Friday, September 18, 2020

Does anyone know physiologically what goes on during/after a binge?

Title!! To elaborate: I am on a weight loss journey and have been for a while now. I go through periods of doing great but also I sometimes have days-long struggles with binge eating. I’m working on it and I think I understand why I do it more but I was wondering if anyone might know what happens to a body after losing/maintaining weight for a while then suddenly starts eating MORE than necessary for a while...

Like what happens?? Do fat cells just do a big reverse and start getting bigger all of a sudden? If you lost two pounds in a spot last week do those two pounds come back in the same spot this week? Is ur body super angry for switching it up??

An example of a binge is (I don’t count cal so idek what this is):

A ham egg cheese bagel sandwich 2 muffins Slice of pizza Cheeseburger with fries Brownies (like 4?) Potato chips Woah

Without bingeing I’m pretty vegetable heavy.

I kind of wonder if learning about what happens might help me make sense of it and then maybe not do it in the future.

Thx in advance !

submitted by /u/ayounggrasshopper
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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