Thursday, December 8, 2022

On my way

First post here & wanted to share a little bit. I’m a 6’2 26 y/o male and have struggled with my image/weight since I was 12. It was never fun, but I dealt with it. I wasn’t severely obese, but I was by no means skinny and not confident in my own skin. Growing up, I loved going to the beach, and spending weekends on our boat with family/friends. When I gained weight, I couldn’t do that anymore. Too self conscious (still that way today). Out of high school I weighed 240 pounds. I ended up getting down to 220 one summer without watching what I ate. Just busy with friends all summer. I was pretty slim for my stocky frame, but still not happy. Looking back at pictures from that time, I realize I should’ve been somewhat content. Fast forward a few years, I let myself go. At my heaviest weighing 280 pounds. I tell this to family today and they say they would’ve never guessed it. I would’ve. I could feel the weight, and was in the worst mindset ever. Still, I didn’t do anything about it. A couple months later, I weighed in at 265. For whatever reason, this motivated me to start learning about losing weight through CICO. I did this for 6 months while consistently walking my dogs 3-4 miles daily. I got down to 235lb or so & felt pretty good about myself. But mostly, I was proud of myself for the discipline I had, and for succeeding for the first time trying to lose weight. For reasons I wish I knew, I just stopped. Over the past few years, I gained weight back, and stayed around 245. Then, I saw 254 and thought to myself, we’re not going any further than this. Today is 1 month back on CICO and am glad to say I am now 232.8. Down 21.2lb. Goal weight is around 190 and still motivated as ever. Also feel like I’ve learned a lot since the last time I was successful with weight loss. I also understand that this is going to be a permanent lifestyle change, and I am content with that. Time is going to pass regardless, so why not keep going? I know this post is kind of scattered & all over the place lol, but just wanted to share.

submitted by /u/Outstanding_Memory
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Change in Fitness Tracker Leads to a Change in Attitude

Since about 2018, I've been using Fitbits to track steps and eventually weight and calories consumed beginning in September 2021. The problem is that these devices haven't been very robust--my first Charge died in about 10 months, so I got a new one, which died in about 13 months. (No replacement on the first as the RMA got lost during COVID). Switched to a Versa 2 which lasted 13 months (sensing a theme here) but I thought maybe I killed it using a third party charger, got another one and it died after 14 months even though I babied it.

At this point I am done with Fitbit and get a Garmin Venu Sq. But I'm pretty upset by the whole thing since now I have to learn a whole new food entry system (switched to MFP for the integration with Garmin) and I've lost so much data. Worse, the motivating badges for steps and weight loss from Fitbit are now gone.

Last couple of days, been setting up my Garmin account and when I was walking into work this morning the realization hit me:

As far as this thing on my wrist goes, I'm NOT a guy who was 320 pounds and who is now 80-85 percent of the way down after a long, long haul. Nope. As far as this tracker is concerned, I'm actually a 215 pound guy who wants to drop to 185-190 and lose a pants size and some belly fat.

And here's the thing--the new tracker is more attuned to reality than me! So losing the Fitbit and starting with a fresh history is also like recognizing where I actually am physically. And it feels pretty liberating.

submitted by /u/blueeyes_austin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Gallstone management

Hey all, I lost a lot of weight this year which is great! 102 pounds since April in a weight management program. Unfortunately, as can happen with rapid weight loss, I have developed gallstones/cholelithiasis. Fortunately no cholecystitis.

Pain can get pretty intense but overall I’m doing okay.

Of course I’ll follow instructions/next steps from my doctor, but am wondering if anyone has had luck medically managing gallstones without surgery? I’m not opposed to surgery at all, just would like to avoid it if possible!

submitted by /u/MistakeVisual3733
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

little thing i did to help with consistency

Recently I found my progress slowed down to the point of being almost nonexistent for a while, I was chalking it up to me being at light as i could be without being super strict like I used to.

I THOUGHT I was still being sorta strict and cheating once or twice a week, but as we know that scale doesn’t lie, so i thought of a super simple solution. All I did was grab a calendar and mark every day i ate my deficit calories and every day i cheated. I went through myfitnesspal and realized i was cheating basically every two days, i literally spent a week checking the calendar and now my weight loss is steady again. I was literally just inconsistent all these weeks…

Tl:dr: scale wasn’t going down anymore so i got a calendar to check off every successful deficit day, plateau gone completely, consistency is king

submitted by /u/EnragedBearBro
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How long did it take you spouse to notice your weight loss?

My question is in the title. I stayed 50lb over my normal weight after pregnancy and only started losing weight around 3 months ago. No one has noticed my weight loss except my mom (who always seems to notice right away if I gain or lose weight). I was curious how long it took before your spouse mentioned or noticed that you lost weight? I understand that others (like coworkers) may be wary of mentioning anything because some people feel self-conscious after weight loss, but I’m really curious how long it took others before your significant other mentioned something?

I’ve lost close to 17lb at this point, but only me and my mom have noticed. I know that having others notice shouldn’t be the only goal. I know I’m losing: I’ve been measuring myself, weighing myself, taking pictures to document progress, tracking calories daily, and i finally fit into since pre-pregnancy pants 2 days ago as a NSV, but I still want to know what your experiences have been?

Thanks if you made it this far. This sub has been a really great source of daily motivation for me in this journey.

submitted by /u/Ok-Way217
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My (maybe?) unpopular opinion: Weight loss drugs are cheating and most people should cheat

Here me out: I’m on mounjaro. I’ve lost 20 points in 2 and a half months. Without being hungry. Or stressing. Or thinking about food. At all.

It’s fucking glorious.

I just go through my day and eat my normal food, but then I get full and stop. And im done. It’s a sensation I have never experienced before.

If going through labor with an epidural is cheating then so be it. You don’t need to be in agonizing pain. If mounjaro is cheating, awesome.

Don’t let anyone tell you that you need to struggle to lose weight or appreciate weight loss. These drugs are certainly not right for everyone but you don’t need to suffer.

Interested to hear what others think about this. Is is cheating? Do you care? Are you interested in these drugs? Are they the future?

submitted by /u/juliacar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to know if you’ve lost too much?

F 27, 5ft 8, went from 220ish lbs to 134lbs in 2 years.

I’m happy to maintain my current weight, but it seems like my body doesn’t want to. I’m struggling to know if my symptoms are an indication that I’ve lost too much? I don’t want to put on weight thinking it’ll solve these issues if it’s not necessary.

Just wondering if anyone has had experience with these symptoms during their weight loss, and if/how they resolved them?

Symptoms: 1. No period for 11 months (had 2 blood tests, Dr said it’s likely due to weight loss and to see if it comes back on its own in the next 4-6 months) 2. Low vitamin D (doc prescribed supplements) 3. Low folate (just found this out - I’m confused though as I eat lots of leafy greens and broccoli)

Exercise: 30-45 mins of weights 3x a week 10k steps everyday 20 mins of yoga 3x a week

Diet: Pretty balanced. Around 1600-2000 calories a day, sometimes a lot more if it’s takeout which I’ll have once every 10 days or so? I prioritise protein & lately more fats.

I realise only medical professionals and gaining some weight can give me definitive answers but any experiences or advice would be much appreciated!

submitted by /u/Spiritual-Sun6818
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from loseit - Lose the Fat