Sunday, December 18, 2022

Holidays with family…

Hi all, loooong time lurker

24F 1.73m, 68KG

In August/Sept of this year I dropped from 70kg to 63kg over the course of about 2 months, but I have slowly gained most of it back. I’m not worried about it too much, it was my birthday and I’ve been traveling.

But I’m writing because I’m going to be with my family for 2 weeks over the holidays. My mom is extremely difficult to eat well around, as she has a very unhealthy relationship to food and has been overweight for my entire life. At the same time, my older sibling has a history of ED, where they would eat 4 bites of food and leave the rest. It was a really difficult chapter for my family for various reasons, but also means that now both my mother and sibling are quite sensitive to weighing food, tracking calories, and not finishing your food.

What’s more is that we’re going on a trip, which means lots of eating out on top of the already-rich holiday foods.

My question is, should I just pause my journey for the holidays? I’m nervous about doing to because my weight has already started to creep up. But I don’t want to cause issues or trigger anyone during the holidays. Because of the aforementioned conditions, the calorie tracking and monitoring would have to be in secret, which I would hate doing.My family lives across the world from me and I want to truly enjoy our time together. However I don’t want to continue undoing my progress. I’m relatively good at “switching on” my weight loss mode, but I don’t want to start at zero again. Any tips?

PS this page has been a huge help for me, thank you everyone for your help and knowledge!

submitted by /u/datepalm4
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, December 17, 2022

After 7 years of trying to lose weight one month changed everything for me.

F20 SW-220 CW-205 GW-150 5'6 LW- 148 (please excuse my grammar my English sucks)

15 pounds down ~6kg down

Just like what the title says, the past month was the most enjoyable month I've had. I'll split everything so if you want to jump to parts i got you. I know its long but half of me is writing this for myself. Hopefully, whoever reads this relates and doesn't feel alone.

Before the First Month of Serious Change:

After reflecting on the past two years I realized I was ignoring my current state. I started listening to LukeNarwal. When someone on Reddit said that they would eat a lot of food and then hide the evidence I paused for a moment with a taco bell burrito in one hand driving in the other, and a whole bag of tacos, burritos, and a casadia sitting right next to me. Knowing dang well by the end of my 20-minute drive I will hide the bag under my seat. Just like the person in the video. That's really when I realized that maybe I am much deeper than I thought I was. I waste $99 a month on a gym membership i got a year ago swearing up and down that I would go 7 times a month. But never do. Wasting money on food and unused gym membership. I got sick of being sick, and couldn't look at myself anymore.

So, I started slow. I stopped going to taco bell near my work. Then the Mcdonald's near my school. In the end, I would only go to Mcdonald's for fries after class, not to order the whole menu. From going every day to 3-4 times a month.

Then I began building a Pinterest board of all the healthy foods I want to eat, and exercises I can do at home, and got myself a gym buddy. Then I built an album for past photos of me and one for progress photos.

With all of the reflecting and new exposure, I came to this conclusion: The point isn't trying to see how much weight I lose on a diet, rather, it's how great and happy I feel building a new lifestyle.

With that, I took new progress photos of myself and an exciting first step to my new life!

The First Month

In March I was 220, in November 210, and now 205. Now, I know for one month losing 5 pounds doesn't seem like a lot. But TRUST me when I say taking good progress photos goes a LONG way. This past month I cut down on fast food and junk food. Only eating it on special occasions. But most importantly I did CICO and started to work out!!!!

I would constantly be at 208 to 206 then back up to 208 for weeks! Lowest I hit was 204 I would feel horrible knowing that i haven't lost that much. However, I would compare the 207 from two months ago progress photos and see a HUGE difference. That's why proper eating and exercise are so important!!!! Every Monday morning I would take new progress photos, and record my measurements. When I feel down or want to eat (not actually hungry) I look back and compare my current weight to photos from months ago. It makes sense because I am gaining muscles so that's probably why the scale isn't moving.

I built the habit of eating slowly and stopping when full. It was hard, but we are there now! Because of CICO and past history of not being able to restrict myself, I literally ate what I wanted. BUT! I kept in mind that these foods are not going to disappear and I can have them at a later DATE (not once I hit 150). I even order small instead of larger like boba drinks. My calorie range for the day is 1400-1500 and sometimes I forget to log food.

Could I have lost more weight if I cut off sugar and carbs? Yes. Would I have lasted this long and happy? NO.

Now for exercise, I started to go to planet fitness once a week with a friend. And sometimes once a week at orange theory maybe 3 times a month. Nonetheless, exercising really did help. I am happy!!

In the end, I went back to the old photos and put on the clothes i wore that day. The difference showed. I could button up the dress, zip up the pants, and have little trouble with the zipper of dresses!!!

I aimed to lose 10 pounds in November and landed with 5. But looking at the results, I couldn't be happier. I now love going to the gym, trying on clothes, and looking at myself. If anything Im more motivated.


1- FACE YOURSELF. Look at yourself look at where you are now and do not turn away. Accept it, reflect, and change. If you can't admit what you are doing is unhealthy and wrong you won't get no where. Admit you're overweight, admit you're sad, admit you hate yourself. Now that's out the way it's time to grow and move on.

2- PROGRESS PHOTOS!!!!!!!!!! Progress photos are a lifesaver. Like I said my scale didn't budge and always went up and down, HOWEVER! The progress photos showed me (especially my back) that there IS progress being done. 207 before exercise and 207 after are two different people.

3-Mentality. What helped me is knowing that im not on a diet but rather on the track to having a happier and healthier life.

4- Exposure. I don't mean running naked in the streets but joining communities listening to others' stories and learning! LukeNarwal brought me to this Reddit community and the stories he said helped me with facing myself. It also help me know that the negative feelings and how people treated me is something we all have gone through in our journey. It SUCKS but it's comforting to know I'm, not the only one. _finallyallison on Instagram was a huge motivation as well.

5- What Works What WDoesnt - I knew that cutting off all my favorite food will not end well with me. Talking to myself like I would a child helps me make healthier decisions and remind me that these foods won't suddenly go away. I can eat them at a later DATE.

6- Have goalS- Have a small and big goals in mind. My big goal is 140 but my smaller goal is 200. Having small achievements is super helpful!


When I was 12 that's when my parents and relatives would bark at me to lose weight comments like "you're getting bigger don't be like X who is huge and fat." I was starting puberty so ... yeah. Not to mention how social media began to boom. I'd compare myself to the fake skinny women online. I think that's when my body dysmorphia really started because I would look back and be like "I was healthy and my weight wasn't bad what was I thinking?" Even though I was CONVINCED at the time.

Like everyone else, I went through some traumatic sht and used food to cope. I am religious and self-harm and suicide are considered a sin. So, I would eat until it hurts and repeat. When I would get into fights with my parents I would eat because I knew them watching me eat and get bigger made them mad. Even though it hurt. However 2022 and 2022 I would get incredible stomach pain and nausea before and after I ate, woke up, and went to bed. This continued for about a year.

Then fall semester of 2021 and winter of 2022 I was in my most depressive state and gained 40 pounds in the span of 2 months. When I was overwhelmed with emotions I would drop a total of 2,000 calories worth of processed food in one sitting.

My mom would take me to the gym but I would hate going for numerous reasons. I stopped going to dinners and religious events because I didn't want my mom and I to fight over my weight and how much I gained.

Previous Weight Loss Journey:

You'd think after all these years I would learn how to control my diet and eat better. Well! No! I tried numerous diets that lasted 2-4 days. Keto, paleo, Meditrianin, water fasting, and intermittent fasting, Out of them all intermittent fasting is the best one I've been on despite doing it for a week.

As you can see no DIET stuck to me that long because in the past three years I gained a whopping 40 pounds

submitted by /u/HealthyLife-HappyMe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Slow or no weight loss since I started weigh training.

This completely ruined my reaching a certain weight plan by new year. My maintenance calories is about 2600 and I am consistently eating 1900 everyday, only ate 2400 once in last 30 days. Counting calories of each of my meals and let's say even if my tracking os wrong ( which it is not ) by 200 cals everyday. That's still a 500 calorie deficit everyday.

It's been one month and I've only seen like 200gms dropped. It's discouraging because I was losing just fine before I started strength training. My strength increased and the arms and shoulders looks more toned now. Have any of experienced something similar?

submitted by /u/1stFailedAbortion
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

First day taking phentermine 37.5 and of my weight loss journey! Looking for advice & your experience

Hello all! I am a 5’7, 192 lb, 23F. I have been trying to loose eight for some time now. At the beginning of 2022 I was able to loose 10 pounds and slowly stopped seeing weight loss. I started a job where I work at an office and quickly gained the weight back. I have since been trying to loose weight but struggle with my metabolism / calories. I finally decided to get medical help and advice from a doctor. I am very excited to start this journey and have a bit of a push. I know phentermine isn’t a permanent solution and that what matters are my own personal habits.

I want to know what your experience has been, if you have any advice in terms of nutrition / exercise, and how your journey went.

Thank you all!

submitted by /u/Low_Pomegranate9882
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, December 16, 2022

i feel so discouraged losing the same weight i've lost before all over again.

i'm a relatively short woman (5'2") and have always been bigger than my friends and other girls. i come from a big family where everybody likes to eat, and food was never very healthy growing up, yet everybody was average to tall in height so even though the adults in my family were overweight as well with years of binge eating and failed fad diets behind them, it wasn't as noticeable on them as it has been on me. so it wasn't surprising to anyone around me that i was bigger child. hell i had been drinking coke and pepsi out of my literal sippy cups at age three or four. nutrition was something that was never brought up or talked about, and when it was talked about it was under the guise of the military diet, weight watchers, jenny craig, etc. i remember being 10 years old and only 4'0" and weighing about 130 lbs and doctors being concerned but always being reassured by my mother that it was just "baby fat" and i'd grow to be taller and thin out. i was sixteen in 2020 when the pandemic started and it was the first time in my life i decided to do something about my weight. i didn't have school to worry about, i wasn't seeing my friends so i didn't have a chance to eat out with them constantly. i didn't have access to the kind of food i was accustomed to eating. i spent hours researching workout routines i could do from home, went on runs, downloaded my fitness pal, took all of my measurements and started counting calories like it was my religion. and it worked! i went from 183 lbs at the very beginning of the pandemic to 163 by the end of that year. i remember being so proud of myself, i loved watching the number on the scale drop, i had so much confidence and motivation than i had ever had before. and then eventually the inevitable happened-- i hit a plateau. i spent a couple weeks trying to push past it, but it was a lost cause when i went back to eating fast food nearly every single day, binge eating on what i felt like i had deprived myself of, i was a literal train wreck. i maintained my weight for a bit and then suddenly all of the restaurants reopened, i returned to in person classes for my senior year, and the temptations were all there again. i didn't have it in me to say no to getting food with my friends at 2am, to say no to extra dessert, i was too consumed by school and my social life to go to the gym. it took ten months for me to gain all of that weight back. i felt out of control and i quite literally could not stop eating, i would order uber eats 3-4 times a day and make high calorie meals on top of that. i was a mess and my self confidence was non-existent. i remember just wishing that i could disappear and that nobody would ever have to see me again out of fear of what they would think of my body.

and then this july i decided to get back on track. i was in general shock seeing the number 183.6 staring up at me all over again. i didn't notice the weight gain, it was subtle. suddenly things fit me tighter again and i could've swore that i bought the right size and i was convinced my clothes were shrinking in the washer. every time i saw myself and i looked bigger i'd tell myself maybe i was just bloated, and i'd get back on track the next day. it never happened though until i saw i had gained all of that weight back. and i have been successfully on track since then, but this time around it feels like i'm dragging myself along. i don't feel any pride in seeing the number on the scale drop, in working out, in eating healthy. every time i put on my clothes from 2020 that no longer fit me early this year and they button or zip up, i feel nothing but an immense amount of guilt. it's like... why should i celebrate this win when i've won it once before? it's not an achievement of mine to gain, it's something i'm reclaiming that i stupidly let go. i just see it as something i've done before, that i should've kept on doing, that i was stupid for letting myself go as i could've been at my goal weight long ago by now. i don't feel pride in my body or weight loss and my self esteem is even lower than it was before at my highest weight. i just feel lost, i don't know what to do. i have great friends and a supportive boyfriend, but i don't know how to explain what i am feeling deep inside.

i guess i'm just searching for comfort or support, for someone to tell me that this has happened to them too and i shouldn't feel so ashamed of myself. or to at least be a post for someone who is going through something similar on their weight loss journey to stumble upon and feel less alone. because trust me lmao... i feel like i'm the only person on earth who is this ashamed over their body. i feel so uncomfortable and so lost and i feel like this is all for nothing.

submitted by /u/mochamop
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

First time seeing a dietician. Not sure about the advice

So I am trying yet again to lose weight (have been successful in the past). Thought I would take my Drs offer of seeing a dietician. I must say it was a little odd. First there were a lot of buzzwords and strange questions like, was I delivered vaginally, was I breast fed.. etc. Finally her recommendation was to start with I attempt to eat 10g of fiber per meal.

I must say that I am not sure about this advice. I know a lot of people who have lost weigh without making sure to eat so much fiber. I am also a fan of CICO, but find it hard to stay the course when I get really hungry or I get tired of trying to figure out the calories of something like a piece of meat when there seems to be a lot of conflicting info. So the high fiber things seems odd. Why so much? What about people who are diabetics? How about WLS people who are told to focus on protein?

Plus the whole dietician thing felt odd. How many dieting buzzwords and new findings can they come up with. I had to write a a bunch of them down, words I had not heard even though I have looked at so many diets. Lots of talk about how sustained weight loss is a balance of all these different things like gut bacteria etc...

I am looking for some thoughts on the usefulness of dieticians and thoughts on what she is saying about fiber.


submitted by /u/Xarick
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I just reached 100kg and I'm officialy done

This is my breaking point. I just turned 21, I've been overweight basically my whole life, and I'm done.

It's not that I don't play sports, or workout, it's just that I eat like a pig and have way too many "lazy" days, that's changing right now.

I just bought myself a scale, I'm gonna be meassuring my progress, controling my meals and doing a lot more exercise.

I hope to come back in 6 months so much healthier and happy than I am now.

If anyone wants to come with on this journey and motivate each other let me know and we'll be weight loss buddies!

submitted by /u/e-type6110
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from loseit - Lose the Fat