Monday, December 12, 2022

Day 1 Again and Again

Hi Lose it,

Ive been in my fitness journey now since April of 2019. I am a 5’10” male who started at 320LBs and got all the way down to 220Lbs using weight watchers.

Once COVID Hit, I gained back to 260 and was comfortably there until until September of 2021 where I restarted my journey. I was able to get to 225 by January of 2022 by having a friend coach me through a low carb focused diet. I was eating approximately 2400 Calories a day and losing 1.5-2Lbs a week.

After January, my body revolted and I started feeling lethargic, fingers and toes feeling cold, slow heart beat, and general uncomfortableness and my weight loss stalled again. I slowly worked my way up eating more until I was maintaining at 3500. I tried Low carb and restricting once again but I had the same bouts of lethargy, cold extremities and slow heartbeat. I went to my PCP and she recommended a heart specialist who found nothing out of sorts

Part of me wondered what I was doing wrong, what was wrong with me? I decided to eat more and pick up weight lifting. I fell in love with it.

I was going to the gym 4-5 times a week and seeing reasonable progress with my lifts over the next 6 months. I was eating Approximately 3400 on rest days and 4000calories on workout days. I was feeling excited, powerful and consistent.

Then Thanksgiving week hit and something in my body changed again.

I had my normal oatmeal, eggs and protein before my workout. That workout was different. I normally could do 12-14 reps at the bench press 4 times with a 150 weight but I couldn’t manage one round without being out of breath, fingers cold to the touch.

I thought maybe it was just not my day, we all have days like that. It continued and my fear was realized and I stopped going to the gym.

I have another appointment scheduled with my PCP to see if they can give me additional clarity on what’s going on.

I will never give up and continue my work to improve myself. This journey isn’t easy.

Would anyone have advice or point me in the direction of questions to ask my PCP to best support me and my fitness journey?

submitted by /u/SolarStar93
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is there any point in me doing ‘at home’ workouts to get a toned stomach when I’m still overweight?

Can someone please explain the simple science behind all of it? I know weight loss is calories in, calories out, but how should I go about getting toned and building muscle in specific places? I know it’s impossible to spot reduce fat, but can you target where you tone up/gain muscle? Should I wait until I am at a healthier weight with less fat surrounding areas and then attempt to tone? And do I need to eat more protein in order to become more toned around my stomach and thighs?

submitted by /u/Chance-Success-4732
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

5 Tips to Avoid Holiday Stress

From decking the halls to scouring the mall, for many people, the holidays are so jam-packed with to-dos, they can leave us feeling more stressed than the big guy in red himself.

While the holidays can be a joyous time of the year, all of those extra festivities can sometimes add up to extra stress. Gift buying and wrapping, hosting and attending parties, and sending out holiday cards are all fun things, but they can also contribute to a sense of holiday burnout.

Suddenly our schedules are jampacked and it feels like we’re caught up in a lot of hustle and bustle instead of simply enjoying the season. Since stress is often to blame for our slim-down slip-ups, and this time of year is teeming with sweet treats just waiting for a moment of weakness, it’s important to find healthy ways to cope when the holiday hoopla becomes too much to handle.

We know that it can all feel a bit overwhelming at times, which is why we’ve rounded up some tips on how to avoid holiday stress. While this is certainly the season of giving, you’ll need some self-care to prevent burning out. Check out these tips for dealing with holiday stress:

1. Find Ways to Stay Active

christmas lights

As our schedules get busier, it can be harder to find time to work out. But it’s important that you find ways to keep “staying active” on your to-do list. Plenty of research has demonstrated how exercise can reduce stress, so now is not the time to stop.

If your evenings are now jam-packed, set the alarm to get in a quick morning work-out. Or maybe you can find a way to go for a walk or hit the gym over your lunch hour.

Even without the rush of the holiday season, we know that it can be challenging to stay motivated during the winter—particularly if you’re someone who likes to exercise outside. But with the right clothing, you can still get your outdoor workouts in on most days.

Take in the beautiful holiday light displays with a night stroll, or get your feel-good hormones flowing by walking while the sun’s still out. This one works wonders not just in terms of holiday stress, but stress in general.

You might also take this time to discover a new indoor workout you have never tried before. Think outside of the box and try something new like boxing or even search the Internet for easy cardio routines. You just may be surprised at what you end up embracing—and how it can be an outlet during stressful days.

2. Be Willing to “Let it Go”


So often the stress that we feel around the holidays is brought on by our own expectations. We want everything to be perfect, so we go out of our way to try and “do it all.” We take on loads of responsibilities that quickly become unmanageable. Whether it’s sending out dozens of holiday cards, standing in long grocery store lines and cooking elaborate meals, or trying to make everything magical by buying all the right gifts. In the process of all that, some of the fun starts to fade.

That’s why we’d encourage you to be willing to let some of those things go!

Rather than cooking a whole multiple course meal from scratch, why not order it from a restaurant? Or, if you can’t get around to taking a family photo for your cards, what’s the harm in skipping a year? So often we put a lot of pressure on ourselves and in the grand scheme of things, it’s not as important as we make it in our minds.

To destress this holiday season, try and accept imperfections knowing that time with family and friends should really trump anything else on the “to-do” list.

On this same point, we also want to encourage you to avoid taking on too many responsibilities at once. You don’t have to do everything yourself. If you know you are already overburdened, embrace the art of saying “No”—or delegate. For instance, take guests up on their offer to bring a dish to your holiday party or tell the school or work committee you’re on that you need help with planning that party. Find ways to make your to-do list more manageable.

3. Take Time to Rest

Christmas socks

Make rest, relaxation and sleep a priority. Getting a good night’s sleep can feel elusive during the holidays, but it’s an important way that we can manage our stress better. Of course, a lot of it has to do with the quality of our sleep. A study from the University of California, Berkeley, found that deep sleep is the best way to “reset the anxious brain.”

With deep sleep (non-rapid eye movement sleep), our heart rate and blood pressure lowers.

It’s a bit of a catch-22 because lack of sleep can contribute to more stress—but the more stressed we are, the harder it is to sleep. That’s why finding ways to make sleep a priority is important. Put away your phone and turn off the television. Everyone is different so focus on finding what works to help put you in a state of relaxation. It might be calming music, yoga or even a warm bath.

Prioritizing relaxation and sleep will ultimately pay off by helping you feel more calm and ready to tackle the day—even as it gets busy!

4. Welcome the Warm and Fuzzies

coffee and book

Crank up some relaxing tunes and take a warm bath, or cozy up to a hot cup of tea while wearing your fuzziest PJs.

While you’re at it, you could also treat yourself to to a DIY anti-stress face mask: Puree five mashed mint leaves and one piece of peeled cucumber (deseeded) in a blender. Add one beaten egg white and blend until smooth. Apply to face; leave on for 20 minutes before rinsing.

5. Embrace the Madness

baking Christmas cookies

Listen: It’s the holidays. With family and friends coming and going, and party after party needing to be hosted, there’s pretty much no way you’re not going to be at least a little stressed. But the holidays only come once a year, which means in a month, when you’re stuck in the doldrums of winter, you might actually miss all the madness.

So embrace it! Accept that you might be a bit tired or that your house might not fully recover for another week or so. It’s OK. Take in the time you have with loved ones, and worry about the rest later.

The post 5 Tips to Avoid Holiday Stress appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

I can finally clean my belly button

My belly button was too deep from its shape and my belly fat to clean out the lint. For a long time now, I've felt lint in it, but no method of cleaning would get it out completely. Now that I'm down to 175 lbs, something about the shape changed enough from my fat loss that I was finally able to clean it easily yesterday! It's so satisfying and I'm so happy. It's a tiny thing but it represents a lot of progress.

After giving birth early last year, I was still a bit over 200 lbs but didn't try to lose weight until 9 months later when I quit breastfeeding. I've been more or less following a meal plan I worked out that has balanced nutrition and a slight calorie deficit. I avoid grains, dairy, sugar, and legumes. I treat fruit like candy, only sometimes partake. I try to eat as many vegetables as I can and anything that supports a healthy gut. I don't exercise much aside from heavy housework and taking care of a toddler all day. It has been the easiest and most effective attempt at weight loss I've ever tried.

submitted by /u/enjoyfoodagain
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Stretch marks appearing like crazy while losing weight?

I 24f am no stranger to stretch marks, they've started appearing on my stomach about a year ago. I have now lost about 20 lbs in the last 4 months, and I am still getting new stretch marks, my older ones are getting longer or wider even. Bright red... so I know they're new. I am moisturizing with bio oil and body lotions and everything, I feel terrible about my weight loss and frustrated with all these new stretch marks... I am now also getting new stretch marks on my hips, which I haven't had since I was 16... I am positive I've lost the weight, and not too quickly too... Anyone know why this is happening?

submitted by /u/Fittingin22
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I wish I had taken more pics of me at my highest weight.

Sorry for text formatting, I'm on mobile. Long story short, I started tracking my weight through MyFitnessPal in December of 2019. Gave up on it for a year. I weighed 114 kilos (250 lbs) in the first pic, but in August of 2020-August 2021, I weighed between 119 and 125 kilos (275 lbs, and I'm 5'2"!). I didn't take pics of me at my highest. I'm now at 102.9 kg/236 lbs. I've lost 48 lbs or 22 kilos since July (5 and 1/2) months. Limiting myself to 1000-1200 calories a day, "exercise" is walking to the grocery store, working, and climbing up 3 staircases a day for now. I know I still need to lose another 50. My jeans are getting loser, but that's about it. The weight loss had luckily hit my stomach area the most. I'm not a spring chicken so I expect loose skin. I've lost 90-100 pounds 10 years ago when I was younger and had it. I don't want to weigh less than 160 lbs, btw. I'm happy with being chubby. For my height, the 115-135 looks weird on me. Different body compositions, maybe.

It sometimes really doesn't seem like I've almost lost 50 pounds.

Before/After pic-- The before pic is at 114 kgs/250 lbs. Too bad I don't have one at 275 lbs/125 kilos. We tend to avoid mirrors, I know. So this is only an 11 lb weight loss comparison but I plan to keep up on it monthly. So should you if you're wary of your progress.

submitted by /u/Gyftycf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

what does 20lbs weight loss look like in the face?

Hi so I lost some weight. (Went from around 135 to 115 so about 20 lbs) Just thought I'd share this because honestly the biggest reason for me wanting to lose weight in the first place was "well maybe it would slim down my chunky face.“ but anytime I'd google something like "weight loss in face before and after" to kind of get an idea of how much of a difference it would realistically make (because I wasn't even fat or overweight to begin with I just wanted my chunky face to be not so chunky) all I found were these before and afters of people's faces who had lost hundreds of lbs. So I honestly had no idea thee change would be this drastic lol. In the before I had on makeup which I'm pretty sure included cheek contour 😃 ikr lol Second picture has no makeup which is why I look kind of sick and tired (and yes fake glasses 🤓) Anyway I hope this gives some of you fellow chunky faces some inspiration

submitted by /u/endomylife-o
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from loseit - Lose the Fat