Saturday, September 19, 2020

Superfood Saturday: Ginger the Great

Pound for pound, ginger must be the most powerful food. Just a couple of teaspoons can help knock out many minor health problems and even help defend you from more serious conditions. Ginger punches up the flavor of all kinds of dishes, turning ho-hum ingredients into food that delights your senses. Now here’s the kicker: Ginger is a Free Food on the Nutrisystem program, so you can enjoy it often and abundantly without slowing progress to your weight loss goal.

Check out the other countless benefits of ginger and how to include it in your meals and snacks:

Health Power

Ginger is the underground root of a leafy plant that’s native to Asia, where it has been used for centuries as both a traditional herbal remedy and a flavoring for food. More recently, researchers in the U.S. and around the world have been documenting the effects of ginger on human health.

Your mother may have given you ginger ale to soothe an upset stomach or other kinds of indigestion. She was right (as always): A wide variety of studies have shown that ginger relieves nausea caused by motion sickness and morning sickness, and it eases other gastrointestinal discomforts such as gas and diarrhea. It’s even been effective at helping to restore the appetites of people in treatment for cancer and HIV/AIDS, according to research published in the Journal of Medicinal Food.

RELATED: Why We’re So Sweet on Sweet Potatoes >

Arthritis—both rheumatoid and osteo—are painful, all too common afflictions that are accompanied by chronic inflammation. Daily consumption of ginger has diminished both the inflammation and the pain in clinical studies of people suffering from these conditions.

The spice also helps stabilize blood sugar levels, yet another one of the countless benefits of ginger. People with type-2 diabetes who consumed ginger daily for 12 weeks reduced their blood sugar, insulin and cholesterol levels, while those on a placebo did not, according to a study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition.

Nutrition Highlights

Now this might be one of the most amazing benefits of ginger: Five, half-inch slices (or less than a quarter cup) is enough to deliver all of these benefits, yet you get only nine calories and almost no sugar or fat. Ginger has trace amounts of many minerals, notably potassium and calcium. Still, the real bonus is that ginger adds lots of flavor and no unwelcome pounds.

Buyer’s Guide

You’ll find ginger roots in the produce department of the supermarket. Look for pieces with shiny, taut skin that’s thick and fibrous. Avoid any pieces with soft spots, which indicate that they’re no longer fresh.

A little ginger goes a long way, so you can take only as much as you want. If you see only big roots on the shelf, just break off a chunk. It should snap easily—if it doesn’t, the root is beginning to decay.

RELATED: Why You Need to Eat More Garlic >

Store fresh ginger in your refrigerator for a week or so. If you want to keep it longer, keep it in your freezer and take it out and grate it when you’re ready for it—no need to thaw it out first. Put it back in the freezer when you’re done.

In the spice aisle, you can pick up bottles of ground ginger, which keeps much longer. Its flavor is more concentrated than fresh, so you should use a quarter teaspoon of ground ginger for every teaspoon of fresh ginger that your recipe calls for. Steer clear of crystallized ginger, also known as candied or glace ginger. It’s been cooked in sugar water and rolled in sugar, so it’s full of excess calories.

Fresh Ideas

Before you use fresh ginger, you want to take a moment to peel off that tough skin. It’s a simple process, as you’ll see in this quick video >

You can use ginger in so many recipes, from breakfast to dessert—another one of the many benefits of ginger. Add a bit to your hot breakfast cereal to give it the flavor of ginger snap cookies. You can also use it to perk up the taste of dishes, smoothies, dressings and even desserts!

Spice up your menu and fight off unwanted sickness with these four recipes that include ginger:

1. Peachy Green Ginger Smoothie >

peach ginger smoothie

A rich, filling smoothie can be an energizing start to your day or fuel for a busy afternoon. This one brings together the sweetness of juicy peaches and the powerhouse nutrients of spinach, flavored with the zing of ginger.

2. Wasabi Ginger Salad Dressing >

wasabi ginger dressing

The classic ingredients of Japanese cuisine—spicy wasabi, savory soy sauce and zesty ginger—dress your healthy salad with so much flavor but very few calories.

3. Ginger Soy Noodle Bowl >


Pass on takeout from the Asian noodle shop and instead whip up this quick and filling dish for your flex lunch or dinner. You get plenty of pasta to fill you up, the fresh vegetables you need, and the spunky flavor of ginger that makes takeout so appealing.

4. Gingerbread Freezer Fudge >

ginger fudge

Yes, you can enjoy gingerbread and fudge without derailing your weight loss plan. This easy-to-prepare recipe makes a treat that will satisfy your craving for something sweet.

The post Superfood Saturday: Ginger the Great appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

My Inconsistent Behaviour and Obesity

Hello everyone. I will be turning 27 this December. I want to share something about me that's bothering me alot thats ofcourse related to my weight. I have been overweight since whole my childhood and I come from a society where girls are bullied even when they are just 10yr and you know what their families bully them. Well by the time I turned 18 I was in obese category according to my BMI. And now I have been suffering from pcos for the last 7yrs. I have lost my hair I have lost my beauty I have lost every beautiful thing I had. Now I am nothing but just a bag of sloth. During my university time I felt so uncomfortable in my body that I stopped talking to people I had no Friends at all I felt I looked like a shit that's why I won't be accepted. Even at that time I looked better but people around me made me feel that and you know what now I actually look like a big buffalo. I am hating myself I dont like my body. Everytime I go out I feel ashamed I can see in the eyes of people the look they give me over my weight. I want to get rid of it. But I feel I am unable to do that. Everytime a mood swing carry away my motivation to loose weight. I have been prescribed some treatment for pcos and thats not hormonal pills it's just metformin and inositol but I don't take either. Idk why I am going opposite to what I want. I overeat I eat emotionally. I just want to get rid of my weight. Every 6mon my dress size is increasing for the last 2yrs. Since 2018 I was in a toxic relationship that's gave boost to my low self esteem and emotional eating. It ended up in Feb 2020. But the 2019 was a terrible time. I suffered alot. I had emotional loss and academic loss. And now I am here. I have compensated my academic loss and emotional loss is also being handled well but this gift of more weight that came along with it is not going anywhere. I am not blaming anyone for my physique. It's me just me. My mind set. I am not consistent. I don't even walk and I don't even eat healthy or take my treatment. I do have alot of time but still I am unable to make it. I feel like I will never reach there. What should I do now? Max effort I have put it just lasted a month and again I am back to my bad routine. I feel like failure. My BMI is 32. My weight is 71kgs thats 156.52 pounds. My healthy weight is between 45-50 so I need to lose 20kgs. I want to feel confident again. Recently I went out a week ago. I was looking so fat so unattractive I felt uncomfortable in my body. I don't fit into my favorite clothes. What should I do to stay consistent in my weight loss journey?

submitted by /u/pufferfish-560
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I even get started?

Hi. I've stumbled unto here, hoping to find advice and motivation to get started on a weight loss.

I'm 34F, 5'5",CW: 183, GW: 123.

Since my mid-20s I've been slowly gaining weight. I'm very unhappy at my current weight and I'm tired of waking up feeling sluggish and not wanting to look at myself in the mirror. I'm dealing with stress and depression (and am on medication for it) and whenever I get home from work, I just want to eat and sleep.

I'm married and we're childfree by choice. We should have all the time in the world to meal prep and work out but we just... don't. It's so much easier to just grab a takeaway on the way home.

I've had one good stint of working out. It must've been about six years ago now. I went to the gym with a colleague and we joined classes two to three times a week. I felt great and started eating healthier as well because I guess I was more aware of the amount of work it took to burn off a Snickers bar. I especially remember the feeling of not looking bloated after a meal. It was amazing.

So here I am, older, heavier and unhappier and looking for that motivation to get started on a happier and healthier lifestyle. How do I even get started?

submitted by /u/pudgepudgepudge97
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

(X-Post form r/CICO) Question about CICO, if I overeat.


Hello everyone! This might be a dumb question, sorry if it so, I’ve began counting calories a couple of weeks ago.

Today I had a small bday dinner and between all the sweet food I eat the exact double of calories I was supposed to. Without expecting it to be the same as staying within the set caloric objetive, my question is: is it worth it if I go out for a long walk (for instance an hour long walk), tomorrow first hour? I don’t run because I can’t keep up my breath and muscles (yet), but I think a walk, even though it’s known to not be an exercise for weight loss, might be at least better than nothing. What do you think or what’s your experience? Can making a physical activity like walking after overeating impact anyhow in CICO in a weekly frame? Thank you for in advance for any advice.

submitted by /u/cumbierbass
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, September 18, 2020

My talent today will be holding on to 2 gallons of water weight for no reason at all

I’m female, 25, starting weight: 147, current weight: 144, goal weight: 128. Please enjoy my run on sentences.

I have killed myself for ten weeks. TEN. For 8 of those weeks I have averaged a deficit of 1000-1200 calories a day. I have lost barely three pounds. I have lost inches all over, dropped a couple sizes, look 7-10lbs lighter, but the scale is giving me the middle finger. I’ve eaten healthy, I drink 3-4 qts of water a day, and I walk for literally hours a day because my health prof, that looks like he he does Boflex commercials for a living, said that walking is the most effective exercise to lose fat (if you don’t know what a Boflex is then you must have grown up in one of those houses without a TV and I feel bad for you). What do I have to do, sacrifice a virgin into a volcano???

At first I decided I was gonna get my life together and eat like a functioning adult and maybe loose that extra 20 lbs I didn’t need. Thing is, I’m incapable of doing anything less than 110% so for the first 4 weeks I went full throttle clean diet. I ate like one of those TV fitness bimbos with the overly tight pony tail and fake... eyelashes. Fresh fruit and vegetables, low-fat Greek yogurt, chicken and turkey. I even cut out beef and switched to soy milk in case the tinfoil hat people are right about the hormones. Given that this was mostly a lifestyle change I didn’t count calories carefully however, I’m confident I ate roughly 1000 calories a day. I also averaged about 15,000 steps a day.

When I lost one pound I did some research and found out for long term weight loss, plateauing is coming because the goes into some survival mode and eating a week or 2 of maintenance calories will pull you out of it. I pulled my calories up to around 1800. Zero pounds lost. Two weeks back of the diet. Zero pounds. Biology thinks it can play chicken with me? Bitch, I play to WIN.

I thought maybe my college student body was confused by the sudden influx of plant life and nutrients so I added back a couple normal foods like Cheerios and yogurt. I also upped my calories to 1200 since that seemed to be the recommended minimum. I probably average 22,000 steps a day.

I have carefully calculated the weight I should have lost based on my calorie intake and probable calories burned over the last 10 weeks and I should be down a MINIMUM of 16lbs. Given that I look significantly thinner I think it’s reasonable to conclude that I’m holding onto water weight and there isn’t a goblin in my closet that pours melted butter into my mouth when I’m sleeping. This last month I’ve done extensive research and tried many different things to get rid of the water weight.

Many people reported eating maintenance calories for a day caused their body to release some water. Tried it twice. Nothing.

Someone said drink more water. I went from drinking 2qts a day to 3-4qts. Nothing.

I tried eating a bunch of salt then drinking a bunch of water thinking some extra might be flushed out too. Nothing.

Someone said eat a bunch of carbs one day. Gained 3lbs of water that came off the next two days but nothing else.

The only thing that has worked at all was eating boiled cabbage one night. Lost two pounds over a week. I’ve eaten so much cabbage since then the vitamin C levels in my body are so high that I think it has created a forcefield that repels the cold virus now. Haven’t lost anymore weight from it though.

I take my vitamins, my calcium, my fish oil. I eat healthy, I walk till my feet hurt to stand on the next day. One week I walked 191,000 steps! I know the fats gone, I had to tighten the bad of my watch twice for godsake! Why won’t the water weight come off? What am I doing wrong? Am I gonna have a sweaty night in day and wake up looking like Homer Simpson after he got his stomach staples?? Do I use chip clips or rubber bands? Who looses weight in their wrists? Have I been the fat wrist girl all this time and no one ever told me?! Why do they keep selling me cabbage when I clearly can’t control myself?! I DONT UNDERSTAND!

I know most people use this forum for support but tbh that doesn’t do much for me. I’m posting because I want data (NOT A SURVEY IM FOLLOWING THE RULES). Have other people experienced something similar? Have people had success with methods I haven’t tried? I know that it has to come off EVENTUALLY but I’ve been exceedingly patient for 10 weeks and now I need some sort of timeline based on other people’s experiences. I at least need proof that someone else has had a plateau as long as I have and I don’t a weight loss curse passed down from my great great grandfather that forgot to carry a witch off the mountain or something.

submitted by /u/threetinefork
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What are your best weird weight loss tips?

I don't mean the ones that we've all seen a hundred times (Im looking at you "drink water before you eat because you might be thirsty not hungry" tip). Im curious to know the things you've never seen anywhere, but work nonetheless. Ive picked up a few myself in recent months:

-If you have a retainer, wear it all the time. Even if its just the bottom one. It has basically eliminated my mindless snacking. It's amazing how much just having that one little extra step before taking a bite makes pay attention to what you're eating. Especially now with so many places requiring a mask right now, no one will even know you're wearing it

-Kombucha is surprisingly filling. I know one of the 10 commandments of weight loss is "Thou shall not drink your calories", but they're only about 60 cal a bottle. I can drink one of those and not be hungry for an actual meal till much later, or sip on one for hours at a time without getting grumbly.

-Take up baking your own bread. Then don't buy any from the store. This made me so much more conscious of how mindless I could eat toast. A piece for breakfast, a piece for a snack, and one with dinner, then "Hey where's half my loaf gone?" Now I limit myself to one a day so I only have to bake a loaf once a week. I enjoy sourdough the most, and there's a fair bit of planning required to make a good loaf. You also get the added bonus of learning to bake bread and knowing exactly what is in what you're eating.

Im sure there are a few more I will think of later, but those are a few of my best strange tips Ive picked up. I know there have to be some good ones you've all picked up too, and Im interested to hear them

submitted by /u/Lbrint
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


At my heaviest (that I can remember weighing myself) I topped out around 375lbs. I met my fiancé almost 3 years ago, and between working full time, school full time, and all my spare time spent with my man - I lost weight. Not trying. Just not having time to eat. One day my fiancé looked at me and was like, “Damn baby, you’ve gotten so small! Every time I wrap my arms around you, you seem smaller and smaller. And your stomach doesn’t stick out past your boobs anymore!” (Lmao I love that man, but tact is not in his vocabulary). So today I sucked it up and bought a scale, because I finally made the decision to continue my weight loss journey the right, healthy way.

Y’ALL!! I LOST 125LBS!!!!!!! I weigh LESS than I did when I graduated high school!!! I’m in disbelief!

Now on the flip side, I’m starting to get bummed out and not continue. Y’all know morbidly obese people who lose massive amounts of weight quickly, or without exercise they end up with crazy loose skin. I didn’t work out at all to achieve that loss.

I’m so scared to continue, even the right way, because I don’t want my skin to end up looking like a gross, oversized and stretched out tshirt. I know how superficial that sounds but it’s a big thing for me.

Anyone else who has achieved a ginormous weight loss like that have any advice to at least minimize loose skin as much as possible? This scaredy cat would GREATLY appreciate it.

Much love!!

submitted by /u/murdersinruemorgue
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from loseit - Lose the Fat