Friday, September 18, 2020

NSV: It's OKAY not to meet your goals!

21F 5'7" SW:151 CW:134.4 GW:130. Progress pic in my recent posts!

I am 4.4lbs away from my goal of 130 by 9/22 and I know I won't make it, but that's ok!! I'm proud of what I've accomplished so far. You might need to slow down your pace when life becomes difficult. These last few weeks I had many days when I went over 1200 calories, but I stayed under maintenance (~1800) as an act of self-love. My biggest takeaway from this process, and my NSV today, was learning how to love myself even when I don't quite reach my goals.

Before starting CICO I would never have had the mental fortitude to accept setbacks or plateaus. Instead, there were many times that I gave up after failing to get the results I wanted, when I wanted. The problem back then was that I treated weight loss like a competition. Being the heaviest girl in a family full of naturally slim women, I never felt like I deserved to stand next to them. Unintentionally hurtful comments tore apart my self-confidence. But I finally broke free of that toxic mindset and was, ironically, able to lose the weight I had always tried to get rid of. And you know what? My family still makes comments. They still see me as the "heavy" cousin. But I don't care anymore! I'm healthy and happy with my body, while they are stuck in a bubble of negativity, judgment and vanity. I lost weight for me, no one else.

Appreciate your own efforts! Remind yourself that you are getting fit not to punish your body, but to honor it. Your body loves you and understands that you can't meet every goal on time. Keep your chin up and set a new one--you've got this.

submitted by /u/heckin_cool
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Help needed with understanding weight loss regimes

Female, 22. 5’4 SW- 97kg CW- 86.5kg GW-55-60kg So I’ve been going to the gym 3-5 times a week for the last 3 months and I’ve gained a lot of muscle which was my main goal, and have lost around 10kg of fat. However I’m still around 30~kg from my goal weight. I’ve tried google, YouTube videos and browsing other subreddits but the way calorie deficits work and how to figure out what my deficit is and how to figure out how much I should be eating has confused me and I’m yet to have it explained in a way I understand. Can somebody please break it down incredibly basic? I’ve seen people talk about intermittent fasting, 1200 a day, 80/20, 1 meal a day, how do I know what is right for me to reach my goal? Are there any helpful apps I could use? I’ve found that a lot of things I’ve tried are very restricting from the start, which has made it harder to stick to. I’m ready to continue putting in the hard work I need, but I just don’t know where to start with it. I tried posting to the fitness sub and found it was quite toxic and people were calling me stupid for not understanding and I didn’t get any advice so I just deleted my post. I’m hoping that it will be a little nicer here. Any advice is appreciated

submitted by /u/generictwitchbitch
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It begins tomorrow! 20M 5'11 270 lbs 37.7 BMI I CAN DO THIS

I'm 20m 5'11" 37.7 BMI 269 lbs (nice, wait no not nice) and after gaining about 50 pounds since starting college 3 years ago I'm finally starting my weight loss journey. I've tried quick weight loss methods that always end with me losing faith and stopping. But Saturday I'm getting a haircut to begin my journey. My goal is to get down to 200 pounds (27.9 BMI) by my brother's birthday in late April. He's younger than me and is in amazing shape, and inspires me to get this done. My housemate and I are starting this together and sticking with the basics to start. Gyms are still spotty where we are so we're starting with controlled calorie counting, slowly moving our way up as we get further along. I really need this, my health needs it, and my confidence needs it. Wish me luck, I'll share results at Thanksgiving!

submitted by /u/hawkey_law
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does anyone know physiologically what goes on during/after a binge?

Title!! To elaborate: I am on a weight loss journey and have been for a while now. I go through periods of doing great but also I sometimes have days-long struggles with binge eating. I’m working on it and I think I understand why I do it more but I was wondering if anyone might know what happens to a body after losing/maintaining weight for a while then suddenly starts eating MORE than necessary for a while...

Like what happens?? Do fat cells just do a big reverse and start getting bigger all of a sudden? If you lost two pounds in a spot last week do those two pounds come back in the same spot this week? Is ur body super angry for switching it up??

An example of a binge is (I don’t count cal so idek what this is):

A ham egg cheese bagel sandwich 2 muffins Slice of pizza Cheeseburger with fries Brownies (like 4?) Potato chips Woah

Without bingeing I’m pretty vegetable heavy.

I kind of wonder if learning about what happens might help me make sense of it and then maybe not do it in the future.

Thx in advance !

submitted by /u/ayounggrasshopper
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Bit of an update from my last post (from 400-269) got past my goal weight of 250 and now am at 238 and shooting for 220!

Seven months ago I made a post talking about my long long weight loss journey over the years.

Bit of an update to that as I finally seemed to have pushed past a plateau of late and want to brag on myself a bit.

Last time I posted at 269 (nice) and today I'm at 238. Thru most of the summer I was stuck in the 250ish range but in the last month I started interment fasting and I think that really helped push me past where I was stuck.

It's not the biggest change in the world but I can really see it in my face and weirdly enough my watch band is a great indicator too as I'm down to the last notch :)

Just wanted to share with this great community and let everyone know that if I can do it so can you!

submitted by /u/Mahale
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The Win I Needed

I'm not good at this whole public posting thing, but I'm gonna give it a shot. I joined a gym on Sunday and I have committed to going at least fours days a week and I've kept to that. I spent $100+ dollars on this initial membership and it's only been a week, of course I'm going. But that's not a win for me. I love working out. It makes me feel good. So far, it hasn't been a struggle to go. My fear has always been my body fat percentage. I've dreaded knowing what it is and what it would mean for my weight loss. I've spend too many years looking over BMI charts that told me I am morbidly obese and needed to lose 120lbs to be healthy. The thought has always been daunting, overwhelming really. Today, I had a fitness assessment. I was expecting them to tell me I needed to lose 120+ pounds. I had braced myself for it. I was already swallowing my anxiety. Then they told me losing 80lbs would put my body fat percentage around 20%. They told me that at 177lbs I would be okay. I was shocked, almost to tears. Only 80lbs?! I can do that! That seems reachable. That seems possible. That is a win. I'm so excited to do this now. I'm not expecting this to be easy, especially when I have to tame this sweet tooth of mine. But now I have a reachable goal not an overwhelming one. This is the win I needed to propel me to my next Spin class and my next strength training day. I can do this!

submitted by /u/AlwaysTime4Cake
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tracking weightu in pounds vs kilograms

Does anyone else ever feel like when they track their weight in kilograms the loss doesn't feel like much and it's hard to stay motivated but tracking in pounds makes you feel like you lost heaps more even though it's the same weight. When I've gone from 74kg to 71kg, it didn't feel like I'd lost that much compared to saying I went from 164lbs to 156.5lbs.

It's such a stupid mindgame I play with myself because I know it's the same amount of weight loss but I just feel like there was more of an achievement when I track in pounds because it feels like more lost. It's so silly but I find it weird I play into it.

submitted by /u/gabz09
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from loseit - Lose the Fat