Thursday, April 22, 2021

Hit my first weight loss goal!

Lemme start with my STATs first -

Age 28 Height 5’7.5 SW: 230 CW: 201 GW: 150-160

So I started my journey in September I think and have been on and off trying Keto, CICO, apple cider vinegar etc. I kept falling off the wagon, especially since there was breakup right before the holidays and I ate my feelings away. However through all of this - I managed to lose ~30 lbs as you can see.

I was weighing myself regularly and noticed that clothes were a bit baggier than usual but never really put it to the test. I always said my first goal is to hit size 12 or large. I didn’t want to rely on the scale to set a goal but with clothes I was like eh wth, when I can comfortably fit into a large, I’ll count that as meeting my first goal.

I tried on my mom’s pair of jeans today - she’s between a 10 and 12 so usually gets a 12 for comfort - guess what? It fit! And I don’t mean I had to squeeze myself into it but like I could slide it up my hips and comfortably button it. It’s a mid rise jeans so I have a muffin top cuz belly fat, ugh. But it FITS.

“Comfortably” is very subjective so let me also say it’s not lose by any way but sitting cross legged on the bed isn’t blocking off my circulation. And I can move around comfortably.

Here’s the best part - if I were to buy new jeans and they fit me like this one and my size 14 - I WOULD CHOSE THIS FIT!

Guess, who’s going jeans shopping this weekend?! (And by that I mean I’m ordering them online)


This helps motivate me to keep going!

submitted by /u/princessridz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I have a problem, i tend to binge when i dont go to the gym

I want to lose 15 lbs, i have lost 37 lbs and holy shit its true that the last few pounds are the hardest lol. I workout 4-5x a week, 4x weight lifting 40 min and 1 hour cardio 4-5 x a week depending on how my body feels. I do a lot of cardio because it really keeps me sane, and to fasten my weight loss since im short (5'1). But i have rest days too. Today is my rest day, and because right now the only thing thats keeping me busy is the gym, i get bored and turn to food again 😬. I ate a loot today, i don't really feel guilty or anxious because i know it'll come off quickly (yes I've binged a lot during my weight loss journey lol) but im just worried that if this keeps going on im gonna keep maintaining on my current weight. What should i do to avoid this? Any advice here? And im not on a very strict diet, i eat 1400-1500 a day, sometimes i even go to 1700 so the problem isn't because im too hungry, then i binged. And even though i still want to lose weight, my final and biggest goal is to have a healthy relationship with food and be a fit person. I could use any advices you all have, thank you!

submitted by /u/a2nier
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I need help with plateauing!

So I started my weight loss journey 5 weeks ago to date. I've been going to the gym 3 times a week for 6 months or so and was happy with my progress. Then around five weeks ago I weighed myself for the first time in years. The scale truly shocked me at reading 102.3kg, I was truly devastated at how big I got. That's when I decided to turn things around.

I'm very data driven in life, I love living by the numbers so to speak, so I obviously went with CICO. I bought myself a food scale, 6 meal prep boxes and started rigorously tracking every single thing I ate or drank in MFP. I set myself a 2200 kcal daily limit, which might be fairly low for my weight (and probably is) and started doing cardio on the non-gym days. So my weekly schedule changed to GYM-CAR-GYM-CAR-GYM-CAR-REST. That and the calorie tracking worked wonders for the first weeks. I lost 6.7kg in 4 weeks which averages to around 1.6kg/week. I know that might sound a bit much, but honestly I feel great and I don't see a reason why I should up my calorie amount just because. For my macros I prioritize protein over everything, simply because I find it very satiating, the 'thermic effect' and the obviously known fact when it comes to muscles and protein.

There's some background that leads me to my actual problem.

For the past week my weight has stalled. I haven't changed a thing with my counting, macros or anything with what I eat. I actually have increased my cardio a bit (nice spring weathers), but my gym sessions are still the same. Yet for the past week my weight has basically stayed the same. Even increasing to 96.2kg one day. What the hell is going on? Even if stayed 100% sedentary, I should still slowly lose weight according to a TDEE calculator, so the numbers really don't make sense. Yes I understand that in the beginning I probably lost quite a bit of water weight, so the actual weight I lost probably wasn't 6+ kilo's, but still. Going from losing at average 1.6kg/week to basically plateauing seems really out of the place? I don't think that my daily expenditure of calories suddenly drops to 2200 a day at 95.3kg BW.

Should I lower my calorie intake, or should I just try to trust the process and try to ride this wave hoping that it's temporary?

Taking in all helpful tips, encouraging messages, any reasonable explanations and just posts that are filled with overall positive vibes!

Thanks for taking the time from your time to read this mess of a text and commenting!

submitted by /u/Prnbro
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss buddy?

Hello everyone,

I want to go on my weight loss journey, but as far as I remember I always been in my weight loss journeys by myself. A bit of a background about myself:

• Last year I managed to become my leanest, but on september I spiraled down to my binge eating disorder habits and gained everything back. • As you can see I suffer from BED. • I am from Europe (Lithuania, EEST time) and would love to have a buddy close to my timezone :)

What Im planning to do:

• Continue C25K running program (I already started it); • Incorporate some lifting (dumbbell workouts for now) into my routine too; • Go on Keto Omad; • Have extended fasts from time to time;

Also my stats are: 19F, 5”6(168cm) and 155lbs.

Anyways, If you are interested just shoot me a dm and we can talk :)

submitted by /u/LeGabino
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Only lost 10 pounds in 93 days...

...But I'm 10 pounds lighter than I was 93 days ago :)

To those discouraged by slow progress (myself included) - it's still progress!! 10 pounds down in 93 days is better than 5 pounds down in 93 days which is better than giving up 92 days ago (or 82 days ago, or 72 days ago). Time and time again I have thought to myself, 'If I had kept up with losing weight back x number of weeks ago, I would be x pounds lighter by now...' But now, I can say that I have been keeping this up since January 18 2021, and this 24F is now 201.2 instead of 211.2.

Making a lifestyle change is slow work, but I've finally learned that being kind and lenient with myself is what will show lasting results. Do I wish I was down 20 pounds by now? Sure. Could I have lost weight faster had I quit all my habits cold-turkey? Probably. But that wouldn't have been sustainable for me.

I've been self-conscious of my weight since I was 10, and I'm slowly ( s l o w l y ) doing my best to change my habits, particularly reframing how I think. I'm finally approaching weight loss as a result of healthy lifestyle changes, and not just jumping on a diet, losing 5-20 pounds, then jumping back off because it's not sustainable. That's been the pattern of my life for the past 14 years, and I am confident this time I will reach my goal weight of 199.9, then my next next goal weight of 186.9, then my next next next goal weight of 175.9... until I hit 145lb.

Baby steps are still steps! 1 pound is still weight loss, as is .1 pound. 1 more day of tracking is another day in your streak, and remember that slow progress is still progress! I'm saying this as much for myself as I am for others on this sub. I hope you can be kind to yourself and keep reaching for your goals, no matter the speed :)

submitted by /u/peonypeaches
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Perfectionism, Procrastination and Binge Eating

Recently I've come to believe that there is a link between those three.

  • I have a problem with procrastination in general, which - for me - stems from perfectionism ("I can't do it perfectly so instead I'll do nothing at all")
  • This creeps into my weight loss efforts, for example: "I've over-eaten a bit today, so might as well go crazy and eat loads because the day's already ruined" - it never occurred to me until now, but that's the exact same perfectionism happening!
  • I've noticed over time that one of the times my urge to binge eat surfaces is when I'm procrastinating from doing something (this can be procrastinating from anything, it's not weight loss related - often it's work)
  • I think the reason why I put so much pressure on myself to lose weight as quickly as possible is because I'm being a perfectionist about myself - somewhere deep in my psyche is an implanted belief that unless I'm "perfect" I'll never be good enough. This probably contributes towards my binge eating as well by using bingeing as a type of self-harm (punishing myself for not being "good enough")

I don't have an elegant way of saying all this, but there's no doubt in my mind now that - for me - perfectionism, procrastination and binge eating are closely linked, and treating my perfectionism and procrastination can help towards stopping my binge eating.

It's already helped me - I had a small extra snack between meals today, and didn't let my perfectionist voice tell me "might as well give up".

I also got quite anxious yesterday because I was procrastinating from a work task, and suddenly all I wanted to do was eat, but I noticed my thought pattern and forced myself to tackle the work task - surprise surprise the urge to binge went away!

Just something to think about that I hope will help someone :)

submitted by /u/Mimsy_Whimsy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does anyone else just not see their weight loss despite what the scale or waistband says?

Over the past decade or so I’ve occasionally been a healthy weight but mostly I’ve been mildly to moderately overweight (anywhere between 175lb and 220lb as 6’0 man of 33 but way more at the top end).

At Christmas I weighed about 215lb and committed to losing some of it. Today I weighed in at 195lb having not been below 200 in a few years. I’ve punched a new hole in my belt and managed to wear some jeans that haven’t seen much action recently. Yet I still feel fat and still think I look terrible. Even when I was down at 175lb and running half marathons for fun at a pace I never thought I’d achieve I felt like I was just doing well for a fat guy.

I feel like this is a psychological issue as much as anything but I have no idea how to go about improving it. I’ve always lacked confidence in my appearance and kinda laugh about being an ugly looking guy because it’s embarrassing to let on that I care about my appearance somehow but I’m starting to wonder if there’s something deeper at play here.

Sorry for the rambling post. TLDR: Did you still feel awful about yourself even after losing weight? How did you try and fix that?

submitted by /u/jimbo_bones
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from loseit - Lose the Fat