Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Warning: rant ahead!

I am really tired of seeing all the “if I can do it, you can too” posts. I’m sorry but you aren’t me and honestly that just makes me feel even more like shit. I am 46 years old, post menopausal due to a hysterectomy, on Contrave (an oral weight loss drug), restrictive eating, and a few other medical issues. I have lost 7 lbs in 10 months. Today I ate: one Greek yogurt, one granola bar, 2 mini pepperonis, 2 cheese sticks, 1.5 cups of broccoli and cauliflower, 2 mandarin oranges, and 2 cookies. I had 3 cups of coffee-2 with honey, 1 with Splenda, and 2 litres of water. For my job I went for 2 1/2 hour walks. This is my standard day-every day. Only the veggies change. I am doing everything right and still not losing. So no, just because you can do it, doesn’t mean I can.

submitted by /u/givemeagdusername
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Have lost around 50 lbs in six months, but am currently experiencing a plateau. I have more weight to lose, so how can I break out of this? SW: 404.6 lbs CW: 354.4 lbs GW: 145-165 lbs

Hi everyone. I’ve been working to lose weight since April 1st of this year, and so far I’ve lost around 50 or so pounds, and this has been fluctuating about 1 or 2 pounds since the 14th of this month. I wasn’t really working out much until August 25th, when I started swimming and doing cardio/weight lifting five times a week. It helped my weight loss progress, and I can tell my stamina has improved. Overall, I feel much more agile and energetic than in the past.

However, I’ve been sitting at the same weight for the past two weeks. My weight went up on September 13th to 357, then swiftly dropped to 354 the next day. After that, the stagnation occurred with little fluctuations in between. I’ve experienced a small plateau before, and I simply stopped eating at like 8 pm or so to help with weight loss, but this time even that is not working. Is it water fluctuation? Is my body holding onto weight? Am I building muscle?

My main concern is this: what can I do to kick this plateau? Should I start working out more? I feel like I don’t eat a lot (1700-2000 cal a day) and I don’t want to cut even more because I fear that such restriction could cause a binge. Should I just wait it out and the progress will come along? I have about 200 lbs to go and I don’t want this to be my “set weight”. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks! ❤️

submitted by /u/she_donist
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My experience with failed weight loss surgery

I’m a 26yo female, 1.60cm and 98kg.

Bear with me this is going to be long.

At my heaviest I was 122kg, two years ago in July 2018 I had a gastric bypass surgery and I do not recommend doing any kind of wls.

Let me give you a little background. I’ve always been heavy, as long as I can remember I’ve been called fat and told I should eat less, this of course had major negative effects on my self esteem and my relationship with food. As a 14yo I had liposuction on my back, arms, stomach and a brazilian butt lift so I could be ready for my quinceañera, the recovery for that surgery was so long and awful I also don’t recommend doing it.

When I was 17 I was diagnosed with pcos and was put on birth control. In 6 months I gained 20 kilos, by the time I was 20 I was 100 kilos and diabetic. No matter how hard I tried I could not lose weight, tried every diet, but bc of the pcos and hormones I struggled a lot.

Then my parents met a gastroenterologist who told them the only way to reverse some of the problems brought on by my diabetes would be to lose a lot of weight (true) but the only way was to have a wls bc of my history with diets, hormones, etc.

I was opposed to the surgery but my family insisted, my mom has always been obsessed with my and her weight so she pushed me harder than anyone to do it.

Right before the surgery I lost 5 kilos doing the preop diet, but when you are over 120 kilos 5 is nothing. I went ahead with the surgery, spent a week in the hospital without eating anything, they don’t even let you drink water.

They cut away more than 80% off my stomach, when I was released I spent about 3 weeks drinking 1oz of chicken broth 5 times a day, then I moved on to chicken soup smoothies and jello 1oz 5 times a day. All in all it was two months before I could have solid food. The first time I ate I had like 30grs of chicken and threw it all up. After that for the first year I could only have up to 80 to 100 grs of food 3 times a day and up to 200mls of liquid.

I was losing 10 kilos a month until I got down to 80kg. After that first year my stomach started expanding and I could eat more and more. In the last 5 months I have gained 18 kilos.

Let me tell you the good things that came out of surgery:

I stopped injecting insulin, my glucose levels went down to a normal healthy number.

Huge confidence boost, I no longer had to buy on the special plus size section.

My fiancé, I met him bc I started to go out more, not bc he likes skinny chicks.

My periods became regular! Which I hate bc before I very rarely had my period.

The bad things.

I lost half my hair, bc you don’t eat your hair falls out.

I became lactose intolerant

I have saggy skin everywhere, even now that I gained weight.

I have a lot of gastrointestinal issues

I get diarrhea all the time, I don’t know why

I still can’t eat more than 250gr of solids per meal.

After the surgery my relationship with food got worse, I eat with a lot of guilt, and if I notice I can fit in more food than before I get this fucking panic attacks, I’m always counting calories and every gram and oz I eat, my eating habits changed only a little.

All in all I regret it, if I hadn’t been pressured I would not have done it, and I urge anyone to not have surgery, and if you wanna do it don’t do the bypass do the ballon it’s a lot less invasive and almost no recovery time.

Edit. I forgot to say that the doctor was very clear that 95% of people that go thru with surgery gain all the weight back within 3 years but he could tell I was diferente lol.

submitted by /u/layoroz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Broke my 3.5 month plateau!!


I was 92lbs down since last July and had been sitting at the exact same weight (or a few pounds over..) since the beginning of June. The initial weight loss was largely from keto and different types of fasting. I lost my teaching job at the end of May, leading to long depressive period. Things started looking better a few weeks ago, and I finally moved out of the awful tiny town that I'd felt super trapped in. While I was packing, I decided to restart keto and start calorie counting to keep myself accountable.

Today I am officially out of the rut! I'm down two pounds since last week, putting me at -94lbs :)

So glad to be back on track!

submitted by /u/eyeswithpride2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does the weight loss show?

I’ve officially lost 25lbs today! Started at 213lbs on 6/28/2020, dropped a couple dress sizes and I feel amazing. Im feeling pretty down in this moment... even though I can see it and feel the weight loss, I keep thinking that’s what 25lbs gone looks like? Shouldn’t it be more drastic?? God bless my mom who’s my hype man and definitely sees it and reminds me how great I look but yeah... anyone else struggle with this? I’m trying to just be proud of where I’m at how far I’ve come, and love my body in this moment bc I definitely do! I’m just worried it doesn’t look like it to others... (in case you didn’t notice, yo girl is hella insecure)

submitted by /u/Mirellazoe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Ready to just quit.

So I started plant based eating again for health and to lose weight. I guess Im lying if I say its just for health, because I really want to lose about 40 more lbs, at least. I lost 50 lbs 5 years ago going plant based and being very strict about my eating. It began with inspiration from Penn Jillette, so I did what he did. I ate nothing but potatoes for 2 weeks. Plain, boring, nothing on the potatoes. I lost about a pound a day doing that. Eventually I went back to throwing too much junk back into my diet, and 5 years later, my weight it higher than it was originally. Flash forward to current day. I just finished doing 2 weeks of potatoes and lost 13 lbs. Now for a week of eating nothing but plant based foods, and only eating once a day, the scale wont move. I feel stuck and craving all the foods I cant/shouldnt have. Ive successfully lost weight with all of these foods and lifestyle before and now I just feel like theres no point.
My boyfriends mom made some cookies for the family, and its all I can do to not eat one. Or eat my kids lunch granola bars...or go snack on some of my kids chips. But, I know if I do, I wont want to stop. But I feel like if Im being super careful with what I eat and theres no weight loss for a week, then whats the point? Why am I even trying?

submitted by /u/cricketerest
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tips for someone preparing to go on a weight loss journey as someone with former disordered eating habits (Marked NSFW for brief mention of ED and marijuana use just in case)

Hello! I've spent quarantine having the worst eating habits and not leaving bed much at all. I'm at my highest weight ever and know I need to make real, sustainable changes to my lifestyle very soon. However, the last time I lost a substantial amount of weight (20 pounds) was in high school, and was either due to or happened alongside me purging pretty much everytime I ate. I was also exercising at the gym for at least three hours every day.

I'm now at the point where I'm ordering DoorDash daily, sometimes more than once. I'm a very picky eater and I don't know how to approach finding new healthy food I enjoy. I smoke quite a bit of cannabis, and I definitely get the munchies which also makes junk food tempting. I'm a college freshmen and still live at home, and I eat in my room exclusively unless my family isn't home.

I love the outdoors and walking but I honestly feel physically uncomfortable, so I'm looking for both fat burning and simple bodybuilding techniques that aren't too hard on the joints. Everytime I've had to run for P.E or whatever for the past four years or so I've thrown up. I don't know if it's a real physical issue from being out of shape or if its more psychological, but the thought of running now is so humiliating.

I want to actually lose the weight and keep it off this time and not torture myself the whole time. I've given what I think is relevent information about me in order to hopefully get some useful info? I have a few specific questions

- What are some healthier options for munchie food? Things that satisfy the craving for things like chips, candy, etc.?

-How can I get more fruits/veggies in my system as a picky eater? There are very few vegetables I actually enjoy, and I have no idea how to pick out or cook produce. How can I get over my weird fear of trying new foods?

-What are some low impact workouts I can do , and what are some ways I can quantify my progress to keep track of it? I know you can track pounds lost or new heaviest weight you can lift, but what are some ways to quantify actual physical fitness, heart-health wise and such?

-Does anyone else have that problem with throwing up from running? It happens pretty much anytime I push myself (which is basically anytime in a group setting) and I honestly don't know why it happens or how to stop it.

thanks to anyone who took the time to read this. the last time I made an attempt at getting down to a healthy weight, I took it into my own hands and I did it very wrong. The thought of retackling weight loss is kinda terrifying, but I'm ready to do the work. I finally want to feel like I can do physical activities again, and I want to stop feeling like I have to hide my chin whenever I'm lying down. please leave tips, and also other resources on these issues!! I know this is a process and I want to really learn how to feel in control of my body again. Thanks ! ☺️☺️

submitted by /u/izzylynng02
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from loseit - Lose the Fat