

I've lost 6kg (13lbs) since the last week of November 2019 and being on this subreddit and reading everyone's stories has been incredibly helpful. Not every day is perfect and I've not always been at deficit, but mentally I haven't felt as good as this in years. Another 29kgs to go! Good luck to everyone else too - no matter how close or far away you are from your GW. You got this 👊🏽

EDIT: Formatting & typos

submitted by /u/Rowenasdiadem9
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2RQqIfi

31M Frustrated with my latest plateau

Alright, I (31M) have been on my weight loss journey since the end of 2017. I started at 350lbs, and now I’m January 2020 I am now 206lbs. I did this mostly with IF and just cutting out a lot of junk foods. The problem is that my weight loss has significantly gone down. In November of 2018 I was 230lbs. Now just a little more than a year I only managed to lose 24lbs. Throughout the year is was sometimes falling into bad habits, but also having some mysterious medical condition that has made it nearly impossible to exercise more than a short walk. Previously I was running about 30 minutes a day along with intense weight lifting.

I don’t know if this is a vent, a cry for help, or what. I just can’t make it down to my goal weight of 175. I’ve been crazy about counting calories. I’ve tried intermittent fasting again. A lot of it I can’t stick to due to my recent health issues. However, the last two doctors I have seen say they don’t want to pursue my health issues until lose more weight. It’s a major catch-22 that I’m stuck in. I feel uglier and heavier than ever. My quality of life feels like it’s worse than when I was overweight.

Does anyone have any suggestions for some extremely light exercise? Or something that helped them break through a tough plateau? I really want to hit my goal weight by the summertime.

submitted by /u/jadedbysnow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2O6kYNC

I have reluctance to discuss weight loss goals with others... anyone else struggle with this?

When I go into phases of working to lose weight, I feel like I really don't want to discuss it with friends or coworkers. Some of this may be because of a fear that I won't achieve my goal, but I think, for me, it is less of that and more of something else.

I think for me, when I am losing weight, I really don't want people to give me their advice and opinions of what I should and shouldn't do. I know HOW to lose weight. I know what I should and shouldn't be eating. I don't need someone second guessing me or my ability or judgement (I mean, sure, if my judgement was great to begin with I wouldn't be overweight sometimes - but also, they aren't exactly #fitnessgoals themselves). More over, when I reach a milestone or goal, I don't want them to take the credit for my success.

I know that mindset is probably a bit petty, but I just really resent the idea of people questioning my ability to do what is best for me. I know it probably robs me of some level of accountability. It also probably means that I am clinically insecure, but that doesn't negate that I feel like this.

I wonder if that resonates with anyone else.

submitted by /u/usernamehudden
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/38NAc1X

sudden extreme hunger - why and how to manage it?

I am a year into my fitness/weight loss journey. I have lost a lot of weight and have some more to go.

I maintained over Nov/Dec which I consider a victory but started back on January 1st. I have been eating between 1200 -1400 calories and cycling for 60-90 minutes every day. I haven't had a rest day or went above 1400 yet.

I have felt fine the entire time, perhaps a little tired at times if I go extra hard at the cycling. My hunger levels were a little elevated in the beginning as expected but they 'normalised' after a week or so. Now weeks later, I am suddenly RAVENOUS. I feel like there is a bottomless pit in my stomach. I even upped my calories to 1600 for 3 days and upped my protein intake but there has been no difference.

Nothing has changed, I am not exercising any less or more, macros are similar, water intake hasn't changed, i'm not due my period plus I normally just crave at that time but this feels different to a craving, it feels like intense hunger as if I haven't ate in days.

Perhaps unrelated but have lost 6lbs this month but I oddly feel more squishy? I was touching my arms and it feels like there are peas/small marbles under my skin. I feel a little bloated too and my feet are slightly swollen.

Any input would be appreciated, I really don't want to eat above maintenance plus I think if I start eating more, I won't stop!

Edit: I have had more extreme deficits in the past and I never felt hunger like this. I lost 40lbs in 3 months last year but never got this. Also, my BMI classifies me as 'overweight' so I am not thin (may be relevant!)

submitted by /u/throwinst
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2RUYwrL