Thursday, April 22, 2021

Trying again

I've been battling being overweight since I was a kid, 350 lbs was my biggest weight as a freshman in HS. I'm currently 26 5'7" and weigh 237.5 lbs. Just last Tuesday (the 13th) I was at an appointment and weighed in at 249, where my endocrinologist suggested me meds to help. I took the offer and here we are. I exercise and watch my food intake but in the past when things started to get hard I became depressed and gave up. I want to make sure I stick to things this time, I know the medicine is short term and only helpful as a boost, the trouble is staying at where I'm happy. How do you hold yourself accountable to exercise consistently? What are any good tips to stick to not eating garbage when you get cravings? I'm so tired of feeling so crappy about myself. I'm a married mom of one and a lot of things have happened in the past couple years that have made my self esteem and all over self worth dwindle heavily. I'm trying to be happy in my own skin again. I've not felt so low and the weight loss is there right now but I want to change my whole life not just my temporary appearance 🥺 thanks for listening to me rant

submitted by /u/stown1109
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The difference 50 lbs makes

So I am a 27F who has gone from 245 lbs in July 2019 to 191lbs as of this morning. It’s been a slow process, extremely so, with just some basic exercising (~25 minutes to an hour of daily walking, 2-5 days a week with a light workout of about 30 minutes that is either cardio or weight lifting, and generally learning portion control without punishing mistakes). The goal was to switch to healthy habits and try to make myself feel good about the habits themselves than feel good about the number on the scale.

Most of the weight loss has been in quarantine, so outside of an occasional videochat with some of my friends, most people haven’t seen me. In fact, I occasionally forget that I’ve lost any weight at all. Then about a week ago, I was joking around in the sun with my housemates, and they took a picture of me in a a sports swimsuit (think bikini, but covered more skin).

I should preface this next bit and say that I’ve had some rough dating experiences in the past — one guy told me that I was “fun to be around but fat girls like you just aren’t attractive” (despite him telling me loud and clear on the first date how attractive and beautiful I was to try and get in my pants). He wasn’t the first, and he wasn’t the last. That was how I was viewed by most people, including myself. I was fun, I could be cute, but I wasn’t beautiful and I wasn’t really worth much as a partner.

After some encouragement from friends, I joined a dating app again and posted pics of myself (including the swimsuit pic). The difference in treatment I’ve gotten has been radical. Some of that is the skin I’m showing, sure—but I’ve shown the same amount of skin in a dating profile before. People who I would normally think were way out of my league are messaging me, asking me out, and matching with me. When I was heavier, I got maybe a quarter of the matches I did last week.

Here’s the important message though — it’s not just the weight.

The real difference is in me.

My self esteem is higher. I can turn down people I don’t like without worrying about whether they might have been the best I could get. I’m nicer. I’m friendlier. I laugh more easily. I’m no longer desperately swiping out of loneliness, nor am I hanging off their every message obsessively, and someone unmatching me is no longer the blow to my self esteem that it used to be. The last two years has finally allowed me to slowly start to love myself, and I’m genuinely comfortable being single. I am comfortable in my skin for the first time in years. I’m no longer trying to hide.

I’m just... happier. Content.

I went through my closet soon afterwards and threw out all the clothes that were now too big. I’d spent so long trying to cover up and hide myself and my body that my clothes were oversized even at my heaviest.

I’ve still got about 40 more pounds to lose, but I just wanted to tell someone that progress isn’t always fast. I’ve cried in the gym some days when I feel I’m not progressing. I struggled to keep motivated during quarantine, and I still occasionally binge eat. But for whoever needs to hear it — that’s okay. Be kind to your struggling self.

Looking at where I was two years ago mentally, physically, and emotionally... the journey is worth it.

submitted by /u/bgrein1993
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling disheartened - I don't know if I want to diet anymore

It was worth it at first because it worked, but I just feel like all the calorie counting, food weighing, depriving myself of things I really want and being hungry a lot became nothing but a waste of time when I hit an unbreakable plateau. I took a break against my better judgment recently out of frustration and now I'm struggling to get back on the wagon because I just don't want to deal with all the fuss of logging and measuring knowing full well it won't work anymore anyway.

I want to lose more weight and I know it takes work, but it is unbelievably frustrating, discouraging, irritating and depressing when you just feel like you're doing everything you're supposed to be doing and it still fails. Every single list of things that doctors recommend for weight loss (drink more water, eat more fiber, walk a little, eat more vegetables, etc.) are things I'm already doing.

I'm at a point where I've begun researching pro-ana diets and gastric sleeve diets because I figure I can at least quit counting/logging calories if all I eat every day is half a banana and three cucumber slices.

No advice needed, I'm just ranting and raving. I was supposed to get back on my diet at the start of this week and I got lazy because I'm tired of diet diet diet and no progress. I wish I could just know for sure that my efforts would pay off if I get back on my diet again, but part of me is starting to wonder if maybe I should accept my current weight as the end of my journey because it seems like my body's not willing to move past this number.

submitted by /u/BingoHighway
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I need to lose fat AND gain muscle - help with my plan, please.

Hi, all.

I went from 345lbs-197lbs in 2019 from CICO and finding this sub. I never thought weight loss was possible, and thought my body was just different and didn't work like other bodies. I gained some back over COVID (first relationship for over a year, he decided he didn't like sex or want to touch me, so that's been depressing).

I want to join the US Navy in December or January, so right now I am focusing on losing weight for that.

It seems to me like it's not a great idea to try and focus on building muscle while in a steep deficit to lose weight as efficiently and quickly as possible.

Turning 27 in a couple months is freaking me out a little. I've made progress with my body but I've never put on muscle. Even in the 190's my body doesn't have the shape or look that I thought it would - I learned it's because I have very low muscle tone in my upper body.

I've already missed out on parts of life because of my body. Guys my age around me are getting married, settling down and having kids. I haven't had any love or adventure in my life and I'm hoping to be able to go after what I want in the years moving forward.

I may go back to the gym now that it's open and do my weight routine while I'm working to lose weight for the Navy. Then once I'm at my goal, I'll eat more and focus on muscle building. I don't have any friends who lift weights or are into fitness, so I'm hoping I'll make some in the Navy and really focus on lifting on deployments when there's not much else to do.

I just feel like I look better as I get older - as a teen and early 20's I was very heavy and dressed badly. But I see guys around me going the opposite way, and I'm afraid I didn't enjoy life enough when I was younger. (quarter life crisis? lol)

Any help is appreciated.

submitted by /u/FrozenSandwichHater
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Any advice for Grave’s Disease?

So I have recently been diagnosed with Graves Disease. Before I was diagnosed, I lost about 10 pounds and was finally feeling ok with my body.

Turns out the weight loss was a symptom (my only symptom) of an insanely overactive thyroid. Now I’m on medication and of course my thyroid is better, but I’ve gained about 10 pounds and I hate myself again.

I know it’s bad to tie my weight to my worth, but I have depression and I can’t help feeling kinda worthless. Also I’m pissed since it’s about to be summer and I have to wear a bathing suit :(

I have been at college and I’m about to go home, and I really don’t want my family to see me this way since they have made comments on my weight in the past. They’re all naturally very thin.

I’m angry!! And so sad and I don’t know how to not despise myself. If anyone has some tips for weight loss with Graves Disease or Hashimoto’s I would love to hear it <3

Edit: I know 10 pounds is not a lot, but the scale goes up every time I look at it. I am now heavier than I was before my thyroid issues

submitted by /u/sushidemon4
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting my weight loss journey!

Just found this sub, I really started my journey 3 week ago. But decided to post for accountability reason. I’m 36F, 5’4” . My stat so far: SW 282,4 lbs , CW 276,1 Lbs. My ultimate GW is 135lbs, but I decided to start with a more smaller goal of 250lbs. I’m going with the CICO méthode , I eat between 1300 - 1500 cal a day and try to walk at least 2-3km each day. It was going well until I started my period, I’m craving Carbs and chips , it’s really hard to resist. But I know that if I open a bag of chips, I will not be able to stop eating until I finish the bag. That’s it for now. I just hope to be able to look back at this post in 2-3 month and be proud of myself because I was able to persevere and not just abandon like I usually do.

submitted by /u/Dandrane
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Beginner and would love some advice

I just started on my weight loss journey and would love some answers to a couple questions I have in order to make sure I do this right. I am 28M 5’8” with a SW: 215 and CW: 204 after 17 days. Hoping to get to around 160.

The first question I have is about what is a healthy caloric intake for me. I’ve been averaging about 1,200 calories a day throughout this time period and it hasn’t been too hard to manage. I feel like I could keep going at this pace but want to make sure that’s not too low for my size. I don’t feel like I’ve been starving myself or anything. I had a small breakfast and dinner so now that I’m pretty hungry for example I’m about to go grab some Chipotle. If I don’t eat much veggies either, should I either eat a bit more per day and/or get some vitamin supplements?

I also was just curious about loose skin a ways down the line. Does that seem like it will be an issue for my profile? Would it help to slow down a bit once I’ve start getting some more pounds off?

Any advice would be appreciated, thanks in advance! I’ve done a bit of weight loss in the past, but something feels different about this time and I think I can see it through to the end and just want to make sure I do it right. Thanks!!

submitted by /u/RadiantDawn93
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from loseit - Lose the Fat