Friday, June 26, 2020

NSV: I haven't been worried about my summer clothes fitting for 9 years.

I lost the bulk of my weight about 10 years ago. I really buckled down, changed my lifestyle, counted calories, ate less sweets, began exercising, the whole deal. Losing that weight brought me just inside the healthy BMI category, and since then I've probably lost and regained about 5-10 lbs here and there. I feel like I am constantly beating myself up when I do gain a few lbs, and I know I shouldn't, but here we are.

The other day I was talking with a friend, who is just about my age. She complained to me that she doesn't fit into any of her summer shorts anymore, some which she's had for years. She kind of shrugged and said "I guess this is how getting old is."

But I couldn't relate. I haven't not been able to fit into my summer clothes in 9 years. I've never once had to go and buy new clothes, or "work on my swimsuit body," to fit into them. I just pull them out, wash them, and wear them. It's not even a source of anxiety that my clothes won't fit. Of course the dream is to pull them out, and realize I need a smaller size, but I have to remember to recognize and celebrate a victory when it's starting me in the face! I've worked really hard over the years to not regain that weight, and I need to acknowledge it!

Non-scale victories can be just as motivating as scale, but learning to recognize them, appreciate them, and not just think of them as some type of "concession" prize to weight loss is SO IMPORTANT.

submitted by /u/yawnfactory
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

25(m) 6ft4” Lost 3st 1.6lb since May 2020

Starting weight: 21st Current weight: 17st 12.3lb Goal weight: let’s see where it goes!

I was diagnosed with severe hypothyroidism from a young age and so my health has always bounced around - genetics are fun...

Before I got married I was 14st; I used to lift everyday and cycle 11 miles to and from college, 5 days a week, while maintaining a 1000cal diet, I wasn’t always this weight, I grew up as a fat kid, peaking at 23st! Due to family life and having 2 children I do not have time to go to the gym - I work days, my wife works nights with 2 hours overlap, so childcare would always be an issue. It hit me one day that I want to be around to watch my children grow up, and not be the fattest dad on the school grounds, dying from a self induced heart attack at 50.

I am maintaining a 800cal diet - one meal a day helps with this, drinking water and zero calorie soft drinks only.

weight loss graph

Tip: always weight yourself on the same day every week, before eating/drinking!

submitted by /u/forgotmypasswordf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


For the past 3 months I was doing good with my weight loss journey, being able to lose 10 kg/22 pounds. But then, out of nowhere I was stuck in a depressive episode that lasted for a month, which made me overeat and in the span of a month I gained 7 kg/15.4 pounds back. I keep trying to go back to my diet, but I ALWAYS FEEL BLOATED AND HUNGRY AT THE SAME TIME. It's the kind of hungry where it's painful and can't be avoided.

What do I do???? I'm starting to experience acid reflux again, something I haven't felt since I was morbidly obese 2 years ago and I'm afraid I'm going back to that trajectory.

submitted by /u/tianshiiii
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m upset and frustrated

Hey I’m a new time poster but I’ve been lurking in the sub for a while. I’ve began my weight loss journey at the beginning of this month and all throughout this my family’s been really judging me especially my mom and sister who are skinnier than me. With my brother it’s just some light teasing like him saying if something is “too much calories” which I know is a joke, but it’s worse with my mom and sister. In the beginning they were both somewhat supportive but recently they’re both being really passive aggressive with me and I honestly don’t know how much more I can take. My mom either tries to put her own “twist” on the foods that I cook by putting in stuff I don’t want in, wanting me to try fad diets and exercises from Facebook and getting upset when I say no, or guilt triping me, like yesterday my mom brought home some McDonald’s for me even though I told her I was making myself dinner and my mom got defensive saying how “She can’t ever bring her daughter something from her favorite fast food place because she was thinking of me while getting herself something too.” My mom doesn’t even like McDonald’s... My sister is more “direct” with how she acts with me saying I should starve for not wanting to eat what my mom cooks or calling my gross or weird for doing my workouts or wanting to go on a run. Recently it’s been getting really hard with the judgemental stares and words from my mom and sister. I feel even more self conscious about myself than before making the decision to lose weight. I feel like crying and hitting stuff again because of how frustrated I am. I know I shouldn’t give up. I know I should keep on going. But idk if my mental state would be good if I kept on doing this. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m so tired of this ((this is just a vent bc idk where else to go I’m sorry))

submitted by /u/aha7510
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Is it ok to not have to lose a ton of weight?

Hey everyone. I’m a 6’4 male that weighs 221 lbs as of this morning. I have been struggling lately with communicating my want for weight loss with my friends and family. I constantly hear “oh you look fine” or “you’re already skinny” but I personally don’t agree. My BMI is still classified as overweight (I understand BMIs aren’t perfect) and with a normal weight around 205 I really don’t think my goal of under 200 is that crazy.

I haven’t found a supportive person yet in my life, so I thought I’d look here. 21 pounds to lose, and I want it done before my wedding next May. I don’t think that’s too crazy of a goal, I’ll go with a 500 deficit and stay in the gym.

Just looking for a little support for a guy who looks “ok with a shirt on” (yes I’ve heard that from multiple people).

Thanks everyone.

submitted by /u/Goof_tv
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

CICO may be true but it can be hard to believe

For background, I'm 5'11 46M tipping the scales at 274. Periodically I've tried to lose weight, but after a while I give up.

Why do I give up? Because it feels like I only get results if I starve. CICO should apply, but it seems to take so long to work that I get disheartened and give up. I'm trying right now, so I'll relate where I'm at.

Started a month ago at 282. Climbed up on the wagon and set my limit at 2000 kcal. Not trying to set the world on fire here, just induce a nice gentle weight loss of perhaps as much as 1 lb/week that I can sustain indefinitely (because this time around, I'm committed -- I'm not dieting, I'm just eating differently from this point forward).

That should work out okay. NIH's body weight planner thinks I have to eat ~3000C to maintain. That almost seems on the low side; pre-COVID, I typically grabbed a sausage mcmuffin with egg, hash brown, and medium Dr Pepper from McD's on the way to the office. Cha-ching, 850 calories! Food cart for lunch, unknown calories but I'd be surprised if it was ever under 1000. And dinner. Usually I'd eat too much, feel overfull, chastise myself for constantly eating more than I needed, and then do it all over again the next day. Knowning what I do now about what 2000 kcal looks like, I was eating quite a lot more.

So here I am today. 274. Yay! Progress. After one month. Weight hasn't budged in a full week. And I mostly don't feel hungry during the day. That's worrisome. I've gotten a pretty good, dialed in meal plan for the first couple meals a day, that carries me all the way to dinner on just under 1000 Calories. I like the flexibility having 1000 to spend on dinner by itself.

Before you ask, I am weighing everything. EVERYTHING. I don't so much as lick my fingers, everything that goes down the hatch gets put on my scale first, and recorded down to the gram. Whether the food is prepackaged or not. Whether it's a meal I've made every day for a month or not.

So I feel pretty confident when I say I'm averaging 1825 Calories per day.

At my size, I should be feeling pretty hungry at 1825 Cal, and losing faster than my intended 1 pound a week. And yet, it has stalled. Again. Like every other time. But I'll stick with it this time, because why not, I am making a life change either way, even if I don't lose another pound. But I'll tell ya, I'll be sad if that happens because I'm carrying around 100 extra pounds I'd prefer to stop lugging up the damn stairs.

Rant over, thanks for listening. Sorry I had to use a throwaway, I post a fair amount on Reddit but prefer to keep personal things personal.

submitted by /u/notreallylosinit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss with depression?

Hi y'all,

I've got about 50lbs I'd like to lose (23F 5'3 SW 187 GW 130ish), I was able to lose about 20lbs a few years back in college but being an adult hit me like a truck and I've gained all the weight back and then some.

I generally do eat healthy, but as someone with depression, it's physically difficult to find the motivation to get out of bed to do basic functions some days, let alone going for a walk (my go-to exercise) or make myself something that's good for me.

Has anyone found something that helps them stay motivated to get out bed during times like this? Any help would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/_spookyem
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from loseit - Lose the Fat