Thursday, February 21, 2019

I think I finally found the key to helping my body image.

I’m still in the middle of a pretty massive weight loss journey (over 100 down and about 30 to go but I’ve slowed down quite a bit). I have been doing heavy protien and moderate fat along with counting calories. It’s been very successful My self esteem took a real hit with the weight loss. I developed body dysmorphia at some point so I just couldn’t see a difference in 100 pounds of loss in a positive way. All I could focus on was the remaining fat and loose skin. People would tell me I looked great but I felt like they were just being polite since that’s what you are supposed to say to people who lost weight.

It was really getting me down so I decided to try getting back into strength training. I havd given it up long ago because I was worried that too much muscle would make it too hard for me to pass. (I’m trans). But I started it up and I remember how much I genuinely liked weightlifting. I look forward to gym days and am genuinely excited to go. Surprisingly thought I’ve started seeing improvement in my body. Even in a few months of work I’ve seen some real improving in my neck and shoulders as well as my leg muscle. It feels so strange to actually see positive change in my body and my mental state is way better than a few months ago,

I guess I just wanted to share and encourage people to expirament with new workouts or looks if they aren’t loving their progress because they might just find the catalyst to fix that by trying new things.

submitted by /u/Magnanimousbosch
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The Best Foods to Eat for Energy

When it comes to feeling your best one of the requests I hear from people the most is “I would love to have more energy!” Wouldn’t we all?! As a working parent I’m constantly striving to find the right balance of work and daily activity vs. rest and recovery. Let’s just say there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything on my to-do list done, but I do have some strategic food tactics to help me increase my energy levels throughout the day.

from Life Time Weight Loss Blog

I don't know why I keep going over my calorie limit. I'm starting to feel bad about myself.

Hi guys, I've been lurking here for a while but it's my first time posting !

I've been doing CICO for more than a year but stopped losing weight and even gained a few pounds during those past 4 months. I've already lost 45 lbs and have another 25 to go but I feel like I'm never going to be able to reach my goal at this rate.

I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't know why I keep eating and eating when I know I already met my calorie allowance for the day... It usually happens after I finish my diner. I'd eat and then immediately go for a big snack even though I know I'm not hungry anymore. Or worse, sometimes I'd have a cheat meal and then still eat my usual meal for dinner, thus going way over my maintenance.

It's so hard to know I'm sabotaging my weight loss and myself everyday... Did any of you guys ever deal with this ?

submitted by /u/murishu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

They said it’s unhealthy to lose at a rate of more than 2 pounds a week, but is it?

I started losing early January primarily through CICO. I have been eating approximately 1500 calories per day, however some days are as high as 2000 and some days as low as 1200. This has resulted in my going from about 300 to 260 in around 40ish days.

I don’t watch macros super religiously, but I have tried to be mindful. I try to avoid carbs but haven’t been scared to eat tortillas or a piece of bread if it makes sense with the meal. I didn’t want to be skinny fat so I researched protein. At my calorie limit it’s almost impossible to hit the proper amount of protein, so I supplement with shakes. I usually skip breakfast or drink a smoothie, small lunch consisting of a salad and maybe fruit, then eat lean meat and 4 servings of vegetables with dinner. Throughout the day I drink 2 protein shakes with almond milk resulting in about 150g of protein per day.

I excercise between 3-5 times a week for an hour. Generally 15-30 minutes elliptical, and the rest basic main lifts. I’m usually on my feet for 7-12 hours.

As someone who loves food and eating it for fun, I’m surprised by the fact I don’t feel like I’m starving. I don’t feel like I don’t get enough food. I am strict on eating lots of vegetables with my meat and it keeps me totally satisfied. I have eaten out probably 5+ times but just been mindful of the calories and don’t eat as much during the day if I’m going out to dinner. I have yet to have over 2,000 calories a day since I started.

My question is how unhealthy is this weight loss? It is coming off at an incredible rate, and I feel just as well nourished as when I was eating 3,500 calories a day to be at 300 pounds. Am I supposed to slow down?

submitted by /u/Uoieauoieauoiea
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I genuinely can't believe I put EATING over my mental health and wellbeing for so long

I'm well into my weight loss journey, but I still have a ways to go. Especially mentally. I'm pretty close to my goal weight but I still feel like I'm so far off from having a healthy relationship with food. Like does anyone else feel like they'll never be able to change? Why can't I just be one of those people who don't care about food, and literally just see it as a way to fuel their body. It's so fucked up that for the longest time I would have rather eaten complete shit than be happy with my appearance.

I just feel like a complete idiot for letting myself be so insecure and unhappy with myself over something so stupid. If I could have my tastebuds removed I would. Because sometimes I feel like that's the only way I'll ever be able to stop being so obsessed with food.

submitted by /u/LegitimatePick3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally woke up in Onederland! [SV]

Hey guys! This is my first post and i’m on mobile, so sorry if the format is awful.

I’ve been overweight for as long as I can remember. I was the chubby kid who was slow and out of shape all the time. My parents never really taught me how to live a healthy lifestyle (they have struggled with weight and health issues for years.)

I started my weight loss journey in July of 2018 at my heaviest: 258 lbs as a 21 year old, 6 foot tall guy. I was obese, and I hated it. I hated every picture I was in, I hated looking in the mirror, etc.

Well I started off by just cutting out sugar, and I did lose a few pounds just by that. But I wasn’t satisfied by any means. So I started counting calories and watching what I eat. I also found this subreddit to help find motivation and encouragement. I also started jogging and running which I actually really enjoy!

Anyway, this morning I woke up and weighed in at 198.5 pounds! I don’t remember the last time i was under 200 pounds (mainly because i was too scared to weigh in once I was over 200.)

One thing that surprised me is how easy it is to count calories now with a free app and some determination! If you’re on the fence about making a lifestyle change, do it! You will not regret it! Simple CICO is what has helped me the most. This subreddit has helped me a lot as well with staying encouraged.

Best of luck to you all!

submitted by /u/IINobleBatmanII
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice on balancing CICO with social life

I’m working really hard on sticking with my CICO goals but my biggest struggle is consistency. I get frustrated when my mother in law invites us over for dinner once a week, or if a family get together happens, or when friends go out to eat. I feel like I have to isolate myself in order to stick with CICO and see any results. I do IF, and on days where I don’t prepare my own food I do OMAD. But eating food I haven’t prepared is a huge struggle for me as I’ve learned how easy it is to eat over my budget. I use MyFitnessPal (and I know I can log food I haven’t prepared, but I’m more concerned about accuracy).

How do you guys manage? Do you bring your own food to dinner? Do you cancel your plans? I’m trying so hard to balance weight loss with enjoying life and being social but the two seem to clash more often than not. Any advice would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/becasaurusrex
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from loseit - Lose the Fat