Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Introducing myself.

I am so glad that I found this community. I am 33 years old woman I am 166cm tall and my ideal weight is 60-62kg. During the quarantine I gained 7kg. I already started losing them and I'm at 66kg.

I have always been very aware of my weight. At 19 years old, I reached 55kg in 3-4 months, eating one day yes and one day no. Obviously I got sick, I lost weight but all my muscle mass. My heart was not healthy and my kidneys ached all day. Fortunately, I put that behind with the help of my boyfriend who is my husband today.

And we are trying to have a baby.

But I am still very aware of my weight. I downloaded several apps of diets and weight loss programs that have helped me a little, the problem is that I lack discipline and focus in the goal. I know what to do but I constantly find myself looking in the fridge or the cabinet of knickknacks. I always get something to eat. I also became super sedentary. Before we used to hike, sleep in tents in the mountains, etc.

As a commitment to my introduction to this community, I pledge to walk to work daily. I'm 30 minutes away. So it's 30 minutes of walking daily. And also walk back. I always start but I don't stick.

Please, any encouragement would come in handy! Thanks for having me! πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ₯°πŸ’ͺ🏼

submitted by /u/oveja_espacial
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2BvPA7S

Opposite Goals but totally on target!

Hello everyone! I wanted to share this with you all since my family doesn't seem to care lol.

I work in retail and at the beginning of last year I began to realize that I couldn't walk as fast around the store. I was sweating more and bending down was a chore. I hadn't looked at my weight in a while and my work was doing this thing where you could take a class on healthy living.

I signed up and (to no one's surprise) it was only me and one other person in the class. Her name can be Lisa. The two of us were polar opposites. I weighed in at 5"5 and 260 lbs (I may have cried a tiny bit.) And Lisa weighed in at 5"11 and 96lbs. The woman teaching the class looked at the both of us like she had no idea where to even begin. I was like a black lab who could have 5 pints of icecream in one day without blinking and Lisa was like a really picky cat who ate 5 Oreos and that was it for the rest of the day. The two things we did have in common were a love for junk food, and the overwhelming need to change everything about ourselves.

The class was two weeks long in January and we learned a lot about weight loss and weight gain and the foods that might be the best for us. The two of us decided to become weight buddies and help each other on our individual goals. When lockdown started we would video chat and keep eachthother motivated with memes and Pinterest. We are back at work now and we are both on track! I am now at 229lbs and Lisa is at 115! We still have a long way to go but we are on the road to both be healthy.

submitted by /u/notalwayslost12
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2BBvKrB

Monday, June 22, 2020

The realization that you can’t be on/off track and you are ALWAYS doing CICO, whether you’re tracking or not, has been helping my weight loss efforts tremendously.

The realization that you can’t be on/off track and you are ALWAYS doing CICO, whether you’re tracking or not has been helping my weight loss efforts tremendously.

I figured I’d share a mindset tip that has been helping me a lot! Hopefully it will resonate with at least one person, but if not, it will probably help me just writing it out!

So just a very brief background on my old mindset! I was EXTREMELY all or nothing. I would set my calories super low (underestimating my activity levels and choosing to take a 1000 cal/day deficit). I would do great for awhile, staying “on track” and losing 2-3 pounds a week. Then I would have a day of very strong cravings, hit my low calorie goal by noonish, then say “fuck it” for the rest of the day and binge on take out. The next day, I would swear to get right back on track but I would still be having strong craving from the day before. I would do the exact same thing and binge that night. Eventually, I would be completely off track until my next burst of motivation came to lose weight. I would usually be “off track” for at least a couple months at a time.

Now for how I think about things now.

Because of how biology/physics work, humans are ALWAYS on CICO, whether they’re tracking their calories or not. Why am I constantly in a cycle of either eating at a deficit or not tracking and gaining back 20 pounds at a time?? I have literally never maintained one weight for a significant period of time in my entire life.

I’ve decided to switch my calories to my maintenance calories on days that I’m have strong cravings and/or struggling with emotional eating. There are still days that I eat well over maintenance calories, but I’ve still set a minimum behavior goal of tracking my food ALWAYS, even if it’s way over my goal. Because like I said above, our bodies are always tracking our calories, so it’s good to be aware of the number (for me, at least. Please don’t listen to this advice if you’re prone to be obsessed with numbers).

When I have a day that I’m not able to control binge eating, I just track my binges, and set my calories for maintenance the next day. It usually takes me a couple days to stick to my maintenance calories just because I tend to have strong cravings for a while after binging, but I DO NOT try to go straight back into a deficit. Once I’m able to hit my maintenance calories for a few days in a row, I go back to a 500-750 calorie/day deficit. It works every time I’ve done it! No more getting “off track” for months at a time and gaining back 20+ pounds. I may put back on 5 pounds, but they come off fairly quickly and the binging cycle is so so so much shorter.

Tl;dr We only have one life and every action we take in a day is either moving us towards or away from our weight loss goals. There is no “on track” or “off track.” We make several decisions every single day that affect our weight, but as long as we don’t just say “fuck it” and binge eat for months, we will all eventually hit our goals :)

submitted by /u/sgartistry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Ynjqo0

Portion creep is real!

If you’ve been struggling over lockdown, try food journaling again!

Lockdown has been hard. All my dieting guidelines went out the window and I comfort ate my way through heaps of pasta and baked goods and processed snacks. After just 2 months, I’ve managed to put on 20 lbs, a 15% increase over my pre lockdown weight, and wiping out what took me over 9 months to lose.

I decided to get serious about my diet again, especially because piling on the gluten and sugars were causing health issues beyond my weight gain. Frankly, I thought just cutting gluten and processed sugars would be enough. I started with a ‘healthy’ lunch of ‘only’ grilled proteins and veggies - and when I logged it, it was 1200 calories!

It was a big wake up call. Clearly my ability to estimate food portions had also gone out the window. So when in doubt or when your weight loss has plateaued or even reversed, consider reintroducing food logging and more precise measurements.

Would love to hear other tips of what has helped in your weight loss journey. My go to are: - food tracking - MFP is great for me - cutting out carbs, gluten and processed sugars - these make a big difference for my gut and skin and energy levels - NOT having unhealthy snacks in the house - having healthy replacements - eg homemade protein balls for a sweet treat - having a few go to meal recipes for days when I don’t want to think - making sure my meals have enough protein and fat - otherwise I get hungry really quickly :(

submitted by /u/snowsilk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2NiZ1Kx

Two weeks in - still going strong

Just wrapped up a second week of consistent calorie tracking and exercise, and feeling proud of myself!

My goals this past week, like the week before that, were simply to record calories every day (while aiming for a reasonable calorie limit) and to try out some bodyweight exercises. I also added stretching to my morning routine to give myself a reason to put on exercise clothes every day. This week I'll be a bit more strict with my calorie limits and will work on building a real exercise routine.

Since starting, I've come to appreciate how much of my eating is driven by boredom or stress. That fact isn't novel or surprising, but I feel that with my current approach to weight loss, I can really take the time to acknowledge it and find healthy workarounds.

For those who weigh themselves regularly; what kind of schedule do you follow (e.g. , daily, weekly)? Previously I'd weigh myself daily and celebrate every lost pound, but it worked against me when I'd hit plateaus. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/SoundsAndScience
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3hRyNwu

Ok now is the time to get into shape! (Before school starts back up lol)

By august 1st hopefully I will drop fat and put on some muscle currently I am 160lb (6’1”) and I’m hoping to stay around that weight however get more fit. If I can put on around 20lbs for football that would be fantastic too!

I’m moving back to a state I’ve already lived in however I was I think 13/14 at the time and was super chubby (130/140lbs at like 5’0”) and I want to suprise my friends that are still there. They still remember short fat me and imma try to whip myself into shape.

I’m only 16 rn and a late bloomer so I still have the “hormonal advantage” so hopefully I’ll be able to do this. I hope to just get into shape and become a lot more fit in general. I know this sub is mainly for weight loss but hey, this fits in too right?

I plan on taking before and after pics and I’ll link them here _________ on august first.

I just need to get super motivated and start today. I’ve been working out semi constantly for around 2 years now so I’m hoping to kick it up a notch and get into shape, it will be super hard but it will be very very worth it.

I’m making this post to hold myself accountable as when I write something and have others read it it makes me complete that task! (Normally anyway lol)

Edit: I don’t think I ever mentioned this: I am male

submitted by /u/perm-throuwaway
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2CwYnXE

I'm 15 and im about to jump into a weight loss thingy.

I'd say this is said alot so sorry for that. Last month a started a weight loss idea, and my strategy worked so Im gonna kick it into full gear. I started running and eating two- three meals a day, no snacks in between, no eating after 7.

I failed alot obviously and it was a very lose diet, but it worked and I lost 3 pounds In a month to my surprise.

So im now going to kick it full on, eating schedule and monitoring what I ate. After all, I ate whatever I wanted during the diet as long as it was in 2 meals only and it still worked somehow πŸ˜‚

Anyway so Im gonna try keep updating this post like a log. Any advice at all would be appreciated very much. -23/6/2020 14 stone 5

submitted by /u/yo_waddup-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3dqgR8W