Saturday, December 10, 2022

Has anyone had success with over the counter/online-bought "fat burners" etc?

There was a thread the other day that was talking about a prescription medication that people had been having success with, and it got me wondering if there are actually any decent fat-burning/hunger suppressant/general weight-loss supplements you can buy over the country/online which people have experience with. I was particularly made to think of it seriously when someone wrote about how taking supplements and the like isn't "cheating" since things like fat loss, studying etc aren't competitive sports or the like, and so you should seek out, and use, every tool that gives you an advantage that you can find.

With that said, have any of you tried supplements to aid with weight loss that you'd recommend to other people and, if so, what were they?


submitted by /u/Oranos_Rex
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

36 Hour Fast

So I’m about close to 20 hours now into a fast. My goal is 36 hours as I’ve done a lot of reading online about how it’s a great way to get into a calorie deficit and also come with many health benefits. The science seems to be settled on this. My journey with weight has been complicated. I’ve had times when I was anorexic and then times when I was obese. Now I’m about 40 pounds overweight. I do have some hunger pains for sure but it’s not at all like I’m in severe pain or at risk for a major medical episode. It actually kinda feels soothing. I can feel myself releasing all the toxic rationalization to overeat in my head. Beyond that it feels like the perfect kickstart for me to get back on a steady weight loss path. After this 36 hour fast I’m gonna try daily 12-16 hours fasts as well restrict to one maybe two meals a day always under 2,000 calories. Let me know what you think!!

submitted by /u/cuddlypenguin7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss advice? Currently trying a lot but nothing is happening.

Hey I'm new to loseit and was just wondering if anyone had any ideas for me, because it feels like I've hit a complete brick wall. Details about me Male 30 270 currently, down from 344 last year In terms of exercise I do 40 minutes of cardio before every meal ( I eat twice a day) Although I do more pretty often Most days I eat around 1700 calories, Pretty much no dairy, no soda since I was in my teens, fast food once a year if that. I drink nearly a gallon of water every day. For the last three weeks my weight has been locked at 270. I weigh myself once in the morning every few days. Health I'm also taking phentermine (although I am stopping when I'm out) My doctor says there's nothing wrong with my blood work, my blood pressure is very healthy typically 108/75 last time it was checked the other day. My gallbladder is pretty much wrecked, waiting on a surgery to remove it.

Exercise consists of an exercise bike (max resistance most of the time)', or more long term cycling when it isn't freezing out. I know it sounds like a lot, but I'm not in pain, I don't feel overexerted.

I just don't know why nothing is happening. I'm not only in a calorie deficit, but burn nearly as much as I eat every day. Any ideas or suggestions?

submitted by /u/Prestigious_Leg_3263
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, December 9, 2022

Do you guys take long-ish breaks?

This year, I went from a size XL to a size M. Am I happy? Absolutely, but I’m not at my goal weight yet.

I’m finding myself being more chill now. I still CICO and count every day. I still eat my veggies and do my cardio, and try to be active.

But the deficit I’m able to create everyday is like.. 100? 200 maybe? If that. Some days I’m at maintenance. Actually I feel like I’ve been having a whole lot of maintenance days lately.

I don’t think I’m done with my weight loss. Yes, I know its all just aesthetic goals at this point. But still. At the same time I just want to chill for a bit at maintenance or at a very low deficit for a while before trying to make a bigger deficit again.

Do you guys do this? Pause? Or slow down? And then pick back up and such? Does it help at all?

submitted by /u/anotherbutterflyacc
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Relationship weight

Hi everyone!!

I'm looking for some support, I lost 40 lbs earlier this year and have almost gained it all back after getting into a new relationship.

Since realizing I've been starting to gain the weight back I've been on and off on weight loss kicks. I've never really felt like I had an unhealthy relationship with food, but it's been a swift kick in the ass trying and failing to get back into a caloric deficit routine again and I feel like I've been developing some scary overindulgent habits as of late.

I know everyone's daily calorie intake is different, but I could really use some help from y'all coming up with some breakfast/lunch/dinner staples that are easy and within the 300-500 cal range. Also, I feel like this is something that can happen to anyone, some advice on getting back on the horse would be so greatly appreciated.

I feel like I should add: this relationship is the healthiest I've ever been in, I'm very happy and in love like a kid. My partner has super supportive about the baby steps I've been taking to work out and cook more, but at the same time, my weight creeping up on me and what feels like my inability to get back on track is just manifesting into some ugly feelings and negative self-talk in the back of my head.

Uuhhhhh tl;dr: looking for some 300-500 cal staple meals to get back on the horse.

Thanks everyone!! 💜

submitted by /u/rdbullwithoutacause
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Concave armpits, what the actual heck…

Sorry if TMI but in the “odd and unexpected consequences of weight loss” category, is anyone else experiencing this? It’s freaking me out. Just losing weight didn’t seem to trigger it at first, but now that I’m increasing my weightlifting and doing body recomp/shaping (especially in the chest/shoulders/upper back) seems to be exaggerating it a lot! So weird. I’m a woman if that matters. Oh and also shaving is now apparently incredibly difficult, did you all switch to waxing or get lasered or what?

submitted by /u/Verity41
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Going below goal weight for “cushion”

Stats: Female/41/CW:175/GW: 155

Idk if this is important, but I’ve gained 20 pounds in the last 5 months. I don’t really over eat, but I started drinking everyday, sometimes multiple cocktails. This week, I went to the doctor to address the rapid weight gain and was dx with severe depression which I’ll be treating with Wellbutrin. Now that all of that’s out of the way…

My goal weight is usually 155, but as I start yet another weight loss journey, I was wondering whether anyone aimed to hit a weight that’s below their goal weight, in order to provide a cushion for possible weight gain, or in order to create a new set point. Does this feel like a disordered way of thinking?

submitted by /u/FarbissinaPunim
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from loseit - Lose the Fat