Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Perfectionism, Procrastination and Binge Eating

Recently I've come to believe that there is a link between those three.

  • I have a problem with procrastination in general, which - for me - stems from perfectionism ("I can't do it perfectly so instead I'll do nothing at all")
  • This creeps into my weight loss efforts, for example: "I've over-eaten a bit today, so might as well go crazy and eat loads because the day's already ruined" - it never occurred to me until now, but that's the exact same perfectionism happening!
  • I've noticed over time that one of the times my urge to binge eat surfaces is when I'm procrastinating from doing something (this can be procrastinating from anything, it's not weight loss related - often it's work)
  • I think the reason why I put so much pressure on myself to lose weight as quickly as possible is because I'm being a perfectionist about myself - somewhere deep in my psyche is an implanted belief that unless I'm "perfect" I'll never be good enough. This probably contributes towards my binge eating as well by using bingeing as a type of self-harm (punishing myself for not being "good enough")

I don't have an elegant way of saying all this, but there's no doubt in my mind now that - for me - perfectionism, procrastination and binge eating are closely linked, and treating my perfectionism and procrastination can help towards stopping my binge eating.

It's already helped me - I had a small extra snack between meals today, and didn't let my perfectionist voice tell me "might as well give up".

I also got quite anxious yesterday because I was procrastinating from a work task, and suddenly all I wanted to do was eat, but I noticed my thought pattern and forced myself to tackle the work task - surprise surprise the urge to binge went away!

Just something to think about that I hope will help someone :)

submitted by /u/Mimsy_Whimsy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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