Monday, December 19, 2022

When to get back into things post Covid

Last Tuesday I was 3 lbs from my goal weight. I went for a 25 minute run. I got my 10k steps. I was doing great. Last Wednesday, I tested positive for covid, with all that went with that. Fevers, coughing, sore throat, shortness of breath, extreme fatigue. Since then, I have done nothing to do with weight loss or even maintenance. I laid on my couch and played hours of Animal Crossing. I ate whenever I was hungry, and surprisingly, I was hungry A LOT. I expected to have the normal sick "barely choking things down" thing that I usually have when I'm sick. This time, with Covid, I was ravenous a lot of the time. Perhaps because my body had been in a deficit for months and now it was trying to gather the reserves to fight off a serious illness? So I ate. Because there is no way I was going to deprive myself of energy to fight Covid. And also because I was maddeningly hungry. Lol Today is the first day since Wednesday morning that I feel pretty much normal. I have been doing progressively better since Friday evening, I would say. I'm still not really restricting calories or exercising though. So now I'm wondering when it makes sense to start trying again. I weighed myself this morning (first time since I got sick) and despite the massive quantities of food I ate for most of a week, I was only up 1 lb, so I'm not super concerned about weight loss for the moment, but I also don't want to let things slip for a longer time than I need to. I don't want to get out of the habit of running and exercising. But I also don't want to push my body too hard after being pretty sick. When do you think would be safe to get back on the wagon, so to speak? Thinking about at least trying to go for a walk tomorrow and logging calories, even if I don't run, and just seeing how I feel. Does that seem sensible?

submitted by /u/Overbeingoverit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Does minor energy expenditure help with weight loss?

When I was a student I would walk over 8 km a day with a knapsack travelling between classes, campus events, restaurants, bus stations and malls and I studied between 0-6 hours each day. On keto, during my school days, I could lose over 30 pounds in under 3 months. But when I finished school and sat at home in an online job, I could only lose 2 pounds a month doing the same keto diet I did before. So does even minor exercise burn a lot of body fat?

submitted by /u/HappyIndigoReader
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Everyone tells me I look better now that I’ve gained weight, but I don’t see it.

So I started my journey at 366 and at my lowest I was 190. I’ve slowly but surely been gaining some weight back and I’m around 235. I feel fat as can be, I feel like none of my clothes fit right but recently in several occasions I’ve had people tell me I look better now than I did. I’ve heard “you were too skinny” so many times lately.

To be clear, I never bring up weight loss, even at my peak I never mentioned it but people always ask or bring it up.

I’m lost, I feel so fat and gross but everyone’s telling me I shouldn’t lose any more weight.

At a minimum I want to get to 220 again but now I’m confused. Anyone experienced this? Is it just body issues I’m experiencing now or are they just haters?

submitted by /u/Spoolx21
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does anyone else’s family bring up weight loss or fitness now that you’ve lost weight?

Hi everyone. I guess this is more of a rant than question, I’m just so flustered. Over the last several years, I’ve taken my time in my weight loss and family members I haven’t seen in a while have taken notice. I don’t know if I’m going crazy but whenever I visit my family, my relatives comment on my weight loss. Then, they start talking about eating healthier and making fitness their priority for next year. It makes me cringe and I don’t know how to navigate it.

submitted by /u/hbicuche
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What are some products that have helped you along in your weight loss journey?

I’m starting to really focus on my physical health in the new year and have some weight to lose. My company got us $250 to Amazon for Christmas, and as my family and I are taking a trip instead of buying presents, I’ve decided to spend it on setting myself up for success. I’ve already thought to get some nicer earbuds so I can listen to podcasts on walks, but what are some other items that have helped you lose weight and get healthy? TIA!

submitted by /u/cheeekydino
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I regifted the candies my boss gave me

After my previous post, I found a place with a weight loss management clinic. It's covered mostly by insurance, which is great. I was put on a low carb diet (less than 100g carbs/day) and my next check in is on December 27th. I didn't think that one through! :D

Anywhoozle, it's the season for our vendors to send us gifts. We have cookies, candies and nuts in our break room, and it's so easy to grab something when you're walking by to get water or tea. I had ONE candied nut, the rest salted pecans.

I was talking to a co-worker about how him and his family had created these wonderful cookies that were in the break room, and my boss listens in and goes: I got cookies! Want some? I go no thanks, I'm good. He proceeded to give me 3 boxes of various chocolate related candy. On top of the box of chocolates he already gave me. I don't think he had any malicious intent with it, just sharing the gifts we're getting from our vendors.

Another co-worker walks up to my desk and I regift two of the unwanted gifts to him. I then walk over to another co-worker and regift the last one to her. Now I'm only left with the giant box of chocolates he gave me. But I have a plan! He's out of the office on Monday, I left the box in the drawer at my desk, and I'll leave it in the break room for others to enjoy!

If I didn't have someone I'd have to check in with on the 27th, all of that would have come home with me.

submitted by /u/NoorAnomaly
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The topic of my weightloss at the dinner table.

Growing up in a family that valued looks and money over everything was super fun. I always knew as soon as I left someone's house they would be talking about me, if I had gained or lost. Sometimes even bringing it up to me too. It was extremely toxic and I finally broke out of when I was in my young 20s.

I'm 40 now and we had Christmas dinner with some family. So here are the comments at the table when the topic of my weight loss this year came up. I hadn't seen some of these people in a while.

"OH wow, you look great."

"You're face is so thin"

"Yall, I don't think I realized how big she was."

-Next comment was when I declined bread.- 

"We'll, I can eat bread because I walk 10 miles a day."

"You're thin now, so the least you can do is stand up straight"

"You better stop now, you are too thin."

Fun times.

submitted by /u/Pink_Raku
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from loseit - Lose the Fat