Thursday, June 25, 2020

I lost 8 lbs!

First time poster, but a long time lurker.

SW: 183 CW: 175 GW: 120

I'm 5'1" female and just turned 17. I was always a very skinny child because I was so picky, but when I hit puberty and life started getting stressful, I admittedly gained a lot of weight. I would stuff my face with cakes, ice-cream, mcdonalds, hot Cheetos and ramen at almost any chance I could get. My eating habits were always encouraged by family members (we're Italian, we love to eat) and I was rarely encouraged to eat healthfully unless my mom was on another one of those fad diets. From August 2018 to May of 2020 I had put on 26 lbs and I KNEW something had to change. I was no longer in just the end of the overweight bmi, I was now considered obese. Once quarantine hit, I started to slowly change my diet. Less fast food, more fruits and vegetables and took up working out. In mid april, I became serious about making a long lasting change and downloaded MFP and began to count calories (1400 a day with a deficit of 500 from my maintenance, perhaps a bit more from exercise although I'm not sure) alongside taking my dogs for longer walks and those Chloe Ting workouts everyone hypes up. I'm officially 8 lbs down from 183 lbs and now at 175! I still have a long way to go as my weight loss goal is 120 lbs but I'm so proud of myself. My size 13 shorts are now noticeably looser and I'm only a few pounds away from fitting into my size 11 ones again! I couldn't have done it without the people on this community motivating me with their weight loss stories everyday :)

submitted by /u/Internal-Comparison8
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Start a Weight loss Journal to hold yourself accountable

I started my weight loss journey on 6/6 and so far I've lost 9 pounds. I wanted to share my weight loss journal in hopes it may inspire you to start one and track your progress. This includes weekly weigh ins, pounds lost, recipes, feelings, non-scale victories. So far it has helped me hold myself accountable and I look forward to going through it a year from now and see where I started. I kick started my weight loss doing low carb, 500 calorie deficit and intermittent fasting. I also try to walk, clean, wash my car to burn a few extra calories here and there.

Weight loss Journal

submitted by /u/teddybobeddy23
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Marathon Training Day 1 – Video Diary?

I mentioned at the start of this year that I wanted to get back to daily running blog updates. But there were several speed bumps that got in the way… staying at AirBnBs, then my friend’s house and finally the COVID19 pandemic all impacted both my running, eating and blogging. So while I’ve been running ... Read More about Marathon Training Day 1 – Video Diary?

The post Marathon Training Day 1 – Video Diary? appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat


I am massively frustrated. Throughout this pandemic:

I am 215lbs, 5’8, 52 years old, male. 41.5” waist. I have a lot of muscle, but probably at 20-25% BF.

  • No alcohol
  • Protein 1g per lb of bodyweight
  • 10x bodyweight in calories
  • 40/40/20 ratio of nice clean foods
  • strength training 4x a week
  • cardio 3x a week

So all good things. Weight loss? Absolutely zero. Waist size? No change.

I find it hard to believe my TDEE is 2100 calories a day. So at this point, other than doing cardio more, I would have to drop my calories down to 1600-1700, which seems very low for someone of my size.

I don’t know where to go from here. It’s frustrating to do all of the smart things and get no results.

submitted by /u/blowingtumbleweed
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Seven months in, and I feel like a brand new person.

I'm a 32 year old male, and the timing of starting this in November got me through the quarantine in high spirits. Had I still had the same lifestyle I had pre-November, I think I would have loathed the last 6 months. Despite everything around me seemingly crumbling into pieces, I was able to be in high-spirits and highly motivated. I've gone from about 310 with very high body fat, to about 245 and fairly toned/muscular.

I really want my path in life to be one where I get to help others, the way others have helped me. I have learned with weight loss that knowledge is power, and you have to be willing to fail before you can succeed.

I've started documenting my journey and my success on Youtube, consider checking it out if you're at all interested in my weight loss journey, and how it can apply to your own journey. Thanks!

submitted by /u/ShitoshiSan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

(Rant) Lost weight, but still big (in some areas)

So over the quarantine my weight has gone down to about 154 lbs (it fluctuates by +/- 1-2 lbs depending on the time of the day. Of course, I'm very happy about it, it's one of my biggest burdens off my back. But I still have a bit of a gut and slightly big thighs (I'm male, so neither of those aspects are rather attractive, but that would go for women as well). Makes me a bit discouraged, but I don't think of it pretty often.

If it matters, most of my weight loss came from dietary changes (Less sugar, set eating times, more fluids, etc; the usual), kept the exercise to pretty minimum (only a bit of cycling 4 days per week) Maybe that's the matter?

submitted by /u/gluee_aoty
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Boost Weight Loss and Improve Sleep with this Before-Bed Workout Routine

What’s the best time to exercise? When you can fit it in—even if that’s right before bed. You may have heard that exercising at night can make it harder to fall asleep, but that claim doesn’t add up: According to the National Sleep Foundation, a study of 1,000 people found that there were no significant differences in sleep quality between people who exercised within four hours of going to sleep versus those who had worked out earlier in the day.

No matter what time of day you exercise, you’ll likely sleep better: In the National Sleep Foundation study, 83 percent of “vigorous exercisers” got “very good” or “fairly good” quality of sleep, compared to just 56 percent of non-exercisers. And working out before bed could actually improve your sleep quality further: In a review of 23 different studies, published in Sports Medicine, people who exercised within four hours of bedtime had more hours of deep sleep than those who didn’t do those workouts, says

Getting quality sleep is a big deal to your risk of early death, risk of disease and also your weight loss efforts. When you sleep less, you eat more… and not quality, nutrient dense foods. One study, published in Clinical Nutritional and Metabolism Care, found that when people got fewer than seven hours of sleep, their daily calorie intake increased by 14 percent, with most of those extra calories coming from high-carbohydrate foods.

Burn more calories with a before bed workout and get better sleep to control your appetite. Our fitness experts at The Leaf have created this quick workout before bed to help you on your wellness and weight loss journey! Just remember to give yourself a one-hour break after the exercise. This will help your body cool down and prepare for slumber—just as you would after a warm bath.

6 Foods You Should Never Eat Before Bed

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Get started with some strength training.

Strength training at any time of the day improves your sleep. However, a before-bed strength session can mean you’ll sleep more soundly, waking up less frequently during the night. Of course, it can also help with your weight loss goals: According to The Harvard Gazette, scientists found that men who performed 20 minutes of “daily weight training” experienced less age-related belly fat gains than those who did the same amount of cardio work.

This short before bed workout is lower intensity, so you won’t get too amped up—or too sweaty—in the hours before bed. Perform all sets of each exercise before moving to the next exercise. Rest for one minute between each exercise and set.

Exercise 1: Squat to Chair (or Bed)

squat exercise

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointed slightly out from parallel. Push your hips back to initiate the squat, controlling your descent as you bend your knees to descend until you sit in the chair. As you descend, keep your chest up and your weight on your heels. Keep the weight of your body in your heels and press back to standing without using your hands. If this is too hard, perform only the lowering portion of the squat—sitting down—then use your hands to stand back up and repeat. Perform four sets of five repetitions each. Over time, try to increase the repetitions.

Exercise 2: Elevated Push-up

The Leaf working out before bed for improved wellness

Place your hands on the seat of chair or on the fourth step of a staircase. Assume the classic push-up position: Arms perpendicular to your torso, your body forming a straight line from head to heels. Maintaining this rigid body line, bend your elbows to lower your chest towards the seat. To protect your shoulders from pain and injury, keep your elbows relatively tight to your sides rather than flaring them out at a 90-degree angle. Press back to start. If this is too hard, try a wall push-up instead. Perform four sets of four or more repetitions each.

The Importance of Good Sleep and Staying Healthy

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Exercise 3: Supine Glute Bridge

The Leaf working out before bed for improved wellness

Lie face-up on a mat with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your arms at your sides, palms up. Keeping your feet flat on the floor, squeeze your glutes to raise your hips forcefully off the floor until your body forms a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. As you’re lifting, keep your knees and thighs parallel—don’t let them pull together. This will engage your hip musculature. Pause for a second at the top of the exercise, then slowly return to the start position. As you’re raising up, don’t let your heels come off the floor. Perform four sets of five repetitions each. Over time, try to increase the number of repetitions in each set.

Exercise 4: Wall Stick Up

The Leaf working out before bed for improved wellness

Stand facing away from a wall, with your feet about six inches away from the wall. Your head, upper back and butt should all be in contact with the wall—and they should stay in contact with it throughout the exercise. Put your arms straight up overhead, with the backs of your hands, elbows and forearms in contact with the wall. Now slide your arms down the wall by bending your elbows, keeping your hands, forearms and shoulders in contact with the wall. Keep lowering until your elbows come as close as you can bring them to your sides. (You should feel a strong contraction between your shoulder blades.) Pause, then slide your arms back up the wall until your arms are overhead. Perform four sets of five repetitions each. Over time, try to increase the number of repetitions in each set, aiming for eight repetitions.

10 Easy Home Workouts You Can Do in Your Living Room

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Finish up with some calming stretches in bed.

When people with insomnia do yoga, they become more likely to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer, says The National Sleep Foundation. Calm your own body down with this six-pack of restorative stretches after your strength workout, and help put yourself on the path to dreamland. Sit on the edge of the bed for the first three stretches, then lie on the bed for the last three.

Stretch 1: Circle Your Ankles

The Leaf working out before bed for improved wellness

Sit on the edge of the bed with both feet on the ground. Lift one foot off the floor and circle your ankle 10 to 15 times in each direction. Repeat with the other foot.

Stretch 2: Lift Your Heels

night stretches

Place both feet back on the floor. Press the balls of both feet into the floor and lift your heels off the ground, stretching the midfoot. Perform 10 to 15 lifts.

Stretch 3: Stretch Your Side

The Leaf working out before bed for improved wellness

Sit up tall. Place your right hand on the bed by your side and lift your left arm to the ceiling. Arc the left arm up and over the head until you feel a slight stretch in your side. Reverse the movement to the starting position. Repeat six to eight times per side.

10 Ten-Minute Workouts

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Stretch 4: Rock with Your Knees at Your Chest

The Leaf working out before bed for improved wellness

Lie on your back on the bed. Bring your knees towards your chest, and grab your legs just below your knees. Rock back and forth gently a few times.

Stretch 5: Single Knee to Chest


Still on your back, straighten your legs. Now bring just one knee up to your chest while the other remains outstretched on the bed. Hug the lifted knee to your chest, then switch legs. Hug each knee three times.

Stretch 6: Lying Arm Circles

The Leaf working out before bed for improved wellness

Let your legs go straight again on the bed. Spread your arms out so your body forms a “T” shape. Keeping your arms straight, perform 10 arm circles forward, then 10 back. Repeat one more time.

Learn more helpful sleep tips and fitness routines from our wellness experts at the Leaf! We’re here to help you achieve your wellness goals along your weight loss journey.

Pair your workout routine with a healthy meal delivery service! Learn more about the Nutrisystem program >

*Always speak with your doctor before starting an exercise routine.

5 Reasons You Can’t Fall Asleep at Night

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The post Boost Weight Loss and Improve Sleep with this Before-Bed Workout Routine appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf