Friday, April 23, 2021

NSW: clothes don’t fit anymore

I’ve lost 195 pounds and it’s finally happened. I raised my arm up to reach something and my bra came up to- in the middle of Best Buy and then I put my phone in my “skinny jeans” and they fell down. I guess it’s time to buy new clothes.

The problem is that I don’t really want to buy new clothes if they’re going to be to big in 2 or 3 months. I was wearing a 30-32 and I did buy a pair of shorts that were a 24 last month and now their loose too. What kind of clothes allow a good amount of weight loss before they start falling down when you walk? 😆 I mean at least with the pandemic it’s not like we get out much, but it’s the desert (90f or 32.2c tomorrow). I mean at home I live in swimsuits and dresses that look like tents. How do you justify spending a good amount on clothes when your loosing weight.

The rules said we needed to say how we did it- so I eat 1200 calories a day and only 40-50 carbs a day. I’m a type 1 diabetic and the less carb the lower amount of insulin you need and insulin causes weight gain. I plan my meals and log them into my fitness pal. It helps cause when it gets hectic around here I don’t go: I’ll just have some of this Mac and cheese I’m feeding the kids. 😂

I’m just starting to really exercise again, because in November of last year I had Necrotizing fasciitis and severe sepsis with multiple organ. I was so surprised at how hard it hit me and how quickly it sapped all my energy and endurance. But I slowly started walking and then cleaning the house and running after the kid. Now I try and swim every day and have started doing Zumba in the pool.

So I guess my main point is eat less and the weight will drop and as things get easier move more.

submitted by /u/Emie554
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

65 pounds lost since July 26, 2020. 41F, 5’4”, 208—> 143

Strict keto and 18:6/16:8 IF for the first seven months. Transitioned to low carb over the past couple of months to prepare for maintenance mode; kept the IF. I do it the easy way by skipping breakfast and eating lunch between 11:00 and noon (later if I’m busy at work). Minimal cheat meals and zero entire cheat days. No snacking between my two meals; lots of coffee, water, and sparkling water. I rarely feel hungry between meals thanks to IF.

Very little exercise apart from occasional walks or walk/runs 1-3 times per week. I recalculate macros and TDEE with every ten pounds lost for general awareness. However, I do not formally track calories or weigh food. I weigh myself every morning but officially “weigh in” on Sundays. I do this in the Notes app on my phone.

UGW = 135 but I will reassess when I get there. So close! What I’ve learned is that weight loss and maintenance consist of the accumulation of small choices daily, over time. Those small choices lead to the development of habits, which come in clutch on days when motivation is nonexistent.

I wish everyone here a successful journey. I have learned so much from this sub. I’m happy to answer questions if that can help anyone out there.

submitted by /u/jena5111
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Darkness of Neck/Acanthosis nigricans

Hi! I'm a male, 26, current weight is 277, my goal weight is 220 or less!

I was wondering for those who suffered from acanthosis nigricans or dark neck. How long did it take for you to notice the condition was gone or has at least gotten better?

I'm still on my weight loss journey but was curious if it was something that went away very quickly or took months if not years to subside. I'm very self conscious about it :/ but as I said above I'm still on this journey.

My blood sugars are good, prior to this journey I was teetering towards prediabetes. However, since exercising, counting calories, and watching what I eat my sugars have been okay. My other blood labs have come back healthy as well. I have considered doing low carb/keto but I'm trying to get my wife to adopt that lifestyle as well so that meal time isn't so frustrating haha.

submitted by /u/Supersusbruh
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to be content?

Hi there,

This is my first post to this place and it's hard for me to put into words really. About two years ago I weighed a lot. I was unhappy and depressed and not in a good place in life. Today I am down 140 lbs total through fitness and eating better. I have about 20-30 lbs I want to lose still. I thought that I would be happy or content with the weight loss, and I guess to degree I am, but I guess I thought it'd all get better. I'm not saying this to say 'oh poor me' or anything like that, but I was wondering if anyone else has gone through things like this? How did you change your mental outlook on yourself? I just feel like it's never enough and I'm just never gonna be happy with my weight loss.

Sorry this was a bit of rambling, have a great day everyone.

submitted by /u/Berks95
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: Visibly noticed my weight loss for the first time

F29, 5’0”, SW 168, CW 158, GW 126

In England Covid has meant all non-essential shops were shut from Christmas to 12th April, and in that time I’ve been trying to lose weight. I’m only down 10lbs, but I’ve started running regularly, massively increased my water intake and learned about staying in a calorie deficit. So I’ve been learning healthy habits, but not seeing a huge drop on the scale which has been a bit disappointing.

This week I finally had the chance to go clothes shopping - I have no warm weather stuff, and my current clothes are starting to wear out after so long. So I was in a shop queue waiting to buy something and caught sight of myself in a full length mirror: I looked slimmer! I could see it round my middle and in my legs, and my top looked a little loose on me. I didn’t look massively different but just to appear a bit slimmer was a massive confidence boost. I don’t have any big mirrors at home so it was a nice surprise!

Another smaller victory was buying and feeling comfortable in a pair of jeans; after years of living in leggings as they were comfier on my bigger frame, it felt good to be confident in jeans. It’s always good to see the small changes you make are having an impact!

submitted by /u/whosmilhouse
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Made a mistake and intentionally sabotaged myself. I'm ready to move on

hey all,

it's been a while since I posted on here. I really do post on here like it's my personal diary so I hope you won't mind any entry...

I posted on here (and other parts of reddit) recently a lot about my struggles keeping motivating to do CICO, to work out and just stick to my health journey in general. my SW was 314, last I checked (pre-period a week ago) I was 280....finally moved past that DAMN 288 point which I was stuck on for a good 2-3 months. I was stuck there to an unusual medical problem...which after speaking to countless drs and specialists I found out is a lot more common than I realised. I have had a period for the past 3 months. my body basically reacted really weirdly to this new weightloss and exercise and just started wilding out with a loooooooooong period. but after MONTHS of stressing, not losing weight, being constantly bloated and fed UP I finally have a solution: I will be taking the mini pill until further notice.

periods cannot be medically controlled to fall into a natural pattern but only medically stopped/started. so my dr and I decided i am going on the mini pill to stop this non-stop period and all the terrible symptoms (including excessive hunger) until I reach a healthy weight range/BMI. Atm my BMI is 44.9. the healthy range for me (height is 5'6) about 18.5 - 25 (according to the NHS). so I have a lot of work to do. it isn't ideal for me to add ANOTHER medication to my list (I have an autoimmune so I have to deal with that factor slowing down my process too and have to take a lot of meds for it) but at the end of the day I am trying to see the positive: getting off the mini pill is motivation for me to work hard now to lose the weight and stop taking it sooner rather than later.

anyway I did something today which I kinda regret (not sure why kinda). I got a huge McDonalds. I wrestled with myself all evening. I ate a lot today as it was, just over my 1500 cals (without dinner) - a lot of that high carb and sugar due to period cravings (last period before I begin mini pill). I had just about talked myself into smaller portions or something but when I got to the drive thru something took over me and I ordered a large mcchicken legend meal with a coke. ate the whole lot. thinking about having cereal now too. its so stupid isn't it. I read on here (earlier today) once you lose 10% of your overall aimed weight loss you learn new habits....well I guess that isn't true for me? I knew what I was doing was wrong.

I argued with myself after today I will not do this again. tonight is the last time. my loseit app told me earlier if I kept eating the way I was I wouldn't lose the next 133lbs till 2023 and that was a huge blow to me. so I said: I will live tonight and tomorrow no carb no sugar no nothing. and tbh I want to do that. I was trying to rationale with myself that I will test it out for just a month. one month. just one month of my entire life and see how no junk food and sugar goes. I really DO want to do it. but will I be able to? I doubt myself so much. I feel like maybe I get scared of doing well with this weight loss because I know when when I have lost the weight, I will still need to maintain, then get use it and I STILL may not be internally happy with how I look still. I know weight isn't everything when it comes to internal happiness but it is a huge part of living a long healthy life. I've been bullied my whole life for my weight/size....I'm lonely because of my weight. there is so much RIDING on this. I feel like if I lose the weight and don't get all the things I long for, I dream for, I wish for and pray for: it would have all been for nothing. I feel tears coming into my eyes as I say this.

I want to do this. I want to be the person I envision for myself but when push comes to shove, I do try but I also seem to ALWAYS self sabotage. I have these periods of great progress then I f--k it up with a huge binge. I seem to find a way to mess up. like tonight. I knew I shouldn't have had to mcd's. I didn't need it. I wasn't even hungry!!!! even know I want the chocolate cereal as a 'last time'. I feel like whenever I do well I get scared for whatever reason and mess up purposely. and I am only hurting myself!!!!

I am hurting inside. I have made a lot of NSV victories and lost weight in general. but I can't seem to focus on those aspects enough. I try to remind myself I sleep better now, I feel better, I have more energy, clothes are looser...but my mind goes back to well: you still look terrible in X outfit, you have so many rolls, you have SUCH a long way to go. I love seeing progress on this page, from my heart I feel happy for others but it does remind me how slow my journey has been. only 30 lbs in 6 months. and that with a gastric ballon for 4 months.

I think about all my f--k ups, the failures, the slowness of my progress, the times I didn't work out, the times I binged, the times I forced myself to throw up and the times I come on here to vent then go and make silly mistakes again and I feel defeated.

I want to do better. I want to be better. I want to be the version of myself I DESERVE to be. not for a relationship or for others validation: just for me.

thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/stressedoutpeach1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Maintenance plan

Son I started my weight loss late march. I had but on like 30 lb sumce the pandemic and hardly any of pants fit. I (34 m) started at 199.9 lbs and went on crazy strict diet ~1200 cal and bike 10 miles every day which shod create a deficit of at min 500 max 1500 (depends on if i was active at work).So far ive lost 22 lbs and am trying to lose 10 more spmid I bounce back it wont be so bad. Besides 165 is my "normal" weight.

My question is, what would a maintenance diet or exceesise routine look like. Has anyone had a hard time readjusting? My stomach shrank k suppose, less food definitely fills me up but this level of a structured life is kinda crazy.

submitted by /u/RustyShackleford555
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from loseit - Lose the Fat